Tuesday, October 21, 2008



This little book can change your life!

Truth by Clarence Williams

Truth Can Set You Free

Morality | Good Book | Tongues | To be an Atheist | Smile!


Introduction to the book Truth:

The primary purpose of this book is not simply to discredit and reveal the inaccuracies of religion. The primary purpose of this book is to open the minds, ears and eyes of millions of poor, disadvantaged, disenfranchised people around the world. For it is the poverty-stricken who are the least-educated and least-informed. And I believe that the rich and powerful can never exploit and take advantage of the poor unless the poor are ignorant as well as poor.

A lack of proper education, coupled with the harsh struggles of everyday life, will cause people to turn to anything (and, in some cases, anyone) that may give them a sense of hope and a source of support, especially if that thing, or person, seems to be omni-benevolent. This is a key reason why Hitler was able to galvanize the people and come to power in Europe; because of the depression the people were suffering there (which, in Germany, was worse than that of the U.S. at the time), and the fact that the masses were oblivious to his ulterior motives. When someone (or something) provides a seemingly obtainable, painless and stress-free solution to your troubles (whether they are economic, social, mental or emotional), most people will blindly accept and praise the supposed remedy. It is not until they become aware of the detrimental side effects of the ‘remedy’ do they denounce and abandon their former sentiments and beliefs, and demand a change, not only for themselves, but for others as well.

Growing up in poverty, I have encountered countless men and women—some in their 40’s and 50’s—who are of the least-educated of society, and they think that that is perfectly fine, as long as they ‘know’ the Bible and they ‘know’ that the God of the Bible (or Q’ran) exists. But how can they be so sure of what they claim to know when their analytical reasoning, comprehension, conceptualizing, problem solving and calculating skills are all very rudimentary, especially if they have not read the Bible in its entirety? Now I dare not say that believing in some alleged God is ‘wrong,’ for there are benefits (see Chapter 16, Why Do So Many…). But I have witnessed several severe hindrances to the poor from holding stern belief that some God is in control, and that all occurrences are a part of that God’s plan. Not only is relying on some alleged God a hindrance to these people personally, but it is also a major hindrance to the growth (in education and economic standing) and prosperity of the poor and disadvantaged as a whole, all over the world. And as such, it helps to prevent the cycle-of-poverty from breaking; consequently ensuring the inevitable destitution of their children, and their children’s children.

It troubles me greatly that so many poor, disadvantaged people will sit idly by and proclaim that the miserable plight of the poor (for the past 500+ years), all over the world, is a part of some God’s great plan. It is my desire that the poor, disadvantaged, least-educated and least-informed will cease this rudimentary way of thinking, and in doing so realize that the tragic, saddening situation of the poor and disadvantaged will only improve through the committed actions of courageous men and women. These actions include, but definitely are not limited to: relying on and strengthening your own inner resolve and intestinal fortitude, to overcome any and all obstacles in your life, through your newly strengthened self empowerment; constantly seek for knowledge and understanding, realizing that education and schooling are not one-and-the-same; help to educate others who are poor and disadvantaged, so that they may have more information to work with, to change their situation (which only helps to strengthen us all as a whole); question all motives, beliefs (esp. your own), systems and practices; and demand positive, productive change from governments (esp. your own), corporations and institutions.

If a government is not dealing and ruling equally, justly and righteously with the people of its land, then that government needs to be questioned, forced and regulated to act properly and be accountable, for the people, by the people. Waiting on some God to bring about equality and justice will only leave the people in a world of hurt (the past 500+ years is evidence of this).

Only the actions of people have ever brought about any degree of positive change, for the people of any land. Some people may choose to credit and thank some alleged God for the change, but what is known for a fact is that the actions of men and women are what actually brought about the change. If those actions were undone (if, of course, this was possible), and the masses decided to pray in unison, rather than act, then there would be no positive, productive results. No Change. No progress. No prosperity.

