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Sign the “No More Bailouts” Petition
Bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - $200 Billion
Bailout of Bear Stearns - $29 Billion
Bailout of AIG - $85 Billion
Bailout of money market funds - $50 Billion
Bailout of the rest of Wall Street - $700 Billion
Total cost to date – Over $1,000,000,000,000.
That’s one TRILLION dollars. Trillion with a “T”!
Can you spare any more of your hard-earned money for these bailouts? We didn’t think so. If you’re sick of the bailouts, sign our petition to the President and Congress saying “No more!”
Sign the Petition
Sign the “No More Bailouts” Petition
Write Your Member of Congress
The National Taxpayers Union, a coalition member at, gives you the tools you need to contact your member of Congress and the administration.
Tell Washington that you don’t want to pay for bad policies. Tell Congress and the administration it’s up to them to find real solutions to the financial crisis—they can’t solve this problem by throwing money at it.
Congress must privatize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, reform destructive accounting rules, and get rid of lending laws that force banks to make bad loans.
We deserve real solutions, not more reckless spending.
Contact Your Member of Congress
Write Your Member of Congress
* Sign the “No More Bailouts” Petition
* Write Your Member of Congress
How did this happen?
Some of the largest businesses in the world made terrible investments. Lenders relaxed credit standards to give loans that were unlikely to be repaid. Many individuals got themselves into houses they couldn’t afford with shaky mortgages.
Regular Americans don’t have much control over any of these people or companies, but we do have control over who represents us in government. Politicians created the conditions that led to the Wall Street meltdown:
* The Federal Reserve’s Easy Money
* Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
* Hastily-designed Accounting Rules
* Harmful Lending Mandates
* “Dirty” Tax Code:
Learn about the causes of the crisis and hold Congress accountable.
Click here for more info
What do we do now?
As markets and businesses take corrective action themselves for the excesses of the past few years, there are things that Congress can do to address some of the root causes:
* Privatize Fannie and Freddie
* Prosecute Corrupt Officials
* Suspend Destructive Accounting Rules
* Repeal the Community Reinvestment Act
* Clean Up the Tax Code
Instead of shoveling more taxpayer money into the bailout hole, Congress should change the government policies that helped create this mess in the first place.
That means privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, reforming destructive accounting rules, and getting rid of lending laws that force banks to make bad loans.
Click here for more info
The Latest Bailout News
* Free Lunches for Everybody!!!31.10
* Wall Street and Main Street31.10
* Where’s My Bailout?31.10
* Morning Bell: You Thought You Owned Your 401(k)31.10
* Why the Endless Bail-Outs are Making Things Worse31.10
* House GOP ‘Rapid Recovery’ plan spurs growth by changing long-term expectations31.10
* The Return of Progressive Corporatism30.10
* From NRO: GM Wants a Piece of the Bailout30.10
* Morning Bell: Stop Digging30.10
* Turning Responsible Citizenship into a Sucker’s Game30.10
Read More
What is is a joint venture of the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). The purpose of the website is to educate about government’s role in our current financial difficulties, suggest reforms that address those root causes, and provide a clearinghouse for the latest analysis of the financial crisis. But most of all, it’s an outlet for Americans to contact their Members of Congress and the Administration to express their frustration.
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Copyright © BeyondBailouts.orgA Joint Project of the Competitive Enterprise Institute & the National Taxpayers Union
Friday, October 31, 2008
My SoluZen 2 the Economic Crysis
Hi there Uhuru,
When I was fourteen years old, I went to a seminar where the
speaker said something like: "Society has conditioned people to
spend their time, energy and attention on saving 22 cents on
toothpaste, and not learn about the two biggest expenses in their
lives. Those two expenses are interest and taxes -- usually half
your entire life's earnings."
At fourteen it didn't make much sense to me. I wasn't paying any
taxes, and I didn't have any loans.
Today I understand that I was paying taxes and I was paying
interest, simply by working for a company. A substantial
percentage of the any company's revenues are directed to tax and
interest expenses. Some people understand that the taxes and
interest generated in our economies go to fund wars, create
environmental damage, and cause social injustice in our world. Do
you want to work for a company that contributes to our planet's
But we got to pay the bills, right?
What we really got to do is shift our paradigm. Inside of a
paradigm, everything may make sense. Yes, you need to pay your
bills. So we must think outside the box, into a new paradigm of
what's possible. Let me give you an example:
As a child I thought being financially successful was about how
much money I make per hour. My first job was $4 an hour, and I
even made $300 an hour on accession.
Then I realized that I was living inside of a "number paradigm."
It didn't matter even if I made $5,000/hour in several hours,
because that would not give me a $100,000-a-year lifestyle.
Then I realized I was stuck in the "money paradigm," because even
if I made $500,000 a year, my time would not be my own, and I would
be at the mercy of an employer.
Later I realized I was in a "time paradigm." I began to understand
how to leverage my time, so that I could build assets that produced
a residual income for me. Having this passive income become
greater than my lifestyle expenses would have me live my entire
life free from any time or money constraints.
Because those assets (corporations, stocks, real estate) are about
profit, they have slowly come together to influence politics in the
world. So the game for some has become to change laws for their
own self interests.
For example, you may have noticed a new credit card customer
agreement in the mail recently. All the new fees and charges are
explained inside of a 15-page document, that you must comply with,
whether or not you read it. Yes, there are shareholders of the
bank who are happy that they leveraged their legal and political
connections to raise fees and interest charges without most
customers even realizing it.
The "power paradigm" does resemble the age of kingdoms, but instead
of a dictatorship, there's survival of the most intelligent and
well-connected. This leads us to the world today, where there are
organizations who are not conscious about the environment, or
governments that are not socially just.
We may feel spiritually drained because we, at some level, know
that our votes for government do not create democracy. Rather, our
corporations and people of affluence create the laws that regulate
and enslave the population. With the insertion of ethics,
integrity, and transparency, we are now emerging into a "humanity
We cannot merely transform our current economic paradigm because
interest rates are controlled by international banking authorities
that do not report to governments. Multinational corporations
enslave governments by loaning money to them and then writing their
taxation and trade laws to benefit corporate interests.
These artificial interest rates, sometimes bundled with inflation,
are an economic means to have your freedoms and rights slowly taken
away from you. Unless you're becoming wealthy and beating the
rat-race, you're falling and will have your lifestyle slowly
depleted over time. Haven't some of you experienced that already?
Most of our society works at jobs for companies that, indirectly
through the monetary system, influence governments to go to war and
steal resources from other countries. This system keeps the elite
in power and governments corrupt.
The system must collapse, become it has become unsustainable. And
the collapse will bring on a new age, where the monetary paradigm
won't even exist.
You know this is possible. We know there's enough food in the
world to feed everyone in the world. We don't have a hunger
problem; we have a food distribution problem. The problem is
really political, not economical.
We have the collective world resources to have us all live in
abundance. The shift will happen when the casual attitude goes
from "I have no time to read this, I need to go make my next dollar
so I can pay my rent" to an attitude of "let me explore this, let
me raise my vibration, let me share this possibility of
transformation with others..."
Here's what you can explore right now.
A World Without Money & Politics
Zeitgeist Addendum (Released October 2, 2008)
Watch the movie directly here:
Or link from:
This movie blew me away, with its entertaining and educational
delivery of analogies illustrating the historical constructs of
currency, governance, politics, religion, military, and corporations.
Society being conscious of matters discussed in this movie is what
will transform our planet, which is why I am asking you so
passionately to watch this movie.
We need to raise the vibration and consciousness around these
global issues, and I am counting on your aligned souls to support
me in manifesting that.
The movie is two hours and takes 5 to 10 minutes just to get into
the substance. Only about half way through does it start talking
about solutions. It is very important to be patient and understand
the intricacies of the organic development of our civilization (or
to be civilization) before we can understand the solutions.
There are great times awaiting us. Star Trek's vision of a world
without money is not only possible, it is necessary right now.
Watch the movie directly here:
Or link from:
Let's love the world together...
[)anish /|hmed, Visionary
P.S. If you live in Toronto, I am planning a "movie night" on
Monday, November 3 to watch the movie together with you at my house
(7 PM, Woodrow Ave.).
This is a free event, open to everyone. Invite your friends, too!
P.P.S. For those who are going to attend my movie night, I highly
encourage you to watch it on your own first, so that you can be in
vibration of social transformation in community before you even
When I was fourteen years old, I went to a seminar where the
speaker said something like: "Society has conditioned people to
spend their time, energy and attention on saving 22 cents on
toothpaste, and not learn about the two biggest expenses in their
lives. Those two expenses are interest and taxes -- usually half
your entire life's earnings."
At fourteen it didn't make much sense to me. I wasn't paying any
taxes, and I didn't have any loans.
Today I understand that I was paying taxes and I was paying
interest, simply by working for a company. A substantial
percentage of the any company's revenues are directed to tax and
interest expenses. Some people understand that the taxes and
interest generated in our economies go to fund wars, create
environmental damage, and cause social injustice in our world. Do
you want to work for a company that contributes to our planet's
But we got to pay the bills, right?
What we really got to do is shift our paradigm. Inside of a
paradigm, everything may make sense. Yes, you need to pay your
bills. So we must think outside the box, into a new paradigm of
what's possible. Let me give you an example:
As a child I thought being financially successful was about how
much money I make per hour. My first job was $4 an hour, and I
even made $300 an hour on accession.
Then I realized that I was living inside of a "number paradigm."
It didn't matter even if I made $5,000/hour in several hours,
because that would not give me a $100,000-a-year lifestyle.
Then I realized I was stuck in the "money paradigm," because even
if I made $500,000 a year, my time would not be my own, and I would
be at the mercy of an employer.
Later I realized I was in a "time paradigm." I began to understand
how to leverage my time, so that I could build assets that produced
a residual income for me. Having this passive income become
greater than my lifestyle expenses would have me live my entire
life free from any time or money constraints.
Because those assets (corporations, stocks, real estate) are about
profit, they have slowly come together to influence politics in the
world. So the game for some has become to change laws for their
own self interests.
For example, you may have noticed a new credit card customer
agreement in the mail recently. All the new fees and charges are
explained inside of a 15-page document, that you must comply with,
whether or not you read it. Yes, there are shareholders of the
bank who are happy that they leveraged their legal and political
connections to raise fees and interest charges without most
customers even realizing it.
The "power paradigm" does resemble the age of kingdoms, but instead
of a dictatorship, there's survival of the most intelligent and
well-connected. This leads us to the world today, where there are
organizations who are not conscious about the environment, or
governments that are not socially just.
We may feel spiritually drained because we, at some level, know
that our votes for government do not create democracy. Rather, our
corporations and people of affluence create the laws that regulate
and enslave the population. With the insertion of ethics,
integrity, and transparency, we are now emerging into a "humanity
We cannot merely transform our current economic paradigm because
interest rates are controlled by international banking authorities
that do not report to governments. Multinational corporations
enslave governments by loaning money to them and then writing their
taxation and trade laws to benefit corporate interests.
These artificial interest rates, sometimes bundled with inflation,
are an economic means to have your freedoms and rights slowly taken
away from you. Unless you're becoming wealthy and beating the
rat-race, you're falling and will have your lifestyle slowly
depleted over time. Haven't some of you experienced that already?
Most of our society works at jobs for companies that, indirectly
through the monetary system, influence governments to go to war and
steal resources from other countries. This system keeps the elite
in power and governments corrupt.
The system must collapse, become it has become unsustainable. And
the collapse will bring on a new age, where the monetary paradigm
won't even exist.
You know this is possible. We know there's enough food in the
world to feed everyone in the world. We don't have a hunger
problem; we have a food distribution problem. The problem is
really political, not economical.
We have the collective world resources to have us all live in
abundance. The shift will happen when the casual attitude goes
from "I have no time to read this, I need to go make my next dollar
so I can pay my rent" to an attitude of "let me explore this, let
me raise my vibration, let me share this possibility of
transformation with others..."
Here's what you can explore right now.
A World Without Money & Politics
Zeitgeist Addendum (Released October 2, 2008)
Watch the movie directly here:
Or link from:
This movie blew me away, with its entertaining and educational
delivery of analogies illustrating the historical constructs of
currency, governance, politics, religion, military, and corporations.
Society being conscious of matters discussed in this movie is what
will transform our planet, which is why I am asking you so
passionately to watch this movie.
We need to raise the vibration and consciousness around these
global issues, and I am counting on your aligned souls to support
me in manifesting that.
The movie is two hours and takes 5 to 10 minutes just to get into
the substance. Only about half way through does it start talking
about solutions. It is very important to be patient and understand
the intricacies of the organic development of our civilization (or
to be civilization) before we can understand the solutions.
There are great times awaiting us. Star Trek's vision of a world
without money is not only possible, it is necessary right now.
Watch the movie directly here:
Or link from:
Let's love the world together...
[)anish /|hmed, Visionary
P.S. If you live in Toronto, I am planning a "movie night" on
Monday, November 3 to watch the movie together with you at my house
(7 PM, Woodrow Ave.).
This is a free event, open to everyone. Invite your friends, too!
P.P.S. For those who are going to attend my movie night, I highly
encourage you to watch it on your own first, so that you can be in
vibration of social transformation in community before you even
environmental issues,
US Economy,
World Economy
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mental physical = world poorlootZen
World War II Never Happened uhuru,
And I'll Prove It...
Hang with me on this one uhuru... Not only will I prove this fact in the text below, but I'll reveal the single most powerful secret in the world to you in the process.
No, I'm not a crazy conspiracy theorist, or on the crack pipe. Read this entire message and it will all make perfect sense. Keep this picture in mind when you do...
Alright... So something pretty “out there” occurred to me over the last year.
You know… “What has this guy been smokin'?”, sort of stuff.
But when you consider that I went from $6,000 in debt and waiting tables, to making over $80,000 a month in that short time span, something extra-ordinary must have popped into my little noggin.
So for what’s it’s worth, here’s the underlying secret behind all of the little things that happened which brought the end result to life.
It’s the secret within all of the self-help books that you’ve probably read, but might have never really “gotten”. In fact, they probably left you more frustrated than when you started.
I can relate. It took me about 6 years to finally comprehend this secret.
Until you get this part of your life and your head where it needs to be, you will NEVER be successful. It is impossible.
You MUST get this right. There is no website, marketing system, lead source, or product that will save you. If you don't get your head where it needs to be, everything else is just a waste of time, money, and efforts.
Success in anything in life, including network marketing, is 90% mental, and 10% mechanical (executing the business).
This is going to sound strange. Very strange. But, here’s what you really need to “get”, and get fast…
Everyone of us lives in a different world and different reality.
In fact, there are six billion+ realities taking place on earth right now, this very moment. Six billion!
And every single one of them is different. With six billion different lists of rules for what is possible and what isn’t. With six Billion different perceptions of one event. With six billion different ideas of what truth, morals, and justice mean.
You live in a completely different reality than everyone else. I live in a completely different reality than you do.
You make your rules.
I make mine.
You live by what you think is possible in your world. I live by what I think is possible in mine.
There are six billion+ people, living in six billion+ realities that are all different. And each person has created the rules that define their reality, or has adopted the rules of others.
