Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving In WashinTon

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There's certainly one group of people who have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving: The white-collar criminals in Washington who are looting the U.S. Treasury and stealing trillions of dollars from taxpayers.

That's what this financial bailout really is, of course: A grand, desperate swindle that seeks to wring every last cent out of the U.S. dollar before the coming currency collapse. A collapse of the value of the U.S. dollar is coming soon. Just do the math: The end result is obvious. It will either be runaway inflation that leaves dollars virtually worthless or the abandonment of the dollar by the U.S. government and the adoption of a new currency (the Amero?) at confiscatory exchange rates that will wipe out the savings of most Americans.

You are witnessing the downfall of the American empire, and the Federal Reserve -- a private bank that was stupidly handed the power over our nation's money supply -- is heaping new debt onto old de bt, sending the U.S. into a tailspin of bad money from which it will never emerge. Consider this: It took the United States over 230 years to accumulate $5 trillion in debt. That national debt has now roughly tripled in the last 60 days. Officially, the national debt is now about $10 trillion, but with the Fed just announcing another $7 trillion in bailout money, we're talking about a $17 trillion national debt that nobody even has a clue how to pay back.

The very idea that we can pay off bad debt with more bad debt is so utterly stupid in the first place, it could have only been dreamed up by politicians. It makes as much sense as paying off one credit card by taking out a cash advance on another credit card. That's not a financial bailout; it's more like a financial tar pit. But it's exactly what the United States of America has decided to do.

With a failed auto industry, a failed health care system, a failed education system, a failed financial system and two failed wars, the U.S. is looking so much like Rome these days that we should probably all be speaking Greek.

Historically, every national treasury was looted by those in power right before it collapsed. That's exactly what's happening in Washington right now: An organized looting of the U.S. Treasury -- a last-ditch bankruptcy buffet that's handing out trillions to the rich while socking it to the working-class taxpayers.

You're being swindled, friends. And the crooks are getting away with it! The mainstream media does nothing, the FBI does nothing, the lame politicians in Washington do nothing, and the whole mass of brain-dead onlookers just stare at the scene, eyes glazed over, not understanding what they're witnessing right before their very eyes. The mainstream American people have become too complacent and mathematically illiterate to even realize when they're being jacked!

There are two films you desperately need to see on this topic. The first is called I.O.U.S.A, which you can see here:

The second is called The End of America, which is more about the loss of freedoms and the coming police state:

Both will provide you with a top-notch education in reality. You might also want to check out the Alex Jones show at where you'll learn a whole lot more about what's coming.

If you want to learn how to protect yourself from the coming financial chaos, get my 6-hour audio seminar on financial preparedness and health protection. It's available right now at Truth Publishing: http:/ /

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