With the wealthy upper and middle class, procrastination—in hope of some God’s beneficent support and intervention—is not seen. This is mainly because they can clearly see that they have a privileged position, and they are aware that the actions of men, throughout history (most notably actions of corruption, deceit, theft, slavery, and shady business and political practices) are what granted many of them the privileged life that they and their children live today. Moreover, the wealthy are fully aware that they alone must secure the future prosperity of their children, and their children’s children. But with the poor and disadvantaged procrastination is always seen. Although they may not be able to properly articulate why they procrastinate, and why they rebel against the systems and institutions of the land (although they may occasionally ponder on the issue), they can clearly see that the world they live in is not, and has never been, fair or just for them. And the possibility of acquiring the American Dream, of wealth and prosperity, which has been promoted to them, is not reflective of their condition in America. It is not reflective of the state of their communities in America. It is not reflective of their history in America. And it is obvious that the mass majority of the people who even look like them are subject to the same abhorrence, disadvantages and neglect. And just as the wealthy are aware that a history of corruption, deceit, slavery and oppression is what secured many of them their current position, the poor are also aware that a history of suffering, and being victimized and neglected is what brought about their current condition; the seemingly unbreakable cycle-of-poverty. So out of ignorance, hunger (for equality, hope, comfort, and support), and in rebellion from a government, systems, and institutions which have told them lies of obtainable prosperity for all men, they continue to fight as they were left to; as hungry, ignorant, frustrated crabs in a bucket: Victimizing the weak, not out of hatred, but out of frustration and desperation for survival, in a world that only pretends to be fair, just and righteous.

When the poor, disadvantaged and least educated become discouraged, they expect some alleged God to comfort them and intervene, not realizing that life is truly what “you” make it. And any cloudy day can become a bright day if you choose for it to be. By the power of your own inner resolve and intestinal fortitude, you can accomplish your goals (those which are truly feasible), and remain optimistic through all struggles. When things do not go the way you planned (for “everything” does not workout perfectly for anyone, and this is something we must learn to accept as well as expect), leaning and depending on yourself, you will still be optimistic, knowing that you, and only you, have the power to, and must bring about positive, productive change. Whether it takes plan A, B or C, before you are successful, still you are in control. And you can clearly see changes being made as a result of your reasonable, shrewd, positive, optimistic plans and actions.

My desire is to enlighten and empower the poor through education; sparking in them self-determination, and the realization that only they can change their condition and break the cycle-of-poverty; ensuring that their children will truly have a fair opportunity for prosperity. Once a person realizes and accepts the truth; that they have only themselves and their fellow citizens to hold responsible for the course the future will take, and the history that shall be written, then, and only then, will they take a committed and courageous stand to make a change in their lives, the lives of their family (most importantly, the family that will be here after they inevitably die), and in the formation and practices of governments, corporations and institutions which form and regulate this world. If we do not make a change in our personal lives, only we as individuals will be held responsible (primarily for the future our children will have to deal with), not some alleged God. If we as a people do not demand proper conduct, formation and practices of the governments, corporations, systems and institutions of this world, only we as a people will be held responsible, not some alleged God. So credit yourself and your fellow man for the work that is done, and the changes that are brought about as a result of that work. And take responsibility for your actions—to include mishaps and bad deeds—don’t blame some Devil, or demons, for your errors, unsuccessful attempts, bad judgment calls, and decisions (which may not have necessarily been “bad”) that produced the worst, rather than the best.

Now I must say, at the beginning (immediately before I first acknowledged and accepted my current beliefs) there was much crying and denial—out of pain and frustration—because it was very difficult for me to accept that I had been deceived and lied to for so long. For as most, I too once much preferred the comfortable and familiar, rather than seeking and accepting truth (however painful the journey and destination may be). But since I’ve dried my eyes, there has been only joy, because I now see clearly. I now think clearly. I now question all things (to include my own beliefs).

For the first time in my life, I felt totally “FREE.” The mental shackles of religion, and an alleged God, were finally broken. And this is what has allowed me to become much more unbiased, impartial, objective, pro-active, skeptical and logical. And the joy of freedom has not waned the slightest in the 3 years since.

After so many years of adamantly believing that the God of the Bible exists, and then coming to discover otherwise, I felt as if the mental smokescreens and roadblocks had finally been removed from my path. A path to discovering who I truly am, the injustices of this world and solutions to ending the ignorance, hopelessness and distraught future of the poor. A path that leads to true knowledge, understanding, and prosperity.