And here is the key to all of it… You have the power to completely create the rules that define your reality. And you can do it instantly. What was impossible today, can be possible tomorrow if you desire it to be.
This is what God meant when he said that he would grant our every heart’s desire.
This is what Napoleon Hill describes in Think and Grow Rich.
You live in your own personal reality, limited by your own personal set of rules.
This is important:
In any situation, the ideas, concepts, and beliefs of the person with the strongest reality will be adopted by the other party.
Have you ever heard that saying that “sales are a transfer of belief from one person to another”? Well that’s what that means.
When a sale is made, it means that your belief, or your reality, was stronger than the other person’s, and so they adopted it. They bought what you were selling because they bought into your reality.
Don’t believe me?
I’ll prove it.
There is a remote tribe of people called the Huli living in remote areas of Papua New Guniea. Until recently, they have never been exposed to anyone or anything outside of their immediate area. They live in a world of endless forests with no other people. You and I truly do not exist.
There are no countries. There are no such things as plastic, steal, or paper. The only flying objects are birds, and man has never been to the moon. There are no governments and there is no stock-market.
The two world wars never took place. Electricity, telephones, and roads do not even show up in their dreams.
They could never comprehend the sight of a beach, or open ocean. Whales, sharks, and submarines? Nope.
These things TRULY do not exist in their world, and they would DIE to protect their reality of the world, just has countless humans have died to protect their realities throughout history.
Yet, you and I know they are real.
We live in different realities, with different possibilities. But the Huli’s reality is just as real to them, as yours is to you.
So what does this mean to you and your business?
People attract others who live in realities similar to theirs.
Magnetic Sponsoring is all about attraction marketing. Whether that has to do with advertising "magnetic" offers, or developing a magnetic personality that attracts others...
You will ONLY attract people who live in realities similar to yours...
This means that if you are sponsoring duds, it's because deep-down, you believe you are a dud, and that is what's coming through to others.
Why is it that some people can sponsor top tier individuals with almost no effort at all, while others continue to sponsor needy, broke people?
It's easy... Your reality is a reflection of the way you see yourself inside.
If you TRULY believe you are already successful, then you will automatically do the things that successful people do, which will automatically attract other successful people.
You can't fake it. You can try... But you can't.
All of this stuff happens on it's own, without a conscious intent or agenda. It's just your reality. It's just the "way things are".
Most people try to "get successful" before they start to act successful.
It doesn't work that way. The belief has to come first, which leads to correct actions, which brings the results.
And the best part, is that you're only a decision away from creating your new reality...
Entrepreneurs decide to define their own reality. They have come to understand that they have this power.
They constantly create, and re-create the rules by which this world operates based on new experiences and new knowledge.
They continually expand their universe by accepting new rules of possibility discovered through reading, listening, and learning about the realities of others who have what they seek.
There are business building strategies and techniques which can change your life forever in minutes. Powerful things which are already part of other people’s reality.
All you need to do is expose yourself to these people’s worlds, and open yourself up to it. Be willing to adopt the rules they live by, and do business by.
And as you do, your rules will change. Things which were once impossible for you, will become possible.
Idea’s you’ve never had will start to flood you mind.
The outside world you live in will slowly begin to change as you place new rules upon it.
This is what happened to me when I found books by Perry Marshall, Dan Kennedy, and Joe Schroeder. New things… Impossible things came into my world about building a network marketing business.
They completely changed my set of rules and possibilities.
I made their realities mine, and in less than a year, I was making the kind of money that existed in their world.
And guess what's happened since then?
NEWER realities have been seen... Realities where earning $100,000/mo is not even a big deal... Where earning $1,000,000+ per month is absolutely doable...
And the ability and means to accomplish these goals have presented themselves as well.
If you want to live a new life. A free life. The life of an entrepreneur… You must seek out people who live in the world you want, because the bus you ride now doesn’t stop there.
But before that, you must decide one what reality you want to live in… Define a new set of rules for what it… You’ve got to hand the driver a new map with new stops.
Here are just a few of the rules in my world…
In my reality:
I do not fear poverty, because I will always be rich.
Making $1,000,000 a month is not only possible, but a forgone event.
People like, trust, and respect me.
There is no business skill I cannot master.
I attract Top Tier prospects effortlessly because they can see that I share a similar reality to theirs.
For many of you, these things could never happen. You could never fathom a 7 figure income, and you could never imagine ultra-high caliber, 7-figure network marketers wanting to do business with you...
Well, here’s the kicker…
You can, and they would… If, your reality, your belief level, was stronger than theirs.
If it is, they will absolutely buy into your world.
When your level of belief about a new rule you set for yourself becomes stronger than your current belief, then your world will change and you will have what you seek…
But not before.
Belief comes first. Results come second.
Define your new reality. Live it. Sleep it. Dream it. And your life will become it.
If you'd like to adopt the parts of my reality that helped me achieve spectacular results in business, the read Magnetic Sponsoring. It's that simple.
Reading the books written by mentors allowed me to adopt THEIR realities, and achieve the same kind of results they did.
for everyone
Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.
Public safety officials said in interviews with The Hill that the election, which will end with either the nation’s first black president or its first female vice president, demanded a stronger police presence.
Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors.
Democratic strategists and advocates for black voters say they understand officers wanting to keep the peace, but caution that excessive police presence could intimidate voters.
Sen. Obama (Ill.), the Democratic nominee for president, has seen his lead over rival Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) grow in recent weeks, prompting speculation that there could be a violent backlash if he loses unexpectedly.
Cities that have suffered unrest before, such as Detroit, Chicago, Oakland and Philadelphia, will have extra police deployed.
In Oakland, the police will deploy extra units trained in riot control, as well as extra traffic police, and even put SWAT teams on standby.
“Are we anticipating it will be a riot situation? No. But will we be prepared if it goes awry? Yes,” said Jeff Thomason, spokesman for the Oakland Police Department.
“I think it is a big deal — you got an African-American running and [a] woman running,” he added, in reference to Obama and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. “Whoever wins it, it will be a national event. We will have more officers on the street in anticipation that things may go south.”
The Oakland police last faced big riots in 2003 when the Raiders lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Super Bowl. Officials are bracing themselves in case residents of Oakland take Obama’s loss badly.
Political observers such as Hilary Shelton and James Carville fear that record voter turnout could overload polling places on Election Day and could raise tension levels.
Shelton, the director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau, said inadequate voting facilities is a bigger problem in poor communities with large numbers of minorities.
“What are local election officials doing to prepare for what people think will be record turnout at the polls?” said Shelton, who added that during the 2004 election in Ohio voters in predominantly black communities had to wait in line six to eight hours to vote.
“On Election Day, if this continues, you may have some tempers flare; we should be prepared to deal with that but do it without intimidation,” said Shelton, who added that police have to be able to maintain order at polling stations without scaring voters, especially immigrants from “police states.”
Carville, who served as a senior political adviser to former President Bill Clinton, said that many Democrats would be very angry if Obama loses. He noted that many Democrats were upset by Sen. John Kerry’s (D-Mass.) loss to President Bush in the 2004 election, when some Democrats made allegations of vote manipulation in Ohio, the state that ultimately decided the race.
Experts estimated that thousands of voters did not vote in Ohio because of poor preparation and long lines.
Carville said Democratic anger in 2004 “would be very small to what would happen in 2008” if the same problems arose.
Carville said earlier this month that “it would be very, very, very dramatic out there” if Obama lost, a statement some commentators interpreted as predicting riots. In an interview Tuesday, however, Carville said he did not explicitly predict rioting.
“A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger,” said Carville, who predicted that on Election Day “the voting system all around the country is going to be very stressed because there’s going to be enormous turnout.”
Other commentators have made such bold predictions.
“If [Obama] is elected, like with sports championships, people may go out and riot,” said Bob Parks, an online columnist and black Republican candidate for state representative in Massachusetts. “If Barack Obama loses there will be another large group of people who will assume the election was stolen from him….. This will be an opportunity for people who want to commit mischief.”
Speculation about Election-Day violence has spread on the Internet, especially on right-wing websites.
This has caught the attention of police departments in cities such as Cincinnati, which saw race riots in 2001 after police shot a young black man.
“We’ve seen it on the Internet and we’ve heard that there could be civil unrest depending on the outcome of [the election,]” said Lt. Mark Briede of the Cincinnati Police Department. “We are prepared to respond in the case of some sort of unrest or some sort of incident.”
Briede, like other police officials interviewed, declined to elaborate on plans for Election Day. Many police departments have policies prohibiting public discussion of security plans.
James Tate, second deputy chief of Detroit’s police department, said extra manpower would be assigned to duty on Election Night. He said problems could flare whichever candidate wins.
“Either party will make history and we want to prepare for celebrations that will be on a larger scale than for our sports teams,” Tate said.
He noted that police had to control rioters who overturned cars after the Tigers won the 1984 World Series.
“We’re prepared for the best-case scenario, we’re prepared for the worst-case scenario,” he said. “The worst-case scenario could be a situation that requires law enforcement.”
But Tate declined to describe what the worst-case scenario might look like, speaking gingerly like other police officials who are wary of implying that black voters are more likely than other voting groups to cause trouble.
Shelton, of the NAACP, said he understands the need for police to maintain order. But he is also concerned that some political partisans may point their finger at black voters as potential troublemakers because the Democratic nominee is black.
Shelton said any racial or ethnic group would get angry if they felt disenfranchised because of voting irregularities.
Police officials in Chicago, where Obama will hold a Nov. 4 rally, and Philadelphia are also preparing for Election Day.
“The Chicago Police Department has been meeting regularly to coordinate our safety and security plans and will deploy our resources accordingly,” said Monique Bond, of the Chicago Police Department.
Frank Vanore, of the Philadelphia Police Department, said officials were planning to mobilize to control exuberant or perhaps angry demonstrations after the World Series, which pits the Phillies against the Tampa Bay Rays.
He said the boosted police activity would “spill right over to the election.”
Economic cost of pollution is P1.5 billion, 2 percent of GDP
Economic cost of pollution is P1.5 billion, 2 percent of GDP
by Reporter p trilla
Not investing in pollution mitigation is actually costlier than investing, various studies point out.
Aside from its serious threats to health, pollution also means billions of pesos wasted in lost productivity, hospitalization and medication, as well as loss of possible revenues from tourism.
Government should therefore think twice before deciding not to invest in long term infrastructure projects no matter how expensive these may seem.
Air pollution in Metro Manila, for instance, is responsible for 12 percent of all deaths in the region, according to a joint World Bank and Department of Environment and Natural Resources study. Due to poor air quality alone, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are reported kill almost 5,000 people in Metro Manila every year.
Last year, Rahul Raturi, Rural Development, Natural Resources and Environmental Sector Manager of the WB, said the cost of treatment and lost income from the environmental diseases are estimated to be P14 billion annually.
Environmental concerns journalist Henrylito Tacio had higher estimates of the cost of air pollution— $1.5 billion per year or about two percent of the gross domestic product. He figured the cost in terms of lost wages, medical treatment expenses, and premature loss of life due to air pollution.
Among the prevalent diseases associated with air pollution are tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia, which are also compounded with overcrowding in most areas of the NCR.
“This means that each person each year spends around P2,000 for treatment and medication for health-related illnesses brought about by air pollution,” Tacio added.
Water-borne diseases brought about by water pollution, meanwhile, have been responsible for around 31 percent of illness monitored for a five-year period according to the 2003 Philippine Environment Monitor of the World Bank.
The study noted that the “adverse impact of water pollution costs the economy an estimated P67 billion annually . . . these include P3 billion for health, P17 billion for fisheries production, and P47 billion for tourism.”
It also cited that there is an “under-investment” by the government in sanitation and sewerage even though the said projects have been ranked as high priority as early as 1996 in the Philippines Agenda 21. For one, a measly seven percent of the total Philippine population is connected to sewer systems. As such, the study estimated that over a 10-year period, the country will need to invest P250 billion in physical infrastructure.
Local governments must also think twice about retaining outmoded solid waste management methods, such as landfilling and dumpsite contracting, since alternative and more environmentally-sound measures will actually save the government millions.
In 2004, the National Solid Waste Management Commission estimated that the country generates about 7.2 million tons of garbage every year. The commission reported that the volume is bound to increase to more than 10 million tons per year by 2010.
Citing a 2003 Asian Development Bank study, the Board of Investment of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) wrote early this year that “the total cost of solid waste management in Metro Manila in 2001, from collection to final disposal, is estimated to have reached P3.5 billion or P1,700 per ton of waste. Considering the required improvement of final disposal to sanitary landfill and reduction of waste by intermediate treatment, the cost of solid waste is expected to further increase and bear heavily upon the local budget.”
The ADB study, moreover, indicates that reduction of solid waste generation by 10 percent can save about P340 million in terms of solid waste management cost. The DTI paper noted, “this clearly demonstrates the positive impacts of promoting recycling upon national as well as local budget.”
The government, however, must be wary when it does invest in technologies aimed to curb pollution.
Environmental advocacy groups such as the EcoWaste Coalition, for instance, have lambasted a planned $2.2-million loan in the 2009 budget to purchase a reportedly outmoded hospital-waste incinerator from Austria which has been banned in most European countries.
There is no easy, quick fix solution to a long-standing and systematic malady such as pollution. It requires large and stringently-monitored investments that are both sustainable and environmentally sound.
There must be no hesitation from both government and its citizens to invest in projects aimed at curbing pollution. While the costs are great, the payback, in terms of improved and safe living conditions, will be priceless.
cost of pollution
And I'll Prove It...
Hang with me on this one uhuru... Not only will I prove this fact in the text below, but I'll reveal the single most powerful secret in the world to you in the process.
No, I'm not a crazy conspiracy theorist, or on the crack pipe. Read this entire message and it will all make perfect sense. Keep this picture in mind when you do...
Alright... So something pretty “out there” occurred to me over the last year.
You know… “What has this guy been smokin'?”, sort of stuff.
But when you consider that I went from $6,000 in debt and waiting tables, to making over $80,000 a month in that short time span, something extra-ordinary must have popped into my little noggin.
So for what’s it’s worth, here’s the underlying secret behind all of the little things that happened which brought the end result to life.
It’s the secret within all of the self-help books that you’ve probably read, but might have never really “gotten”. In fact, they probably left you more frustrated than when you started.
I can relate. It took me about 6 years to finally comprehend this secret.
Until you get this part of your life and your head where it needs to be, you will NEVER be successful. It is impossible.
You MUST get this right. There is no website, marketing system, lead source, or product that will save you. If you don't get your head where it needs to be, everything else is just a waste of time, money, and efforts.
Success in anything in life, including network marketing, is 90% mental, and 10% mechanical (executing the business).
This is going to sound strange. Very strange. But, here’s what you really need to “get”, and get fast…
Everyone of us lives in a different world and different reality.
In fact, there are six billion+ realities taking place on earth right now, this very moment. Six billion!
And every single one of them is different. With six billion different lists of rules for what is possible and what isn’t. With six Billion different perceptions of one event. With six billion different ideas of what truth, morals, and justice mean.
You live in a completely different reality than everyone else. I live in a completely different reality than you do.
You make your rules.
I make mine.
You live by what you think is possible in your world. I live by what I think is possible in mine.
