Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Alec baldwin Not the only person who thought about suicide? Your Not Alone Baldwin

Alec Baldwin Suicidal After TMZ Voicemail Leak
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 3:53:51 PM

Alec Baldwin Suicidal After TMZ Voicemail Leak

Lynn Spears isn't the only one with a celebrity memoir to promote.

Alec Baldwin has just written a new book called A Promise to Ourselves and trashes TMZ for leaking a voicemail message where he called his daughter a "little pig."

He says TMZ founder Harvey Levin, "Seemed to be that breed of tabloid creature that realized an almost sexual level of pleasure from ruining other people's lives."

Alec says the release of the tape caused him to become suicidal writing, "Driving up the Taconic Parkway, heading to an inn in the Berkshire Mountains, I began to think about what little town I would repair to in order to commit suicide."

'When I returned to New York, the thought of jumping out the window of my apartment was with me every night for weeks."

Baldwin said he ultimately decided not to off himself because of his love for daughter Ireland.

We agree TMZ may have crossed the line, especially since a kid is involved.

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