I now lean on my own obvious strength to maintain optimism, joy and peace in my life, knowing that the buck stops here. Leaning and depending on yourself for support and happiness gives you an endless supply of joy daily. Once you realize that you are all you ultimately have to depend on for true happiness, growth and prosperity, nothing can bring you down. When things are not going as you would like, you rejoice, because you know that you, and only you, can bring about a change for the better. Forces outside of you cannot possibly bring you down; not a lack of material possessions, a lack of a significant other, or a lack of good luck (i.e. being in the right place at the right time, by chance, or, if you prefer, an opportunity arising after so much hard work). Once you accept yourself as who you truly are (i.e. the one and only supreme power in your life), that understanding will bring about a peace and joy beyond measure. You will realize that you have full control over your life, and that all you would like to accomplish in life is limited only by your own individual doubts and lack of effort, not by what some alleged God dictates for you to have or not have. I myself have not had a “bad day” in years, this is because I realize that I and I alone have the power to direct my future, and I have the power to regulate and bring about peace within myself, not wealth, not someone else, and not some religion or some alleged God.

In writing this book, I am by no means suggesting that religious leaders (of today) are intentionally deceiving people into believing that the alleged God of the Bible (or Q’ran) exists. Nor am I suggesting that religious leaders (of today) are deceiving and coercing people into accepting and following a particular religion (For they no longer need do so). In fact, I believe that most religious leaders, and their congregations, sincerely believe what they preach and hear (reasons for this are found in chapter 16, Why Do So Many…). However, believing, regardless of how passionate one may be, does not make their beliefs true. Consequently, I have experienced, witnessed and found that those same beliefs are a major hindrance to the poor and disadvantaged, those who are, sadly, seemingly forever locked in the cycle of poverty. And although there are actual benefits to accepting, believing and putting in practice (even if modestly) religion, dogma and tradition (see chapter 16, Why Do So Many…), the hindrances and setbacks of believing far outweigh any degree of benefit (esp., of course, for the poor, disadvantaged and least-educated).

I fear that the cycle of poverty and ignorance may never be broken. For the poor are too troubled with living check to check (if they get one), and too concerned with obtaining and maintaining (at the very least) the basic necessities in life (i.e., food, shelter and clothing) to question and consider the possibility that what they’ve been told their whole lives is no more than mere belief, which has no substantial evidence to support its credibility. Sadly, the struggles of the impoverished are exactly what keep them believing in something that has not, and will never change their condition as a people.

The God of the Bible does not exist, and could not exist. Following are the only reasons why one would not accept the obvious truth of this claim:

The truth hurts; its unbearable and uncomfortable

They would prefer to stay in their comfort zone; thus living life accepting falsehood, rather than accept the harsh reality, and thus growing

Fear of being shunned and ridiculed by family, friends, and society in general, who accept falsehood without question

Fear and discomfort of having to accept and bear much greater responsibility

They are stubborn and cannot get over their ego: Some will feel that by accepting this obvious truth they are somehow conceding to be less accurate and intelligent than another. For the extremely prideful (and/or conceited), this is entirely unacceptable

They have a very low degree of comprehension (and reasoning); therefore they have no choice but to continue accepting the beliefs (and myths) of others

In the following pages, I will prove, far beyond a reasonable doubt, that the God of the Bible could not possibly exist. I apologize for any amount of grief, discomfort, stress, or pain this truth may cause you. But with truth, however painful, should always come change and growth. So be prepared for the pain, and get ready to grow. Get ready to gain life-altering enlightenment.

Meet the author of the book Truth in Harlem on 125th St., where he sells his book at a discounted price.

Buy the book at LULU.com

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Clarence Williams is the author of Truth, a book that is sure to shake the world. This author represents the now enlightened, ardent atheist who was once a sincere, blind-faith Christian.

Email: sometruthhurts@yahoo.com · Website Design by C. R. Williams

Buy Truth by Clarence Williams now at LULU.com or Amazon.com!

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