There are six billion+ people, living in six billion+ realities that are all different. And each person has created the rules that define their reality, or has adopted the rules of others.
And here is the key to all of it… You have the power to completely create the rules that define your reality. And you can do it instantly. What was impossible today, can be possible tomorrow if you desire it to be.
This is what God meant when he said that he would grant our every heart’s desire.
This is what Napoleon Hill describes in Think and Grow Rich.
You live in your own personal reality, limited by your own personal set of rules.
This is important:
In any situation, the ideas, concepts, and beliefs of the person with the strongest reality will be adopted by the other party.
Have you ever heard that saying that “sales are a transfer of belief from one person to another”? Well that’s what that means.
When a sale is made, it means that your belief, or your reality, was stronger than the other person’s, and so they adopted it. They bought what you were selling because they bought into your reality.
Don’t believe me?
I’ll prove it.
There is a remote tribe of people called the Huli living in remote areas of Papua New Guniea. Until recently, they have never been exposed to anyone or anything outside of their immediate area. They live in a world of endless forests with no other people. You and I truly do not exist.
There are no countries. There are no such things as plastic, steal, or paper. The only flying objects are birds, and man has never been to the moon. There are no governments and there is no stock-market.
The two world wars never took place. Electricity, telephones, and roads do not even show up in their dreams.
They could never comprehend the sight of a beach, or open ocean. Whales, sharks, and submarines? Nope.
These things TRULY do not exist in their world, and they would DIE to protect their reality of the world, just has countless humans have died to protect their realities throughout history.
Yet, you and I know they are real.
We live in different realities, with different possibilities. But the Huli’s reality is just as real to them, as yours is to you.
So what does this mean to you and your business?
People attract others who live in realities similar to theirs.
Magnetic Sponsoring is all about attraction marketing. Whether that has to do with advertising "magnetic" offers, or developing a magnetic personality that attracts others...
You will ONLY attract people who live in realities similar to yours...
This means that if you are sponsoring duds, it's because deep-down, you believe you are a dud, and that is what's coming through to others.
Why is it that some people can sponsor top tier individuals with almost no effort at all, while others continue to sponsor needy, broke people?
It's easy... Your reality is a reflection of the way you see yourself inside.
If you TRULY believe you are already successful, then you will automatically do the things that successful people do, which will automatically attract other successful people.
You can't fake it. You can try... But you can't.
All of this stuff happens on it's own, without a conscious intent or agenda. It's just your reality. It's just the "way things are".
Most people try to "get successful" before they start to act successful.
It doesn't work that way. The belief has to come first, which leads to correct actions, which brings the results.
And the best part, is that you're only a decision away from creating your new reality...
Entrepreneurs decide to define their own reality. They have come to understand that they have this power.
They constantly create, and re-create the rules by which this world operates based on new experiences and new knowledge.
They continually expand their universe by accepting new rules of possibility discovered through reading, listening, and learning about the realities of others who have what they seek.
There are business building strategies and techniques which can change your life forever in minutes. Powerful things which are already part of other people’s reality.
All you need to do is expose yourself to these people’s worlds, and open yourself up to it. Be willing to adopt the rules they live by, and do business by.
And as you do, your rules will change. Things which were once impossible for you, will become possible.
Idea’s you’ve never had will start to flood you mind.
The outside world you live in will slowly begin to change as you place new rules upon it.
This is what happened to me when I found books by Perry Marshall, Dan Kennedy, and Joe Schroeder. New things… Impossible things came into my world about building a network marketing business.
They completely changed my set of rules and possibilities.
I made their realities mine, and in less than a year, I was making the kind of money that existed in their world.
And guess what's happened since then?
NEWER realities have been seen... Realities where earning $100,000/mo is not even a big deal... Where earning $1,000,000+ per month is absolutely doable...
And the ability and means to accomplish these goals have presented themselves as well.
If you want to live a new life. A free life. The life of an entrepreneur… You must seek out people who live in the world you want, because the bus you ride now doesn’t stop there.
But before that, you must decide one what reality you want to live in… Define a new set of rules for what it… You’ve got to hand the driver a new map with new stops.
Here are just a few of the rules in my world…
In my reality:
I do not fear poverty, because I will always be rich.
Making $1,000,000 a month is not only possible, but a forgone event.
People like, trust, and respect me.
There is no business skill I cannot master.
I attract Top Tier prospects effortlessly because they can see that I share a similar reality to theirs.
For many of you, these things could never happen. You could never fathom a 7 figure income, and you could never imagine ultra-high caliber, 7-figure network marketers wanting to do business with you...
Well, here’s the kicker…
You can, and they would… If, your reality, your belief level, was stronger than theirs.
If it is, they will absolutely buy into your world.
When your level of belief about a new rule you set for yourself becomes stronger than your current belief, then your world will change and you will have what you seek…
But not before.
Belief comes first. Results come second.
Define your new reality. Live it. Sleep it. Dream it. And your life will become it.
If you'd like to adopt the parts of my reality that helped me achieve spectacular results in business, the read Magnetic Sponsoring. It's that simple.
Reading the books written by mentors allowed me to adopt THEIR realities, and achieve the same kind of results they did.
for everyone
Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.
Public safety officials said in interviews with The Hill that the election, which will end with either the nation’s first black president or its first female vice president, demanded a stronger police presence.
Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors.
Democratic strategists and advocates for black voters say they understand officers wanting to keep the peace, but caution that excessive police presence could intimidate voters.
Sen. Obama (Ill.), the Democratic nominee for president, has seen his lead over rival Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) grow in recent weeks, prompting speculation that there could be a violent backlash if he loses unexpectedly.
Cities that have suffered unrest before, such as Detroit, Chicago, Oakland and Philadelphia, will have extra police deployed.
In Oakland, the police will deploy extra units trained in riot control, as well as extra traffic police, and even put SWAT teams on standby.
“Are we anticipating it will be a riot situation? No. But will we be prepared if it goes awry? Yes,” said Jeff Thomason, spokesman for the Oakland Police Department.
“I think it is a big deal — you got an African-American running and [a] woman running,” he added, in reference to Obama and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin. “Whoever wins it, it will be a national event. We will have more officers on the street in anticipation that things may go south.”
The Oakland police last faced big riots in 2003 when the Raiders lost to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the Super Bowl. Officials are bracing themselves in case residents of Oakland take Obama’s loss badly.
Political observers such as Hilary Shelton and James Carville fear that record voter turnout could overload polling places on Election Day and could raise tension levels.
Shelton, the director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau, said inadequate voting facilities is a bigger problem in poor communities with large numbers of minorities.
“What are local election officials doing to prepare for what people think will be record turnout at the polls?” said Shelton, who added that during the 2004 election in Ohio voters in predominantly black communities had to wait in line six to eight hours to vote.
“On Election Day, if this continues, you may have some tempers flare; we should be prepared to deal with that but do it without intimidation,” said Shelton, who added that police have to be able to maintain order at polling stations without scaring voters, especially immigrants from “police states.”
Carville, who served as a senior political adviser to former President Bill Clinton, said that many Democrats would be very angry if Obama loses. He noted that many Democrats were upset by Sen. John Kerry’s (D-Mass.) loss to President Bush in the 2004 election, when some Democrats made allegations of vote manipulation in Ohio, the state that ultimately decided the race.
Experts estimated that thousands of voters did not vote in Ohio because of poor preparation and long lines.
Carville said Democratic anger in 2004 “would be very small to what would happen in 2008” if the same problems arose.
Carville said earlier this month that “it would be very, very, very dramatic out there” if Obama lost, a statement some commentators interpreted as predicting riots. In an interview Tuesday, however, Carville said he did not explicitly predict rioting.
“A lot of Democrats would have a great deal of angst and anger,” said Carville, who predicted that on Election Day “the voting system all around the country is going to be very stressed because there’s going to be enormous turnout.”
Other commentators have made such bold predictions.
“If [Obama] is elected, like with sports championships, people may go out and riot,” said Bob Parks, an online columnist and black Republican candidate for state representative in Massachusetts. “If Barack Obama loses there will be another large group of people who will assume the election was stolen from him….. This will be an opportunity for people who want to commit mischief.”
Speculation about Election-Day violence has spread on the Internet, especially on right-wing websites.
This has caught the attention of police departments in cities such as Cincinnati, which saw race riots in 2001 after police shot a young black man.
“We’ve seen it on the Internet and we’ve heard that there could be civil unrest depending on the outcome of [the election,]” said Lt. Mark Briede of the Cincinnati Police Department. “We are prepared to respond in the case of some sort of unrest or some sort of incident.”
Briede, like other police officials interviewed, declined to elaborate on plans for Election Day. Many police departments have policies prohibiting public discussion of security plans.
James Tate, second deputy chief of Detroit’s police department, said extra manpower would be assigned to duty on Election Night. He said problems could flare whichever candidate wins.
“Either party will make history and we want to prepare for celebrations that will be on a larger scale than for our sports teams,” Tate said.
He noted that police had to control rioters who overturned cars after the Tigers won the 1984 World Series.
“We’re prepared for the best-case scenario, we’re prepared for the worst-case scenario,” he said. “The worst-case scenario could be a situation that requires law enforcement.”
But Tate declined to describe what the worst-case scenario might look like, speaking gingerly like other police officials who are wary of implying that black voters are more likely than other voting groups to cause trouble.
Shelton, of the NAACP, said he understands the need for police to maintain order. But he is also concerned that some political partisans may point their finger at black voters as potential troublemakers because the Democratic nominee is black.
Shelton said any racial or ethnic group would get angry if they felt disenfranchised because of voting irregularities.
Police officials in Chicago, where Obama will hold a Nov. 4 rally, and Philadelphia are also preparing for Election Day.
“The Chicago Police Department has been meeting regularly to coordinate our safety and security plans and will deploy our resources accordingly,” said Monique Bond, of the Chicago Police Department.
Frank Vanore, of the Philadelphia Police Department, said officials were planning to mobilize to control exuberant or perhaps angry demonstrations after the World Series, which pits the Phillies against the Tampa Bay Rays.
He said the boosted police activity would “spill right over to the election.”
Economic cost of pollution is P1.5 billion, 2 percent of GDP
Economic cost of pollution is P1.5 billion, 2 percent of GDP
by Reporter p trilla
Not investing in pollution mitigation is actually costlier than investing, various studies point out.
Aside from its serious threats to health, pollution also means billions of pesos wasted in lost productivity, hospitalization and medication, as well as loss of possible revenues from tourism.
Government should therefore think twice before deciding not to invest in long term infrastructure projects no matter how expensive these may seem.
Air pollution in Metro Manila, for instance, is responsible for 12 percent of all deaths in the region, according to a joint World Bank and Department of Environment and Natural Resources study. Due to poor air quality alone, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases are reported kill almost 5,000 people in Metro Manila every year.
Last year, Rahul Raturi, Rural Development, Natural Resources and Environmental Sector Manager of the WB, said the cost of treatment and lost income from the environmental diseases are estimated to be P14 billion annually.
Environmental concerns journalist Henrylito Tacio had higher estimates of the cost of air pollution— $1.5 billion per year or about two percent of the gross domestic product. He figured the cost in terms of lost wages, medical treatment expenses, and premature loss of life due to air pollution.
Among the prevalent diseases associated with air pollution are tuberculosis, asthma and pneumonia, which are also compounded with overcrowding in most areas of the NCR.
“This means that each person each year spends around P2,000 for treatment and medication for health-related illnesses brought about by air pollution,” Tacio added.
Water-borne diseases brought about by water pollution, meanwhile, have been responsible for around 31 percent of illness monitored for a five-year period according to the 2003 Philippine Environment Monitor of the World Bank.
The study noted that the “adverse impact of water pollution costs the economy an estimated P67 billion annually . . . these include P3 billion for health, P17 billion for fisheries production, and P47 billion for tourism.”
It also cited that there is an “under-investment” by the government in sanitation and sewerage even though the said projects have been ranked as high priority as early as 1996 in the Philippines Agenda 21. For one, a measly seven percent of the total Philippine population is connected to sewer systems. As such, the study estimated that over a 10-year period, the country will need to invest P250 billion in physical infrastructure.
Local governments must also think twice about retaining outmoded solid waste management methods, such as landfilling and dumpsite contracting, since alternative and more environmentally-sound measures will actually save the government millions.
In 2004, the National Solid Waste Management Commission estimated that the country generates about 7.2 million tons of garbage every year. The commission reported that the volume is bound to increase to more than 10 million tons per year by 2010.
Citing a 2003 Asian Development Bank study, the Board of Investment of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) wrote early this year that “the total cost of solid waste management in Metro Manila in 2001, from collection to final disposal, is estimated to have reached P3.5 billion or P1,700 per ton of waste. Considering the required improvement of final disposal to sanitary landfill and reduction of waste by intermediate treatment, the cost of solid waste is expected to further increase and bear heavily upon the local budget.”
The ADB study, moreover, indicates that reduction of solid waste generation by 10 percent can save about P340 million in terms of solid waste management cost. The DTI paper noted, “this clearly demonstrates the positive impacts of promoting recycling upon national as well as local budget.”
The government, however, must be wary when it does invest in technologies aimed to curb pollution.
Environmental advocacy groups such as the EcoWaste Coalition, for instance, have lambasted a planned $2.2-million loan in the 2009 budget to purchase a reportedly outmoded hospital-waste incinerator from Austria which has been banned in most European countries.
There is no easy, quick fix solution to a long-standing and systematic malady such as pollution. It requires large and stringently-monitored investments that are both sustainable and environmentally sound.
There must be no hesitation from both government and its citizens to invest in projects aimed at curbing pollution. While the costs are great, the payback, in terms of improved and safe living conditions, will be priceless.
cost of pollution
civil unrest,
cost of pollution,
world world II
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I know i cant change your mind but read this for hindsight.
General Conversation, Introductions, and Humor
Usually I like to keep Politics and Religion out of most conversations. I have a military like stance, don't ask don't tell. I know I am not going to change anyone’s mind, even though I would like to, so talking about it or arguing about it is pointless. However, in light of the current campaigns and the magnitude of this election I would like to put my two cents in. After watching the Vice Presidential Debates I hope it has become appallingly clear that Sarah Palin has absolutely no clue what she is talking about. She has, so far, been unable to answer a question directly regardless of the interview or forum. She skates around the issue and regurgitates what she thinks her contingents want to hear. Joe Biden answered every question directly and concisely. The clear winner of that debate was Biden. Regardless of your opinion on the issues that were discussed Biden won that debate.I am a recovering Republican, not really though, my parents were Republicans but that was because they were well off and liked the tax breaks. They understood Reaganomics and were in a tax bracket that voting Republican would benefit them. Yes, they are conservative on most issues but not the ones you might think or for the reasons you might think. I would call them fiscally Republican and socially Democrat. I was a Republican because they were. This brings me to my next point. If you are a Republican because of your religion then you are not thinking critically. Unless your church pays taxes (NONE of them do) then they should NOT be preaching politics. If you are voting the Republican ticket because someone else told you to or tried to sway you, you are not thinking critically. Try thinking for yourself, if you really do, then a light should come on in your head. Ask yourself this question. Am I voting on issues that I know are right, or that have been sold to me by someone else? Examples would be friends, family members, pastors, priests, deacons, rabbis, peer group members. etc. etc. I am going to list some keys political points and then show that critical thinkers should vote using their brains, not their “hearts”.
