Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Cold(est)

The coldest Clarity Global Injusitce How did it all begin Solve all those histories,arceaologies,centuries,civilizations Create world built on peace amenesian cryogenics Why we all cryn Clarity Oceans,moons,galaxies,cycles Misguided by universal elements misaligned Evolutions solve all those imbalances Eternal living medicine praying fasting peace Every planet Clarity Speaking like king cultures lost to world idealogies Indigenous endangered all tribes all species can't interpret their existence Why do we exist embrace eternal No more universal karma Nations to planets united Clarity Lose reasons think for self Think for wealth superficial means Life is much more then material things Are your loved ones doing fine Your look fine but your bueaty caused destruction of humankind Fast forward no rewind time What will life be like million years from now Clarity All religions all cultures Where do you come from Why do you believe what world gives you world is full of same Injustices Solve issues of human kind on all sides But how Clarity show people error of their ways Show greatest achievements Then show how humans as race haven't achieved eternal infinite Living Blinded by our luxuries our beliefs Can't see we need each other more then sermons prayers speech Speak Clarity If whole world could see past what world see Would their even be war That's how achieve world peace Don't censor misconstrue these words so eternally Forever world Seek Clarity Sent from my @PHATBEATZENT Join the convo let's network song writing,public festivals, party hosting, Webinars, revenue retrieval accounting services. @PHATBEATZENT has many services to supplement your Artistry, Record label, Corporation, Small Business, Sole Propeitorship.Tweet me at

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