National Security: John McCain (JMc) would be a worse threat to national security than Barack Obama (BO). BO has huge international support, when he gets elected BO will reflect that Americans are fed up with the current government and we are indeed ready for change. Both in foreign policy and domestic policy, the world would view us as a different country than we have been for the last 8 years. JMc would be viewed as an extension of George W. Bush. Therefore, our foreign policy would not really change, our enemies would still hate us and we would be more vulnerable to attack. Both here and abroad.
Gay Rights: Are you are married? Do you plan on getting married? How would you feel if the government told you that you could not marry the person you love? Gay people are just that. They are People. They are not to be “tolerated” like Palin implied, they are to be treated with the same respect every person deserves. You as an American have the right to marry or do pretty much anything you want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else. Gay marriages don’t hurt anybody. They are not “abominations”; they are people that are just different than you. It is not a choice or a lifestyle. They are born that way.
Roe v. Wade: This is a touchy one but if you think critically you will understand my point. Mind your own FUCKING business.
Global Warming: We do not need to start off-shore drilling, this is a band aid. Yes, it will decrease dependence on foreign oil but it will help perpetuate the carbon emission problem. BO is right on the money, we need to focus on new energy resources. This will create new jobs and clean up the air. If we set the example the rest of the world will follow. We could actually make a new export! Imagine, having a real export besides grain. Now we would become players in the global economy again instead of just being consumers.
Taxes: If you make over $250,000.00 a year BO’s tax plan might hurt you a little in the pocket book. It is fact that the top income earners pay most of the taxes in the U.S. Even if you DO make more the $250K (I think I know ONE family right now that does) a year this would not be a reason to vote Republican. If you do make $250K or more then good for you, you can afford to pay higher taxes. You can also do your part in helping your country pull out of Iraq and giving health care to millions of Americans who don’t have it. If you are like me and most are, then BO’s new tax plan will help you.
The War: Haven’t enough people died over there? We need to get our troops home now. I have had friends and neighbors that have been on multiple tours. They are tired and have served their country well. They don’t need to go back. Having a full scale withdrawal would help international affairs not hinder them. The only thing that I agree with G. W. Bush on is “Mission Accomplished”. If you define ‘winning’ the war, over throwing the old régime and installing a democracy winning the war. Then we have won, and we need to get out. If you define it as occupying a foreign country and securing the region to control the flow and price of oil, then no, we haven’t won and we never will. We still need to get out of that country before the rest of the world joins the Taliban.
I know there are a lot more topics but these are the top six as far as I am concerned. If you have anymore that you want to discuss feel free to respond. I know I am not going to sway you. This is why I use the term over and over, think critically. Critical Thinkers vote for Obama!Superstitious people with imaginary friends vote for McCain. Think or know don’t “feel or believe”.Heathensrule
General Conversation, Introductions, and Humor
Usually I like to keep Politics and Religion out of most conversations. I have a military like stance, don't ask don't tell. I know I am not going to change anyone’s mind, even though I would like to, so talking about it or arguing about it is pointless. However, in light of the current campaigns and the magnitude of this election I would like to put my two cents in. After watching the Vice Presidential Debates I hope it has become appallingly clear that Sarah Palin has absolutely no clue what she is talking about. She has, so far, been unable to answer a question directly regardless of the interview or forum. She skates around the issue and regurgitates what she thinks her contingents want to hear. Joe Biden answered every question directly and concisely. The clear winner of that debate was Biden. Regardless of your opinion on the issues that were discussed Biden won that debate.I am a recovering Republican, not really though, my parents were Republicans but that was because they were well off and liked the tax breaks. They understood Reaganomics and were in a tax bracket that voting Republican would benefit them. Yes, they are conservative on most issues but not the ones you might think or for the reasons you might think. I would call them fiscally Republican and socially Democrat. I was a Republican because they were. This brings me to my next point. If you are a Republican because of your religion then you are not thinking critically. Unless your church pays taxes (NONE of them do) then they should NOT be preaching politics. If you are voting the Republican ticket because someone else told you to or tried to sway you, you are not thinking critically. Try thinking for yourself, if you really do, then a light should come on in your head. Ask yourself this question. Am I voting on issues that I know are right, or that have been sold to me by someone else? Examples would be friends, family members, pastors, priests, deacons, rabbis, peer group members. etc. etc. I am going to list some keys political points and then show that critical thinkers should vote using their brains, not their “hearts”.
National Security: John McCain (JMc) would be a worse threat to national security than Barack Obama (BO). BO has huge international support, when he gets elected BO will reflect that Americans are fed up with the current government and we are indeed ready for change. Both in foreign policy and domestic policy, the world would view us as a different country than we have been for the last 8 years. JMc would be viewed as an extension of George W. Bush. Therefore, our foreign policy would not really change, our enemies would still hate us and we would be more vulnerable to attack. Both here and abroad.
Gay Rights: Are you are married? Do you plan on getting married? How would you feel if the government told you that you could not marry the person you love? Gay people are just that. They are People. They are not to be “tolerated” like Palin implied, they are to be treated with the same respect every person deserves. You as an American have the right to marry or do pretty much anything you want, as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else. Gay marriages don’t hurt anybody. They are not “abominations”; they are people that are just different than you. It is not a choice or a lifestyle. They are born that way.
Roe v. Wade: This is a touchy one but if you think critically you will understand my point. Mind your own FUCKING business.
Global Warming: We do not need to start off-shore drilling, this is a band aid. Yes, it will decrease dependence on foreign oil but it will help perpetuate the carbon emission problem. BO is right on the money, we need to focus on new energy resources. This will create new jobs and clean up the air. If we set the example the rest of the world will follow. We could actually make a new export! Imagine, having a real export besides grain. Now we would become players in the global economy again instead of just being consumers.
Taxes: If you make over $250,000.00 a year BO’s tax plan might hurt you a little in the pocket book. It is fact that the top income earners pay most of the taxes in the U.S. Even if you DO make more the $250K (I think I know ONE family right now that does) a year this would not be a reason to vote Republican. If you do make $250K or more then good for you, you can afford to pay higher taxes. You can also do your part in helping your country pull out of Iraq and giving health care to millions of Americans who don’t have it. If you are like me and most are, then BO’s new tax plan will help you.
The War: Haven’t enough people died over there? We need to get our troops home now. I have had friends and neighbors that have been on multiple tours. They are tired and have served their country well. They don’t need to go back. Having a full scale withdrawal would help international affairs not hinder them. The only thing that I agree with G. W. Bush on is “Mission Accomplished”. If you define ‘winning’ the war, over throwing the old régime and installing a democracy winning the war. Then we have won, and we need to get out. If you define it as occupying a foreign country and securing the region to control the flow and price of oil, then no, we haven’t won and we never will. We still need to get out of that country before the rest of the world joins the Taliban.
I know there are a lot more topics but these are the top six as far as I am concerned. If you have anymore that you want to discuss feel free to respond. I know I am not going to sway you. This is why I use the term over and over, think critically. Critical Thinkers vote for Obama!Superstitious people with imaginary friends vote for McCain. Think or know don’t “feel or believe”.Heathensrule
barack obama,
international affairs,
John McCain,
sarah palin,
This little book can change your life!
Truth by Clarence Williams
Truth Can Set You Free
Morality | Good Book | Tongues | To be an Atheist | Smile!
Introduction to the book Truth:
The primary purpose of this book is not simply to discredit and reveal the inaccuracies of religion. The primary purpose of this book is to open the minds, ears and eyes of millions of poor, disadvantaged, disenfranchised people around the world. For it is the poverty-stricken who are the least-educated and least-informed. And I believe that the rich and powerful can never exploit and take advantage of the poor unless the poor are ignorant as well as poor.
A lack of proper education, coupled with the harsh struggles of everyday life, will cause people to turn to anything (and, in some cases, anyone) that may give them a sense of hope and a source of support, especially if that thing, or person, seems to be omni-benevolent. This is a key reason why Hitler was able to galvanize the people and come to power in Europe; because of the depression the people were suffering there (which, in Germany, was worse than that of the U.S. at the time), and the fact that the masses were oblivious to his ulterior motives. When someone (or something) provides a seemingly obtainable, painless and stress-free solution to your troubles (whether they are economic, social, mental or emotional), most people will blindly accept and praise the supposed remedy. It is not until they become aware of the detrimental side effects of the ‘remedy’ do they denounce and abandon their former sentiments and beliefs, and demand a change, not only for themselves, but for others as well.
Growing up in poverty, I have encountered countless men and women—some in their 40’s and 50’s—who are of the least-educated of society, and they think that that is perfectly fine, as long as they ‘know’ the Bible and they ‘know’ that the God of the Bible (or Q’ran) exists. But how can they be so sure of what they claim to know when their analytical reasoning, comprehension, conceptualizing, problem solving and calculating skills are all very rudimentary, especially if they have not read the Bible in its entirety? Now I dare not say that believing in some alleged God is ‘wrong,’ for there are benefits (see Chapter 16, Why Do So Many…). But I have witnessed several severe hindrances to the poor from holding stern belief that some God is in control, and that all occurrences are a part of that God’s plan. Not only is relying on some alleged God a hindrance to these people personally, but it is also a major hindrance to the growth (in education and economic standing) and prosperity of the poor and disadvantaged as a whole, all over the world. And as such, it helps to prevent the cycle-of-poverty from breaking; consequently ensuring the inevitable destitution of their children, and their children’s children.
It troubles me greatly that so many poor, disadvantaged people will sit idly by and proclaim that the miserable plight of the poor (for the past 500+ years), all over the world, is a part of some God’s great plan. It is my desire that the poor, disadvantaged, least-educated and least-informed will cease this rudimentary way of thinking, and in doing so realize that the tragic, saddening situation of the poor and disadvantaged will only improve through the committed actions of courageous men and women. These actions include, but definitely are not limited to: relying on and strengthening your own inner resolve and intestinal fortitude, to overcome any and all obstacles in your life, through your newly strengthened self empowerment; constantly seek for knowledge and understanding, realizing that education and schooling are not one-and-the-same; help to educate others who are poor and disadvantaged, so that they may have more information to work with, to change their situation (which only helps to strengthen us all as a whole); question all motives, beliefs (esp. your own), systems and practices; and demand positive, productive change from governments (esp. your own), corporations and institutions.
If a government is not dealing and ruling equally, justly and righteously with the people of its land, then that government needs to be questioned, forced and regulated to act properly and be accountable, for the people, by the people. Waiting on some God to bring about equality and justice will only leave the people in a world of hurt (the past 500+ years is evidence of this).
Only the actions of people have ever brought about any degree of positive change, for the people of any land. Some people may choose to credit and thank some alleged God for the change, but what is known for a fact is that the actions of men and women are what actually brought about the change. If those actions were undone (if, of course, this was possible), and the masses decided to pray in unison, rather than act, then there would be no positive, productive results. No Change. No progress. No prosperity.
With the wealthy upper and middle class, procrastination—in hope of some God’s beneficent support and intervention—is not seen. This is mainly because they can clearly see that they have a privileged position, and they are aware that the actions of men, throughout history (most notably actions of corruption, deceit, theft, slavery, and shady business and political practices) are what granted many of them the privileged life that they and their children live today. Moreover, the wealthy are fully aware that they alone must secure the future prosperity of their children, and their children’s children. But with the poor and disadvantaged procrastination is always seen. Although they may not be able to properly articulate why they procrastinate, and why they rebel against the systems and institutions of the land (although they may occasionally ponder on the issue), they can clearly see that the world they live in is not, and has never been, fair or just for them. And the possibility of acquiring the American Dream, of wealth and prosperity, which has been promoted to them, is not reflective of their condition in America. It is not reflective of the state of their communities in America. It is not reflective of their history in America. And it is obvious that the mass majority of the people who even look like them are subject to the same abhorrence, disadvantages and neglect. And just as the wealthy are aware that a history of corruption, deceit, slavery and oppression is what secured many of them their current position, the poor are also aware that a history of suffering, and being victimized and neglected is what brought about their current condition; the seemingly unbreakable cycle-of-poverty. So out of ignorance, hunger (for equality, hope, comfort, and support), and in rebellion from a government, systems, and institutions which have told them lies of obtainable prosperity for all men, they continue to fight as they were left to; as hungry, ignorant, frustrated crabs in a bucket: Victimizing the weak, not out of hatred, but out of frustration and desperation for survival, in a world that only pretends to be fair, just and righteous.
When the poor, disadvantaged and least educated become discouraged, they expect some alleged God to comfort them and intervene, not realizing that life is truly what “you” make it. And any cloudy day can become a bright day if you choose for it to be. By the power of your own inner resolve and intestinal fortitude, you can accomplish your goals (those which are truly feasible), and remain optimistic through all struggles. When things do not go the way you planned (for “everything” does not workout perfectly for anyone, and this is something we must learn to accept as well as expect), leaning and depending on yourself, you will still be optimistic, knowing that you, and only you, have the power to, and must bring about positive, productive change. Whether it takes plan A, B or C, before you are successful, still you are in control. And you can clearly see changes being made as a result of your reasonable, shrewd, positive, optimistic plans and actions.
My desire is to enlighten and empower the poor through education; sparking in them self-determination, and the realization that only they can change their condition and break the cycle-of-poverty; ensuring that their children will truly have a fair opportunity for prosperity. Once a person realizes and accepts the truth; that they have only themselves and their fellow citizens to hold responsible for the course the future will take, and the history that shall be written, then, and only then, will they take a committed and courageous stand to make a change in their lives, the lives of their family (most importantly, the family that will be here after they inevitably die), and in the formation and practices of governments, corporations and institutions which form and regulate this world. If we do not make a change in our personal lives, only we as individuals will be held responsible (primarily for the future our children will have to deal with), not some alleged God. If we as a people do not demand proper conduct, formation and practices of the governments, corporations, systems and institutions of this world, only we as a people will be held responsible, not some alleged God. So credit yourself and your fellow man for the work that is done, and the changes that are brought about as a result of that work. And take responsibility for your actions—to include mishaps and bad deeds—don’t blame some Devil, or demons, for your errors, unsuccessful attempts, bad judgment calls, and decisions (which may not have necessarily been “bad”) that produced the worst, rather than the best.
Now I must say, at the beginning (immediately before I first acknowledged and accepted my current beliefs) there was much crying and denial—out of pain and frustration—because it was very difficult for me to accept that I had been deceived and lied to for so long. For as most, I too once much preferred the comfortable and familiar, rather than seeking and accepting truth (however painful the journey and destination may be). But since I’ve dried my eyes, there has been only joy, because I now see clearly. I now think clearly. I now question all things (to include my own beliefs).
For the first time in my life, I felt totally “FREE.” The mental shackles of religion, and an alleged God, were finally broken. And this is what has allowed me to become much more unbiased, impartial, objective, pro-active, skeptical and logical. And the joy of freedom has not waned the slightest in the 3 years since.
After so many years of adamantly believing that the God of the Bible exists, and then coming to discover otherwise, I felt as if the mental smokescreens and roadblocks had finally been removed from my path. A path to discovering who I truly am, the injustices of this world and solutions to ending the ignorance, hopelessness and distraught future of the poor. A path that leads to true knowledge, understanding, and prosperity.
I now lean on my own obvious strength to maintain optimism, joy and peace in my life, knowing that the buck stops here. Leaning and depending on yourself for support and happiness gives you an endless supply of joy daily. Once you realize that you are all you ultimately have to depend on for true happiness, growth and prosperity, nothing can bring you down. When things are not going as you would like, you rejoice, because you know that you, and only you, can bring about a change for the better. Forces outside of you cannot possibly bring you down; not a lack of material possessions, a lack of a significant other, or a lack of good luck (i.e. being in the right place at the right time, by chance, or, if you prefer, an opportunity arising after so much hard work). Once you accept yourself as who you truly are (i.e. the one and only supreme power in your life), that understanding will bring about a peace and joy beyond measure. You will realize that you have full control over your life, and that all you would like to accomplish in life is limited only by your own individual doubts and lack of effort, not by what some alleged God dictates for you to have or not have. I myself have not had a “bad day” in years, this is because I realize that I and I alone have the power to direct my future, and I have the power to regulate and bring about peace within myself, not wealth, not someone else, and not some religion or some alleged God.
In writing this book, I am by no means suggesting that religious leaders (of today) are intentionally deceiving people into believing that the alleged God of the Bible (or Q’ran) exists. Nor am I suggesting that religious leaders (of today) are deceiving and coercing people into accepting and following a particular religion (For they no longer need do so). In fact, I believe that most religious leaders, and their congregations, sincerely believe what they preach and hear (reasons for this are found in chapter 16, Why Do So Many…). However, believing, regardless of how passionate one may be, does not make their beliefs true. Consequently, I have experienced, witnessed and found that those same beliefs are a major hindrance to the poor and disadvantaged, those who are, sadly, seemingly forever locked in the cycle of poverty. And although there are actual benefits to accepting, believing and putting in practice (even if modestly) religion, dogma and tradition (see chapter 16, Why Do So Many…), the hindrances and setbacks of believing far outweigh any degree of benefit (esp., of course, for the poor, disadvantaged and least-educated).
I fear that the cycle of poverty and ignorance may never be broken. For the poor are too troubled with living check to check (if they get one), and too concerned with obtaining and maintaining (at the very least) the basic necessities in life (i.e., food, shelter and clothing) to question and consider the possibility that what they’ve been told their whole lives is no more than mere belief, which has no substantial evidence to support its credibility. Sadly, the struggles of the impoverished are exactly what keep them believing in something that has not, and will never change their condition as a people.
The God of the Bible does not exist, and could not exist. Following are the only reasons why one would not accept the obvious truth of this claim:
The truth hurts; its unbearable and uncomfortable
They would prefer to stay in their comfort zone; thus living life accepting falsehood, rather than accept the harsh reality, and thus growing
Fear of being shunned and ridiculed by family, friends, and society in general, who accept falsehood without question
Fear and discomfort of having to accept and bear much greater responsibility
They are stubborn and cannot get over their ego: Some will feel that by accepting this obvious truth they are somehow conceding to be less accurate and intelligent than another. For the extremely prideful (and/or conceited), this is entirely unacceptable
They have a very low degree of comprehension (and reasoning); therefore they have no choice but to continue accepting the beliefs (and myths) of others
In the following pages, I will prove, far beyond a reasonable doubt, that the God of the Bible could not possibly exist. I apologize for any amount of grief, discomfort, stress, or pain this truth may cause you. But with truth, however painful, should always come change and growth. So be prepared for the pain, and get ready to grow. Get ready to gain life-altering enlightenment.
Meet the author of the book Truth in Harlem on 125th St., where he sells his book at a discounted price.
Buy the book at
Buy the book at
Clarence Williams is the author of Truth, a book that is sure to shake the world. This author represents the now enlightened, ardent atheist who was once a sincere, blind-faith Christian.
Email: · Website Design by C. R. Williams
Buy Truth by Clarence Williams now at or!
© 2008 TRUTH, All rights reserved
This little book can change your life!
Truth by Clarence Williams
Truth Can Set You Free
Morality | Good Book | Tongues | To be an Atheist | Smile!
Introduction to the book Truth:
The primary purpose of this book is not simply to discredit and reveal the inaccuracies of religion. The primary purpose of this book is to open the minds, ears and eyes of millions of poor, disadvantaged, disenfranchised people around the world. For it is the poverty-stricken who are the least-educated and least-informed. And I believe that the rich and powerful can never exploit and take advantage of the poor unless the poor are ignorant as well as poor.
A lack of proper education, coupled with the harsh struggles of everyday life, will cause people to turn to anything (and, in some cases, anyone) that may give them a sense of hope and a source of support, especially if that thing, or person, seems to be omni-benevolent. This is a key reason why Hitler was able to galvanize the people and come to power in Europe; because of the depression the people were suffering there (which, in Germany, was worse than that of the U.S. at the time), and the fact that the masses were oblivious to his ulterior motives. When someone (or something) provides a seemingly obtainable, painless and stress-free solution to your troubles (whether they are economic, social, mental or emotional), most people will blindly accept and praise the supposed remedy. It is not until they become aware of the detrimental side effects of the ‘remedy’ do they denounce and abandon their former sentiments and beliefs, and demand a change, not only for themselves, but for others as well.
Growing up in poverty, I have encountered countless men and women—some in their 40’s and 50’s—who are of the least-educated of society, and they think that that is perfectly fine, as long as they ‘know’ the Bible and they ‘know’ that the God of the Bible (or Q’ran) exists. But how can they be so sure of what they claim to know when their analytical reasoning, comprehension, conceptualizing, problem solving and calculating skills are all very rudimentary, especially if they have not read the Bible in its entirety? Now I dare not say that believing in some alleged God is ‘wrong,’ for there are benefits (see Chapter 16, Why Do So Many…). But I have witnessed several severe hindrances to the poor from holding stern belief that some God is in control, and that all occurrences are a part of that God’s plan. Not only is relying on some alleged God a hindrance to these people personally, but it is also a major hindrance to the growth (in education and economic standing) and prosperity of the poor and disadvantaged as a whole, all over the world. And as such, it helps to prevent the cycle-of-poverty from breaking; consequently ensuring the inevitable destitution of their children, and their children’s children.
It troubles me greatly that so many poor, disadvantaged people will sit idly by and proclaim that the miserable plight of the poor (for the past 500+ years), all over the world, is a part of some God’s great plan. It is my desire that the poor, disadvantaged, least-educated and least-informed will cease this rudimentary way of thinking, and in doing so realize that the tragic, saddening situation of the poor and disadvantaged will only improve through the committed actions of courageous men and women. These actions include, but definitely are not limited to: relying on and strengthening your own inner resolve and intestinal fortitude, to overcome any and all obstacles in your life, through your newly strengthened self empowerment; constantly seek for knowledge and understanding, realizing that education and schooling are not one-and-the-same; help to educate others who are poor and disadvantaged, so that they may have more information to work with, to change their situation (which only helps to strengthen us all as a whole); question all motives, beliefs (esp. your own), systems and practices; and demand positive, productive change from governments (esp. your own), corporations and institutions.
If a government is not dealing and ruling equally, justly and righteously with the people of its land, then that government needs to be questioned, forced and regulated to act properly and be accountable, for the people, by the people. Waiting on some God to bring about equality and justice will only leave the people in a world of hurt (the past 500+ years is evidence of this).
Only the actions of people have ever brought about any degree of positive change, for the people of any land. Some people may choose to credit and thank some alleged God for the change, but what is known for a fact is that the actions of men and women are what actually brought about the change. If those actions were undone (if, of course, this was possible), and the masses decided to pray in unison, rather than act, then there would be no positive, productive results. No Change. No progress. No prosperity.
With the wealthy upper and middle class, procrastination—in hope of some God’s beneficent support and intervention—is not seen. This is mainly because they can clearly see that they have a privileged position, and they are aware that the actions of men, throughout history (most notably actions of corruption, deceit, theft, slavery, and shady business and political practices) are what granted many of them the privileged life that they and their children live today. Moreover, the wealthy are fully aware that they alone must secure the future prosperity of their children, and their children’s children. But with the poor and disadvantaged procrastination is always seen. Although they may not be able to properly articulate why they procrastinate, and why they rebel against the systems and institutions of the land (although they may occasionally ponder on the issue), they can clearly see that the world they live in is not, and has never been, fair or just for them. And the possibility of acquiring the American Dream, of wealth and prosperity, which has been promoted to them, is not reflective of their condition in America. It is not reflective of the state of their communities in America. It is not reflective of their history in America. And it is obvious that the mass majority of the people who even look like them are subject to the same abhorrence, disadvantages and neglect. And just as the wealthy are aware that a history of corruption, deceit, slavery and oppression is what secured many of them their current position, the poor are also aware that a history of suffering, and being victimized and neglected is what brought about their current condition; the seemingly unbreakable cycle-of-poverty. So out of ignorance, hunger (for equality, hope, comfort, and support), and in rebellion from a government, systems, and institutions which have told them lies of obtainable prosperity for all men, they continue to fight as they were left to; as hungry, ignorant, frustrated crabs in a bucket: Victimizing the weak, not out of hatred, but out of frustration and desperation for survival, in a world that only pretends to be fair, just and righteous.
When the poor, disadvantaged and least educated become discouraged, they expect some alleged God to comfort them and intervene, not realizing that life is truly what “you” make it. And any cloudy day can become a bright day if you choose for it to be. By the power of your own inner resolve and intestinal fortitude, you can accomplish your goals (those which are truly feasible), and remain optimistic through all struggles. When things do not go the way you planned (for “everything” does not workout perfectly for anyone, and this is something we must learn to accept as well as expect), leaning and depending on yourself, you will still be optimistic, knowing that you, and only you, have the power to, and must bring about positive, productive change. Whether it takes plan A, B or C, before you are successful, still you are in control. And you can clearly see changes being made as a result of your reasonable, shrewd, positive, optimistic plans and actions.
My desire is to enlighten and empower the poor through education; sparking in them self-determination, and the realization that only they can change their condition and break the cycle-of-poverty; ensuring that their children will truly have a fair opportunity for prosperity. Once a person realizes and accepts the truth; that they have only themselves and their fellow citizens to hold responsible for the course the future will take, and the history that shall be written, then, and only then, will they take a committed and courageous stand to make a change in their lives, the lives of their family (most importantly, the family that will be here after they inevitably die), and in the formation and practices of governments, corporations and institutions which form and regulate this world. If we do not make a change in our personal lives, only we as individuals will be held responsible (primarily for the future our children will have to deal with), not some alleged God. If we as a people do not demand proper conduct, formation and practices of the governments, corporations, systems and institutions of this world, only we as a people will be held responsible, not some alleged God. So credit yourself and your fellow man for the work that is done, and the changes that are brought about as a result of that work. And take responsibility for your actions—to include mishaps and bad deeds—don’t blame some Devil, or demons, for your errors, unsuccessful attempts, bad judgment calls, and decisions (which may not have necessarily been “bad”) that produced the worst, rather than the best.
Now I must say, at the beginning (immediately before I first acknowledged and accepted my current beliefs) there was much crying and denial—out of pain and frustration—because it was very difficult for me to accept that I had been deceived and lied to for so long. For as most, I too once much preferred the comfortable and familiar, rather than seeking and accepting truth (however painful the journey and destination may be). But since I’ve dried my eyes, there has been only joy, because I now see clearly. I now think clearly. I now question all things (to include my own beliefs).
For the first time in my life, I felt totally “FREE.” The mental shackles of religion, and an alleged God, were finally broken. And this is what has allowed me to become much more unbiased, impartial, objective, pro-active, skeptical and logical. And the joy of freedom has not waned the slightest in the 3 years since.
After so many years of adamantly believing that the God of the Bible exists, and then coming to discover otherwise, I felt as if the mental smokescreens and roadblocks had finally been removed from my path. A path to discovering who I truly am, the injustices of this world and solutions to ending the ignorance, hopelessness and distraught future of the poor. A path that leads to true knowledge, understanding, and prosperity.
I now lean on my own obvious strength to maintain optimism, joy and peace in my life, knowing that the buck stops here. Leaning and depending on yourself for support and happiness gives you an endless supply of joy daily. Once you realize that you are all you ultimately have to depend on for true happiness, growth and prosperity, nothing can bring you down. When things are not going as you would like, you rejoice, because you know that you, and only you, can bring about a change for the better. Forces outside of you cannot possibly bring you down; not a lack of material possessions, a lack of a significant other, or a lack of good luck (i.e. being in the right place at the right time, by chance, or, if you prefer, an opportunity arising after so much hard work). Once you accept yourself as who you truly are (i.e. the one and only supreme power in your life), that understanding will bring about a peace and joy beyond measure. You will realize that you have full control over your life, and that all you would like to accomplish in life is limited only by your own individual doubts and lack of effort, not by what some alleged God dictates for you to have or not have. I myself have not had a “bad day” in years, this is because I realize that I and I alone have the power to direct my future, and I have the power to regulate and bring about peace within myself, not wealth, not someone else, and not some religion or some alleged God.
In writing this book, I am by no means suggesting that religious leaders (of today) are intentionally deceiving people into believing that the alleged God of the Bible (or Q’ran) exists. Nor am I suggesting that religious leaders (of today) are deceiving and coercing people into accepting and following a particular religion (For they no longer need do so). In fact, I believe that most religious leaders, and their congregations, sincerely believe what they preach and hear (reasons for this are found in chapter 16, Why Do So Many…). However, believing, regardless of how passionate one may be, does not make their beliefs true. Consequently, I have experienced, witnessed and found that those same beliefs are a major hindrance to the poor and disadvantaged, those who are, sadly, seemingly forever locked in the cycle of poverty. And although there are actual benefits to accepting, believing and putting in practice (even if modestly) religion, dogma and tradition (see chapter 16, Why Do So Many…), the hindrances and setbacks of believing far outweigh any degree of benefit (esp., of course, for the poor, disadvantaged and least-educated).
I fear that the cycle of poverty and ignorance may never be broken. For the poor are too troubled with living check to check (if they get one), and too concerned with obtaining and maintaining (at the very least) the basic necessities in life (i.e., food, shelter and clothing) to question and consider the possibility that what they’ve been told their whole lives is no more than mere belief, which has no substantial evidence to support its credibility. Sadly, the struggles of the impoverished are exactly what keep them believing in something that has not, and will never change their condition as a people.
The God of the Bible does not exist, and could not exist. Following are the only reasons why one would not accept the obvious truth of this claim:
The truth hurts; its unbearable and uncomfortable
They would prefer to stay in their comfort zone; thus living life accepting falsehood, rather than accept the harsh reality, and thus growing
Fear of being shunned and ridiculed by family, friends, and society in general, who accept falsehood without question
Fear and discomfort of having to accept and bear much greater responsibility
They are stubborn and cannot get over their ego: Some will feel that by accepting this obvious truth they are somehow conceding to be less accurate and intelligent than another. For the extremely prideful (and/or conceited), this is entirely unacceptable
They have a very low degree of comprehension (and reasoning); therefore they have no choice but to continue accepting the beliefs (and myths) of others
In the following pages, I will prove, far beyond a reasonable doubt, that the God of the Bible could not possibly exist. I apologize for any amount of grief, discomfort, stress, or pain this truth may cause you. But with truth, however painful, should always come change and growth. So be prepared for the pain, and get ready to grow. Get ready to gain life-altering enlightenment.
Meet the author of the book Truth in Harlem on 125th St., where he sells his book at a discounted price.
Buy the book at
Buy the book at
Clarence Williams is the author of Truth, a book that is sure to shake the world. This author represents the now enlightened, ardent atheist who was once a sincere, blind-faith Christian.
Email: · Website Design by C. R. Williams
Buy Truth by Clarence Williams now at or!
© 2008 TRUTH, All rights reserved
Saturday, October 18, 2008
News For Those Who Care..........
You will not believe this! But your ears are not playing tricks on you here.
Posted by Carolina on Oct 18, '08 7:58 AM for everyone
Do we really think we can afford to remain lax and be unvigilant? That we aren't interconnected as not to get involved?
Indeed, this is a time like no other, can we deny this? What we are striving for is truly peace with everyone, but not at the expense of and a deviation from the Truth.
Look here, this is one of the unmistakable telltale signs of the coming end-times mentioned in The Bible, this goes straight to our very core, catching us unawares! We must all the more hold on to the age-old scriptures, to that which is true, to everything that has already been passed on to us by those who have gone on and returned to our Maker. :<
Download this and other original video files with Multiply Premium.
Tags: pray!
Prev: What are you doing the rest of your life? /Barbra Streisand
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4 CommentsChronological Reverse Threaded
mabzco wrote today at 8:55 AM
hi, thanks for the message, its enlightening!
jethernandez wrote today at 10:01 AM
oprah is just a good talker as obama. americans only listen to what they want to hear. oprah and obama is good at that. the only reason why americans are "flocking and flooding" his campaign gathering is that majority of the population are becoming illiterate... significantly stupid.
pleyadiana wrote today at 10:04 AM
Thanks friend... I wish you have a happy day
plat0 wrote today at 10:10 AM, edited today at 10:11 AM
Neo-Theosophy :
old wine
new puddle
Posted by Carolina on Oct 18, '08 7:58 AM for everyone
Do we really think we can afford to remain lax and be unvigilant? That we aren't interconnected as not to get involved?
Indeed, this is a time like no other, can we deny this? What we are striving for is truly peace with everyone, but not at the expense of and a deviation from the Truth.
Look here, this is one of the unmistakable telltale signs of the coming end-times mentioned in The Bible, this goes straight to our very core, catching us unawares! We must all the more hold on to the age-old scriptures, to that which is true, to everything that has already been passed on to us by those who have gone on and returned to our Maker. :<
Download this and other original video files with Multiply Premium.
Tags: pray!
Prev: What are you doing the rest of your life? /Barbra Streisand
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4 CommentsChronological Reverse Threaded
mabzco wrote today at 8:55 AM
hi, thanks for the message, its enlightening!
jethernandez wrote today at 10:01 AM
oprah is just a good talker as obama. americans only listen to what they want to hear. oprah and obama is good at that. the only reason why americans are "flocking and flooding" his campaign gathering is that majority of the population are becoming illiterate... significantly stupid.
pleyadiana wrote today at 10:04 AM
Thanks friend... I wish you have a happy day
plat0 wrote today at 10:10 AM, edited today at 10:11 AM
Neo-Theosophy :
old wine
new puddle
The Masons and The Moors
The Masons and
the Moors
The origins of Freemasonry – as would be expected of such a “venerable secret society” – are shrouded in myth, legend and almost impenetrable obscurity. Since at least the late 18th century Masonic writers have sought to establish a link between the Knights Templar and the Freemasons. Freemasonic lore and symbols have been traced to ancient Egypt and Phoenicia. Yet, despite all the books and articles exploring Freemasonry published over the last hundred years, there is one area that has not received attention. It concerns Freemasonry’s debt to Islamic mysticism and a shadowy tradition connecting the Masons with the Moors of North Africa.
Moorish Science
The involvement of Freemasons in the establishment of the United States of America is well documented. In fact Masons featured so prominently in drafting the American Declaration of Independence that many people believed it a thoroughly ‘Masonic project’. Not only George Washington but also the US founding fathers Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were high-degree Masons. Masonry had a profound influence on the formation of American society, but there was also another secret power which has gone completely unnoticed.
The Kingdom of Morocco under the leadership of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, known as King Mohammed III, was the first country in the world to recognise the United States of America as an independent nation in 1777. This historic act by the North African Muslim kingdom highlights the relationship then existing between America’s Masonic leaders and the Moors. Before exploring this strange connection further we need to understand the part played by the Moors in the transmission of knowledge to Europe.
Moor is the classical name in Europe of the Muslim people of North Africa. In Spain, where Muslims ruled for over five hundred years, Arabs are still called Moros. The term “Moor” came to be synonymous with “Muslim” in many contexts, for example the Muslim communities in the Philippines are known to this day as Moros. The Supreme Wisdom of the Moors, much of it derived from ancient Egypt, has come to be known as “Moorish Science”.
The Moors provided the vital link between ancient and modern civilisation. The light of knowledge which illuminated the Moorish lands of Spain and Sicily was instrumental in dispelling the gloom of ignorance that enveloped mediaeval Europe.
“It was under the influence of Arabian and Moorish revival of culture,” writes Robert Briffault in The Making of Humanity, “and not in the 15th century, that the real renaissance took place. Spain and not Italy, was the cradle of the rebirth of Europe. After sinking lower and lower in barbarism, it had reached the darkest depths of ignorance and degradation when the cities of the Saracenic world Baghdad, Cairo, Cordova, Toledo, were growing centres of civilisation and intellectual activity. It was there that the new life arose which was to grow into a new phase of human evolution. From the time when the influence of their culture made itself felt, began the stirring of a new life.”
The Orientalist Stanley Lane-Poole acknowledged the great impact Moorish civilisation had on Europe when he wrote:
For nearly eight centuries under her Muslim rulers Spain set to all Europe a shining example of a civilized and enlightened state. Art, literature and science prospered as they then prospered nowhere else in Europe. Students flocked from France and Germany and England to drink from the fountains of learning which flowed only in the cities of the Moors. The surgeons and doctors of Andalusia were in the vanguard of science; women were encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and a lady doctor was not unknown among the people of Cordova.1
The 19th century French writer on the esoteric sciences, Gerard Encausse, known as “Papus”, noted how “the Gnostic sects, the Arabs, Alchemists, Templars” form a chain transmitting ancient wisdom to the West. This explains why within the Ritual of Freemasonry there is the admission “we came from the East and proceeded to the West.” A Masonic author Bernard H. Springett says:
The plain fact that much of what we now look upon almost entirely as Freemasonry has been practised as part and parcel of the religions of the Middle East for many thousands of years, lies open for anyone who cares to stop and read, instead of running by. But it is frequently and scornfully rejected by the average Masonic student…2
So we find that just as Europe borrowed considerably from the learning of the Moors, European Freemasonry took its “secret wisdom” from the Muslim East.
With the end of Moorish rule in Spain, the Europeans began to colonise Africa, Asia and the Americas. In time European Christians conquered Muslim territories and the great debt Western civilisation owed to the Moors was quickly forgotten. By the 18th century European Christians saw themselves as the predestined rulers of the world with a divine mission to “civilise” the heathen. Western historians conveniently ignored the immense contribution of the brilliant and energetic Moorish civilisation in delivering Europe from mediaeval barbarism. We can only conclude this is a result of the pride and presumption of Westerners, which prevent them from recognising the truth or importance of their debts to the East.
Seekers of Truth
The founders of the American republic, as high-degree Freemasons, were aware of the importance of Moorish wisdom and culture to the birth of Western civilisation. This may explain why Morocco was the first nation in history to recognise the United States, and what’s really behind the story of George Washington being presented with a Moorish flag. Some researchers believe this flag consisted of a red background with a green five-pointed star in the centre of it. The star or pentagram, which the Moors called the Seal of Sulaiyman and coloured green to honour Islam, also figures prominently in Masonic art and architecture. The layout of the city of Washington D.C. – designed by Freemasons – incorporates the pentagram.
When Freemasons travelling in the Moorish lands encountered Sufis, the mystics of Islam, they soon recognised a common bond. “Sufi-ism,” said Sir Richard Burton, was “the Eastern parent of Freemasonry.” John Porter Brown, an American diplomat in Turkey in the mid 1800s, was a Freemason who wrote sympathetically of the Sufi path. In The Darvishes, he admits finding it “rather strange that the Dervishes of the Bektashi Order consider themselves quite the same as the Freemasons, and are disposed to fraternize with them.” Brown commented how in Turkey Freemasonry had come to be generally regarded as “atheism of the most condemnable character.” A position not unlike the one held by Papus, the celebrated French occultist and Gnostic bishop, who tried to counter the Masonic lodges which, he believed, were in the service of British imperialism and the international financial syndicates. Papus also viewed Freemasonry as a diabolical perversion of the ancient secret tradition and atheistic at heart.
When Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891) set out in search of hidden wisdom it was to the Moorish land of Egypt that she journeyed. Blavatsky claimed to be a disciple of the Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi. The researcher K. Paul Johnson convincingly shows her tales of the “Masters” to be modelled on real people, many genuine occult adepts. Prominent among them Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, a Sufi scholar, tireless political intriguer, and the leader of radical movements throughout the Muslim world, whose travels enigmatically paralleled those of Madame Blavatsky for more than thirty years. Best remembered for co-founding the Theosophical Society and helping to popularise Buddhism and Hinduism in the West, Blavatsky also proudly wrote of “living with the whirling dervishes, with the Druze of Mount Lebanon, with the Bedouin Arabs and the marabouts of Damascus.”
Madame Blavatsky’s “Masters” are very close to the Sufi tradition of Khwajagan (Persian: “Masters”). Ernest Scott states “the Khwajagan teachers are entirely corporeal and literal, having been physically located in the Hindu Kush area since the 10th century. The Hindu Kush range is in Afghanistan: geographically, it forms the Western extreme of the Himalayas.”3 Scott quotes from a paper by a Turkish writer who describes how members of the Khwajagan:
...intervene from time to time in human affairs. They do this, not as leaders or teachers of mankind, but unobtrusively by introducing certain ideas and techniques. This intervention works in such a way as to rectify deviations from the predestined course of human history. This inner circle, it is claimed, concentrates its activities in those areas and at those times when the situation is critical for mankind.”4
Certainly Madame Blavatsky’s teacher Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, who was raised in Afghanistan, fits the description of a Master Adept. His life is described as a mysterious odyssey that led through lands as far apart as India and America. Received by heads of state in Cairo and Istanbul, he moved in both underground radical circles and the highest centres of power in European and Oriental capitals.
The idea of living ‘spiritual guides’ or masters is central to Sufism. In the words of Sir John Glubb Pasha: “Sufism cannot be defined in words, nor can it be comprehended by the human intellect. It can only be imperceptibly ‘caught’ or imbibed by association with a Sufi master.” The Sufi master is revered by his disciples for being in contact with a level of higher consciousness, his mission on Earth directed by higher powers. Studying the lives of some of the greatest Sufi masters we often find them to be wandering holy men (& women) whose actions are usually misunderstood by orthodox believers. The shrines of Sufi masters are centres of trance dancing, exorcism, and miraculous healings.
The Sufi tradition is integral to Moorish Science.
Sufi masters are also renowned for communicating with their followers through dreams. There are numerous stories of Sufi saints appearing in a disciple’s dreams and using telepathy to direct followers to undertake a special mission.
Mission to America
A few years after Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, the Master Adept Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani turned up in America around 1882. Two Americans of African descent, who are rumoured to have studied under al-Afghani, were the parents of the man who would one day establish Moorish Science in the United States.
Noble Drew Ali (born Timothy Drew) early in the 20th century took a job as a merchant seaman and found himself in Egypt. According to one legend, Noble Drew Ali made a pilgrimage to North Africa where he studied with Moorish scholars and received a mandate from the king of Morocco to instruct Americans of African descent in Islam. His association with the ruler of Morocco is significant when we recall the historic relationship between this Moorish country and the early United States.
At the Pyramid of Cheops his followers believe he received initiation and took the Muslim name Sharif [Noble] Abdul Ali; in America he would be known as Noble Drew Ali. On his return to the United States in 1913 he had a dream in which he was ordered to found a movement “to uplift fallen humanity by returning the nationality, divine creed and culture to persons of Moorish descent in the Western Hemisphere.” He organised the Moorish Science Temple along lines similar to Masonic lodges, with local temple branches and “Adept Chambers” teaching the esoteric wisdom derived from the secret circle of Eastern Sages, the Master Adepts of Moorish Science.
Noble Drew Ali is said to have made a historic visit to Washington, D.C. in order to reclaim the Moorish flag and obtain official recognition to call his people to their true faith, “Al Islam”. The US president, believing that African Americans would not embrace Islam, gave Noble Drew Ali full authority to teach Moorish Science in America.
By the end of the 1920s, membership in the Moorish Science Temple had grown substantially. With increasing numbers of African Americans rallying behind Noble Drew Ali the Moorish movement soon came under the scrutiny of the FBI. In 1929 several Moors, including Noble Drew Ali, where detained for questioning by the Chicago police. Released from custody, Noble Drew Ali fell ill and never recovered. Many Moors suspected his death the result of a severe police beating.
Following the inexplicable ‘death’ of Noble Drew Ali, the Moorish Science Temple continued and gave rise to unique Islamic groups among the African American community. Much of the known history of Moorish Science in North America is extremely complex and obscure.
By the 1950s some white American poets and jazz musicians came into contact with Moorish Science. The North African cities of Tangiers and Marrakech held a magic attraction for the leaders of America’s counterculture, with writers like William S. Burroughs spending years living in the Moorish lands. The Moorish Orthodox Church of America was formed by white Americans who held Moorish Science passports and had ties with certain “Wandering Bishops” of the Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
Joseph Matheny, the American author and media theorist, first encountered Moorish Science when he was researching time travel and quantum consciousness. In his book Ong’s Hat The Beginning, the Moorish Orthodox Church is called “one of the most secretive and mysterious religious organisations ever known to man” and:
a revolutionary and heretical sect of Islam that carries on an ancient tradition which sought to counterbalance the forces of orthodox Islam. Despite the controversial and dubious nature of the MOC, part of their tradition has been to serve as the torch bearers of freedom against the tyrannical and repressive aspects of the Earth’s patriarchal power structure as our planetary consciousness shifts to the Age of Aquarius and sets its site on unlimited freedom and the expression of life in all of its true wonder and beauty.
Years before the “War on Terror” and Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, this writer attended a lecture organised by people associated with the Moorish Orthodox Church. The speaker, a Moorish Sheik returned from a long sojourn in the East, claimed Freemasonry is built on a twisting of the truth of Moorish Science. It is the secret power behind the West based on the Supreme Wisdom derived from esoteric Islam. The European colonisers usurped the knowledge of the Moors and created a nefarious system of control that blinds man to his true identity. Freemasonry was identified as a chief player in the world “Babylonian” system, the mastermind of the institutions of indoctrination that prevent the full knowledge of the True God to be known. Moorish Science is the effective counter to the Freemasonic imposters and a force for Truth, Love, Peace, Freedom and Justice. The Sheik also revealed how Afghanistan and Iraq figure in sacred geography and numerology, and mentioned a secret war between the Anglo-American and Asiatic powers.
Is there a struggle between occult brotherhoods to influence human destiny? Are the dramatic events taking place in the world, from the continuing strife in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, to the rivalry between the forces of Atlanticism (Britain and the USA) and Eurasia (Russia and China), just surface manifestations of a deeper conflict? Certainly the strange saga of Moorish Science and the Moorish Orthodox Church adds weight to the observation made by one of the 20th century’s most controversial mystics:
...There is a history behind our so-called history that you cannot even conceive of. History has a deeper base. The periphery that we know as history is not the reality. Behind our so-called history continues another history, a deeper one about which we know nothing.5
1. Stanley Lane-Poole, Studies in a Mosque
2. Bernard H. Springett, Secret Sects of Syria and the Lebanon
3. Ernest Scott, People of the Secret
4. Ibid.
5. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, I AM THE GATE: The Meaning of Initiation and Discipleship
Mehmet Sabeheddin is a researcher, writer, spiritual teacher and global traveller. He is a longtime contributor to New Dawn magazine. A “spiritual swaggie”, his areas of interest are wide ranging and include Sufism, Islam and esoteric Christianity. He can be contacted c/- of New Dawn Magazine, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia.
the Moors
The origins of Freemasonry – as would be expected of such a “venerable secret society” – are shrouded in myth, legend and almost impenetrable obscurity. Since at least the late 18th century Masonic writers have sought to establish a link between the Knights Templar and the Freemasons. Freemasonic lore and symbols have been traced to ancient Egypt and Phoenicia. Yet, despite all the books and articles exploring Freemasonry published over the last hundred years, there is one area that has not received attention. It concerns Freemasonry’s debt to Islamic mysticism and a shadowy tradition connecting the Masons with the Moors of North Africa.
Moorish Science
The involvement of Freemasons in the establishment of the United States of America is well documented. In fact Masons featured so prominently in drafting the American Declaration of Independence that many people believed it a thoroughly ‘Masonic project’. Not only George Washington but also the US founding fathers Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were high-degree Masons. Masonry had a profound influence on the formation of American society, but there was also another secret power which has gone completely unnoticed.
The Kingdom of Morocco under the leadership of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, known as King Mohammed III, was the first country in the world to recognise the United States of America as an independent nation in 1777. This historic act by the North African Muslim kingdom highlights the relationship then existing between America’s Masonic leaders and the Moors. Before exploring this strange connection further we need to understand the part played by the Moors in the transmission of knowledge to Europe.
Moor is the classical name in Europe of the Muslim people of North Africa. In Spain, where Muslims ruled for over five hundred years, Arabs are still called Moros. The term “Moor” came to be synonymous with “Muslim” in many contexts, for example the Muslim communities in the Philippines are known to this day as Moros. The Supreme Wisdom of the Moors, much of it derived from ancient Egypt, has come to be known as “Moorish Science”.
The Moors provided the vital link between ancient and modern civilisation. The light of knowledge which illuminated the Moorish lands of Spain and Sicily was instrumental in dispelling the gloom of ignorance that enveloped mediaeval Europe.
“It was under the influence of Arabian and Moorish revival of culture,” writes Robert Briffault in The Making of Humanity, “and not in the 15th century, that the real renaissance took place. Spain and not Italy, was the cradle of the rebirth of Europe. After sinking lower and lower in barbarism, it had reached the darkest depths of ignorance and degradation when the cities of the Saracenic world Baghdad, Cairo, Cordova, Toledo, were growing centres of civilisation and intellectual activity. It was there that the new life arose which was to grow into a new phase of human evolution. From the time when the influence of their culture made itself felt, began the stirring of a new life.”
The Orientalist Stanley Lane-Poole acknowledged the great impact Moorish civilisation had on Europe when he wrote:
For nearly eight centuries under her Muslim rulers Spain set to all Europe a shining example of a civilized and enlightened state. Art, literature and science prospered as they then prospered nowhere else in Europe. Students flocked from France and Germany and England to drink from the fountains of learning which flowed only in the cities of the Moors. The surgeons and doctors of Andalusia were in the vanguard of science; women were encouraged to devote themselves to serious study, and a lady doctor was not unknown among the people of Cordova.1
The 19th century French writer on the esoteric sciences, Gerard Encausse, known as “Papus”, noted how “the Gnostic sects, the Arabs, Alchemists, Templars” form a chain transmitting ancient wisdom to the West. This explains why within the Ritual of Freemasonry there is the admission “we came from the East and proceeded to the West.” A Masonic author Bernard H. Springett says:
The plain fact that much of what we now look upon almost entirely as Freemasonry has been practised as part and parcel of the religions of the Middle East for many thousands of years, lies open for anyone who cares to stop and read, instead of running by. But it is frequently and scornfully rejected by the average Masonic student…2
So we find that just as Europe borrowed considerably from the learning of the Moors, European Freemasonry took its “secret wisdom” from the Muslim East.
With the end of Moorish rule in Spain, the Europeans began to colonise Africa, Asia and the Americas. In time European Christians conquered Muslim territories and the great debt Western civilisation owed to the Moors was quickly forgotten. By the 18th century European Christians saw themselves as the predestined rulers of the world with a divine mission to “civilise” the heathen. Western historians conveniently ignored the immense contribution of the brilliant and energetic Moorish civilisation in delivering Europe from mediaeval barbarism. We can only conclude this is a result of the pride and presumption of Westerners, which prevent them from recognising the truth or importance of their debts to the East.
Seekers of Truth
The founders of the American republic, as high-degree Freemasons, were aware of the importance of Moorish wisdom and culture to the birth of Western civilisation. This may explain why Morocco was the first nation in history to recognise the United States, and what’s really behind the story of George Washington being presented with a Moorish flag. Some researchers believe this flag consisted of a red background with a green five-pointed star in the centre of it. The star or pentagram, which the Moors called the Seal of Sulaiyman and coloured green to honour Islam, also figures prominently in Masonic art and architecture. The layout of the city of Washington D.C. – designed by Freemasons – incorporates the pentagram.
When Freemasons travelling in the Moorish lands encountered Sufis, the mystics of Islam, they soon recognised a common bond. “Sufi-ism,” said Sir Richard Burton, was “the Eastern parent of Freemasonry.” John Porter Brown, an American diplomat in Turkey in the mid 1800s, was a Freemason who wrote sympathetically of the Sufi path. In The Darvishes, he admits finding it “rather strange that the Dervishes of the Bektashi Order consider themselves quite the same as the Freemasons, and are disposed to fraternize with them.” Brown commented how in Turkey Freemasonry had come to be generally regarded as “atheism of the most condemnable character.” A position not unlike the one held by Papus, the celebrated French occultist and Gnostic bishop, who tried to counter the Masonic lodges which, he believed, were in the service of British imperialism and the international financial syndicates. Papus also viewed Freemasonry as a diabolical perversion of the ancient secret tradition and atheistic at heart.
When Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891) set out in search of hidden wisdom it was to the Moorish land of Egypt that she journeyed. Blavatsky claimed to be a disciple of the Masters Morya and Koot Hoomi. The researcher K. Paul Johnson convincingly shows her tales of the “Masters” to be modelled on real people, many genuine occult adepts. Prominent among them Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, a Sufi scholar, tireless political intriguer, and the leader of radical movements throughout the Muslim world, whose travels enigmatically paralleled those of Madame Blavatsky for more than thirty years. Best remembered for co-founding the Theosophical Society and helping to popularise Buddhism and Hinduism in the West, Blavatsky also proudly wrote of “living with the whirling dervishes, with the Druze of Mount Lebanon, with the Bedouin Arabs and the marabouts of Damascus.”
Madame Blavatsky’s “Masters” are very close to the Sufi tradition of Khwajagan (Persian: “Masters”). Ernest Scott states “the Khwajagan teachers are entirely corporeal and literal, having been physically located in the Hindu Kush area since the 10th century. The Hindu Kush range is in Afghanistan: geographically, it forms the Western extreme of the Himalayas.”3 Scott quotes from a paper by a Turkish writer who describes how members of the Khwajagan:
...intervene from time to time in human affairs. They do this, not as leaders or teachers of mankind, but unobtrusively by introducing certain ideas and techniques. This intervention works in such a way as to rectify deviations from the predestined course of human history. This inner circle, it is claimed, concentrates its activities in those areas and at those times when the situation is critical for mankind.”4
Certainly Madame Blavatsky’s teacher Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, who was raised in Afghanistan, fits the description of a Master Adept. His life is described as a mysterious odyssey that led through lands as far apart as India and America. Received by heads of state in Cairo and Istanbul, he moved in both underground radical circles and the highest centres of power in European and Oriental capitals.
The idea of living ‘spiritual guides’ or masters is central to Sufism. In the words of Sir John Glubb Pasha: “Sufism cannot be defined in words, nor can it be comprehended by the human intellect. It can only be imperceptibly ‘caught’ or imbibed by association with a Sufi master.” The Sufi master is revered by his disciples for being in contact with a level of higher consciousness, his mission on Earth directed by higher powers. Studying the lives of some of the greatest Sufi masters we often find them to be wandering holy men (& women) whose actions are usually misunderstood by orthodox believers. The shrines of Sufi masters are centres of trance dancing, exorcism, and miraculous healings.
The Sufi tradition is integral to Moorish Science.
Sufi masters are also renowned for communicating with their followers through dreams. There are numerous stories of Sufi saints appearing in a disciple’s dreams and using telepathy to direct followers to undertake a special mission.
Mission to America
A few years after Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in New York in 1875, the Master Adept Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani turned up in America around 1882. Two Americans of African descent, who are rumoured to have studied under al-Afghani, were the parents of the man who would one day establish Moorish Science in the United States.
Noble Drew Ali (born Timothy Drew) early in the 20th century took a job as a merchant seaman and found himself in Egypt. According to one legend, Noble Drew Ali made a pilgrimage to North Africa where he studied with Moorish scholars and received a mandate from the king of Morocco to instruct Americans of African descent in Islam. His association with the ruler of Morocco is significant when we recall the historic relationship between this Moorish country and the early United States.
At the Pyramid of Cheops his followers believe he received initiation and took the Muslim name Sharif [Noble] Abdul Ali; in America he would be known as Noble Drew Ali. On his return to the United States in 1913 he had a dream in which he was ordered to found a movement “to uplift fallen humanity by returning the nationality, divine creed and culture to persons of Moorish descent in the Western Hemisphere.” He organised the Moorish Science Temple along lines similar to Masonic lodges, with local temple branches and “Adept Chambers” teaching the esoteric wisdom derived from the secret circle of Eastern Sages, the Master Adepts of Moorish Science.
Noble Drew Ali is said to have made a historic visit to Washington, D.C. in order to reclaim the Moorish flag and obtain official recognition to call his people to their true faith, “Al Islam”. The US president, believing that African Americans would not embrace Islam, gave Noble Drew Ali full authority to teach Moorish Science in America.
By the end of the 1920s, membership in the Moorish Science Temple had grown substantially. With increasing numbers of African Americans rallying behind Noble Drew Ali the Moorish movement soon came under the scrutiny of the FBI. In 1929 several Moors, including Noble Drew Ali, where detained for questioning by the Chicago police. Released from custody, Noble Drew Ali fell ill and never recovered. Many Moors suspected his death the result of a severe police beating.
Following the inexplicable ‘death’ of Noble Drew Ali, the Moorish Science Temple continued and gave rise to unique Islamic groups among the African American community. Much of the known history of Moorish Science in North America is extremely complex and obscure.
By the 1950s some white American poets and jazz musicians came into contact with Moorish Science. The North African cities of Tangiers and Marrakech held a magic attraction for the leaders of America’s counterculture, with writers like William S. Burroughs spending years living in the Moorish lands. The Moorish Orthodox Church of America was formed by white Americans who held Moorish Science passports and had ties with certain “Wandering Bishops” of the Old Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.
Joseph Matheny, the American author and media theorist, first encountered Moorish Science when he was researching time travel and quantum consciousness. In his book Ong’s Hat The Beginning, the Moorish Orthodox Church is called “one of the most secretive and mysterious religious organisations ever known to man” and:
a revolutionary and heretical sect of Islam that carries on an ancient tradition which sought to counterbalance the forces of orthodox Islam. Despite the controversial and dubious nature of the MOC, part of their tradition has been to serve as the torch bearers of freedom against the tyrannical and repressive aspects of the Earth’s patriarchal power structure as our planetary consciousness shifts to the Age of Aquarius and sets its site on unlimited freedom and the expression of life in all of its true wonder and beauty.
Years before the “War on Terror” and Bush’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, this writer attended a lecture organised by people associated with the Moorish Orthodox Church. The speaker, a Moorish Sheik returned from a long sojourn in the East, claimed Freemasonry is built on a twisting of the truth of Moorish Science. It is the secret power behind the West based on the Supreme Wisdom derived from esoteric Islam. The European colonisers usurped the knowledge of the Moors and created a nefarious system of control that blinds man to his true identity. Freemasonry was identified as a chief player in the world “Babylonian” system, the mastermind of the institutions of indoctrination that prevent the full knowledge of the True God to be known. Moorish Science is the effective counter to the Freemasonic imposters and a force for Truth, Love, Peace, Freedom and Justice. The Sheik also revealed how Afghanistan and Iraq figure in sacred geography and numerology, and mentioned a secret war between the Anglo-American and Asiatic powers.
Is there a struggle between occult brotherhoods to influence human destiny? Are the dramatic events taking place in the world, from the continuing strife in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, to the rivalry between the forces of Atlanticism (Britain and the USA) and Eurasia (Russia and China), just surface manifestations of a deeper conflict? Certainly the strange saga of Moorish Science and the Moorish Orthodox Church adds weight to the observation made by one of the 20th century’s most controversial mystics:
...There is a history behind our so-called history that you cannot even conceive of. History has a deeper base. The periphery that we know as history is not the reality. Behind our so-called history continues another history, a deeper one about which we know nothing.5
1. Stanley Lane-Poole, Studies in a Mosque
2. Bernard H. Springett, Secret Sects of Syria and the Lebanon
3. Ernest Scott, People of the Secret
4. Ibid.
5. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, I AM THE GATE: The Meaning of Initiation and Discipleship
Mehmet Sabeheddin is a researcher, writer, spiritual teacher and global traveller. He is a longtime contributor to New Dawn magazine. A “spiritual swaggie”, his areas of interest are wide ranging and include Sufism, Islam and esoteric Christianity. He can be contacted c/- of New Dawn Magazine, GPO Box 3126FF, Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia.
The Masons and The Moors
What is The Hardest Thing You Ever Told Sum 1
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* Posted by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:30pm in Lifestyle
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Thug Misses Permalink Reply by Thug Misses 1 hour ago
Nigga bein on lockdown is a bitch--I had ta tell my husband when his granma passed away, and when his dad passed away! Shit and a couple other people too.
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 55 minutes ago
Two things...
I feel what you saying on that 92 truce shit and did you know that there are people who look like you who go to jail and are approached by people who want them to do things for them so they can get off in most cases scott free?
These same people are the ones who make the block hot lickin off shots, selling what they want, killing who they want. Those "certain gang members" to me is suspect and even if they wasn't the whole mantality is not surprising me we all have been severely studied.
It is known that if you stress your mother in any 1/3 of her pregnancy with you, where your going to lack in development. If your going to be needy, agressive, gay, nurturing can all be played with by fucking wit ya moms while she is carring you.
waiting for God huh, well Im here fuck waiting around your here you are the God that your waiting for. THats the greatest trick the devil ever played to me that you had to wait for some God to come out of the sky and save your candy a--- you feel me? You have in your skin the same material that is found in space, that makes up the black hole melanin everybody has it but you have it in the highest amounts found on the planet. Dark matter yes its the same that found in every nucleus of every cell in your body the reason Jordan doesnt have to think to do what he does... what Curtis has mastered and uses to be who he is. The God molecule that they are looking for is in us and it is up to us to wake it the fuck up feel me?
Oh and lastly, on the pissing on pops comment. Yea sure beccy does over achieve and have great credit and really goes out her way to please her man (take alot of shit for the fault of slavery, not to mention swollows and over all be a down ass bitch unless they are calling the cops on you and crying rape)not that they all do this and if your good in yours do you be happy but running from the challenges we face doesnt help them to be solved. One of the ways out of this mess is acknowledging our role and position in all of this. How we allow it to go on the portion we are responsible for our duty to ourselves.
you say you have it but did you know that you also need wisdom (women Ima say black women)and Understanding (child) in order to find your culture and that will give you power for equality and the bridge for you to step into your Godhood so then you can build and be born (again) into your cipher (the universe that is all yours).
lol if that went over your head just change your name and go study your mathamatics and come at me when you can tell me todays math B boy...
Set up
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 48 minutes ago
Probably cause they would look at there screens dumbfounded when I told them that there is no such thing as aids, cancer is curable in less than 30 days, so is diabetes, and all other dis eases of the body and that our air water and food is polluting our bodies to the point where we feel we are supposed to get sick and doctors get paid lovely by supporting these myths...
see... close your mouth and act like I didnt tell you ... damn lol
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 39 minutes ago
see... I gotcha bank stopped lol
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show nalej allah Permalink Reply by show nalej allah 35 minutes ago
my ex...had to tell her i just wasn't into us, her anymore....but was fucked up, she still was and i knew it. took me like a couple of months to finally let her know shit just wasnt there....i still feel bad about that. crazy huh?
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 3 minutes ago
I had to tell someone that they was funky...that was hard cause i dont like to hurt no one feelings, but mane that person had to be
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Reply by Affi 19 hours ago
Rcaism is everywhere not just in the US. I am African and trust me when i say its in Africa too between blacks. Its called Tribalism.
I really dont understand why People are racist.At the end of the day God created us all. You have 2 destinations.....HEAVEN or HELLL.
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thegod99 Permalink Reply by thegod99 19 hours ago
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אני הצל - Ani Hatzhell Permalink Reply by אני הצל - Ani Hatzhell 19 hours ago
Racism is present because humans have a brain that is so developed that they have different beliefs and opinions. It cant be stopped, not ever.
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April Permalink Reply by April 18 hours ago
there's always going to be racism....and it comes from being different. as long as people aren't clones and there's a difference in skin color, nationality, etnicity, people are going to find a reason to hate. racism exists EVERYWHERE! in the grand scheme of it all, racism may not be the same as it was back during the jim crow days here in the US but it's still bad and it's not getting better. it's just well hidden.
unfortunately, it's going to change. people are always not going to like another group of people for one reason or another. it's sad but that's the reality of it all
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 27 minutes ago
I think it comes from the unknown and is used by the few to control the masses into giving their energy to them. Face it you work 40 hours dont see your children and get paid debt (debt notes a promise to pay = not paid) as money when the US went broke back 1870's and in 1933 redid the bankruptcy to include every citizen giving up all the gold they had and outlawing having it at all.
Oops not interesting I know so I know how to holla G-UNIT!!!
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anna hun Permalink Reply by anna hun 18 hours ago
if they assasine obama it will lead to street wars
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
and the well prepared for declaration of martial law... lol they waiting for ya every move covered... chess wit real life pawns ... but you dont have to be a pawn you can be come a Queen but first you have to know your in the damn game and its you thats being moved lol I said GET UP!!!!!!!
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young moola baby Permalink Reply by young moola baby 18 hours ago
AM SORRY but it aint never gonna go anywhere and we will never stop it cause ppl smile in your face and talk shit behind your back even if they pretend to b ok there really not ... i rather a person call me a nigger to my face then behind closed doors
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
ahh but it is ... it is crumbling as we speak thats when the hate will get the loudest but it will take for some people to wake up and realize what is going on and not play along n shit study theyselves really know they are way more special then they are being lead to believe...
Let me ask you a question ... just for shits n giggles ... I know yall dont like to write too much but ...
If you fuck it if someone was willing to kill off a whole population of people because they didnt work well enough as slaves do you really think they would take your children (ie you!) and teach them what they really needed to know in their schools?
Ever wonder y you dont really like to read? Can not pay attention to one thing for too long? (except videos games and movies) Conditioned its ok there is an answer but you have to realize that you have to ask the questions for them to appear before your eyes B word up...
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Invy Me Permalink Reply by Invy Me 18 hours ago
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Jpizal Permalink Reply by Jpizal 17 hours ago
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Jpizal Permalink Reply by Jpizal 17 hours ago
I think the biggest key is education. Minorities need to work on getting educated and putting themselves in postitions that are different from the generalzations put on them by the public. I think we need more black and hispanic managers in the workforce. Racism is taught in alot of families and commuities. It is taught with certain definition of races, if minorities can go out and show people they are not just gangbangers and drug dealer but are people just like everyone else. But I think another thing is to kill it with kindness, it may sound stupid but it works. Now this isnt always possible, if violence comes on you or a family member because of your race then that person deserve some shit. But in just everyday taunts and such, don't resort to their level. just understand they are confused and someone probably guided them in that direction. Therefore be as nice as the situation will allow you to be. Freaking out and doing something dumb over words is not the answer.
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Reply by G-unit Baby Girl 1 day ago
thats true
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I Am Legend Permalink Reply by I Am Legend 1 day ago
Stop paying attention to it....
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Lord Parkin Permalink Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
Obama is alive and leading in every pole believe me it's getting better.........I watch a little white girl at a Redsox - Orioles game cry when Big Poppi struck out I remember in the 80's listening to whites bash Eddie Murray (Black HOF O's Outfielder) now you go to a game and half the white dudes have on Adam Jones t shirts.the world will never be free of racism but it is getting better ............. but those who resist a new world (black president) aren't going to go quietly I wouldn't expect then too hell I'd rather them be open and honest then hide thier racist beliefs ........ it's only going to get uglier perception wise but say Obama wins convincily how can you come to the conclusion that we aren't getting better hell VA has voted REP since the beggining of time newest pole.......Obama leading big in VA
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BLACKGUNN Permalink Reply by BLACKGUNN 18 hours ago
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 39 minutes ago
sounds like your your own problem and lookin at it that way you certainly will only get more of the same. YOu did say one good thing education and more of it should be gotten before you say another word your not helping...
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 41 minutes ago
yea it is hidden most of the time but they work for your favorite companies and tell you to your face that they dont want your business and that your sheep and we keep going back.
Walmart sucks the money out of communities for it never to return and go back to china and in their vaults, Timberland puts a tree on their lable and makes public statements that they are not marketing to the urban communities (meaning you) and we still wear them, nike and rebok have children working long hours for like 7 dollars a day making sneakers, shirts etc and we keep buying hard core
so yea we still slaves and its ok these things happen...
did you know Emancipation means transfer of ownership and not free
the government found a way to transfer ownership from the slave owning states to the government. Oh and everyone is an economic slave the difference they house themselves and buy their own food...
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88 Block Permalink Reply by 88 Block 1 day ago
Kill em. Bottom line if you disrespected by the other race than kill em. I hate racism and it's even worst when you get hate pushed on you by a higher power. my boy was harrassed when the cops stopped us i was driving they made him get out the car first and searched him he had nothing on him i had a knife and they didn't even ask me to get out they said he looked like someone who robbed the store a month ago. so he was tight another time was when we were looking suspitious he had a oz of purp and i had 2 oz's of crack for sale they took mine and made me dump it out said he tried to resist arrest and got him with resisting,posession and attempt to sell. I got him out on bail as soon as the paper work done but the point is they just fucked up.
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Lord Parkin Permalink Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
Wow animal cub put the AK away homie I've been stopped 14 times the last two years and yet not one arrest or happens once I was doing 85 in a 45 they pulled me over illegally searched my trunk found nothing went on thier way didn't even give me the speeding ticket........the officers were hispanic so should I be like kill hispanics or hispanics are racist's just life hell cops just rode by my house I'm drinking outside and I know they smell the combination of my and my (white dude ) neighbors green they looked and keep on going say they had stopped hell were both in the wrong but I wouldn;t have cried it's cause I'm black
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Ezau Permalink Reply by Ezau 1 day ago
Race Plays An Everyday Role In Society Weather We Like It Or Not. When I Mean Race i Mean Culture. There Is Just Certain Things That Mexicans Do That Makes Them MExicans, Certain Things Blacks Do That Makes Them Black, Certain Things Whites Do That make Them White, Certain Things Arabs Do That Make Them Arabs, Certain Things, Asians Do That Make Them Asian. Some People In There Own Culture Dislike some Of The Things Going On While Others Embrace Them. Others Outside There Culture Hate Other Cultures Because They Dont Understand Them....for example why do mexicans eat beans? why do asians eat rice? why do blacks eat chicken? I Dont Mean To Be Fucked Up But The First THing I Notice In People Is There Skin Color, i know you do to. It Boils Down To The Culture People. Depepnding On What OUr Biases And Preferences Determinds How We Treat Others. you guys should just love everybody like me.
What THis Boils Down To If Is The People Of America Know Enough Good Black Woman And Men To Not Be Racially Blinded By The Bullshit Tv Propaganda. IF You Really Want A Black President You Better Start Doing Good Deeds For People That Dislike Black People And Crush This On Going Culture Beef. At The End Of The day We Are ALL Americans.
-Ezau From The Westcoast
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Naslaya Permalink Reply by Naslaya 1 day ago
No one can stop racism but the racists themselves......... I love every race but I dislike not hate (thats a strong word) some people in other races but I'm not going to hold every race responsible for what that 1 person did to me........ Things are getting better because of segregration which went in effect in the 1960s which wasn't too long ago..... Real Talk........ Things are not the same as they were back then but if things keep happening (racially) it is going to be a riot.... I'm not promoting it just stating an opinon..........
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 35 minutes ago
and thats whats supposed to happen... part of the plan
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Niguhdeyluv2hate Permalink Reply by Niguhdeyluv2hate 1 day ago
grow up being exposed to co-exsistance without racism,sexism,or fossism!don't justify your wrong by the time!for example:it's 2008 and i'm doin my thing!i'm grown and i can do what i want to do!GOD is real and he ain't playin wit dem kids in the street,or in the office or white house!learn to live based off right and wrong instead of justifying your wrong with excuses!and racism and every other thing that's wrong with this country will eventually disappear!but it ain't gonna happen cuz ppl b like i'm gay,and i'll still go to heaven,or i can cheat on my wife and still expect GOD not to punish me.i'm a man and i got needs, gotta get some head and pussy!instead of living to please GOD we make ourselves believe he will bless us for going against GOD will bless us now for living a way that he cursed so long ago.
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Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
it'll never stop it's human nature to believe that those similar to you are better than others that aren;t like you but it's getting of my dad's friends got his ass kicked for being in federal hill (upper class white part of Baltimore) after dark back in the 60's my girl's from there I walk threw that neighborhood at night and people speak there friendly they love our son hell I bar hop thier when all my homeboys are stuck in the house
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MURDA300 Permalink Reply by MURDA300 1 day ago
no disrespect but i have to disagree on that...its not human nature and its only getting worst.
just the other day a white man purposly ran over a black girl with his car and called her a nigger..then you have the whole situation at the pailin rally...and shit is really going to get fucked up if obama is elected...i wish him the best and im not trying to be negetive but i dont think he'll last that long
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Lord Parkin Permalink Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
Brother before my girl brought me home to "meet the parents" no black person had ever set foot in her parents house, any of her aunts, ect, they've treated me with the upmost respect, invite me to every family event, me and her dad watch FB together hell I have keys to her parents house and I've crashed thier (on drunken nights) before......her fathers aunt (90 something years old very racist) was left in her room for two weeks while we were on vacation just so she wouldn;t say something around me......I even thought that was extreme..........I lived on MD eastern shore for three years in the late 80's and no black radio stations, I've was called every kind of nigger now you go to those same towns kids listening to Wayne and station plays more hip hop than 106 and park, white dudes wearing sean john..that typw of thing would have never happened just 20 years ago.
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Paul Permalink Reply by Paul 1 day ago
Racism is human nature.
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Demitrious Permalink Reply by Demitrious 1 day ago
Racism is only human nature as a result of the construct of american society
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G-unit Baby Girl Permalink Reply by G-unit Baby Girl 1 day ago
not really
cus the first ppl 2 live on here werent racist
it just grew
from wat exactly or who
but its not meant 2 happen like that
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AA Permalink Reply by AA 17 hours ago
Demitrious made a good point - the construct of a society has alot to do with it - go to other parts of the world such as Egypt and the middle East or Saudi Arabia you will see alot less racial discrimination
u see Blacks and Arabs and Eastern people living together and praying in the same place - its been like that for centuries in the muslim world
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 52 minutes ago
AA I hear you but you also see light skin egyptian running shit and dismantling tombs while the dark skin egyptians have to get special permission to work in the city for certain hours. Yes they pray together something is way different than what was painted on the walls ...
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Demitrious Permalink Reply by Demitrious 13 hours ago
I'm not disagreeing with you i said a construct of society, meaning it was something that was built, originally it did not exist in America it was invented by white elites during the 17th century as a was to control the slave population, because before there was no such thing as white ppl the term did not exist nor did it bare any merit, african, irish, english etc all interbreed with no problem, all owned slaves, all became slave( expect the british i think but the irish were slaves tho), after they were finding it hard to keep track of who was and who was not a slave they just declare that all blacks would be slaves and that whites would just be white the rich whites would control all the power and resources, and the poor whites would act as a buffer between the slaves in return the poor white gain a sense of self worth and pride (however it was falsely based, and that why you still see some white ppl trying to hold on to it despite logic) then the rest was history jim crow segregation red lining job discrimination all that stuff which was constructed by American society.
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Jo Smith Permalink Reply by Jo Smith 1 day ago
Human nature. You don't see animals loving each species.
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 1 day ago
as long as there is diversity in race there will be hate
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Demitrious Permalink Reply by Demitrious 1 day ago
you really are on to something there I feel like if we all keep inter breeding things will calm down alot
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Ya Boi Got On More Gold Then A Fuckin Laker
This is i need some help yall no lie
* Posted by Ya Boi Got On More Gold Then A Fuckin Laker on October 18, 2008 at 4:06am in News
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straight up. if been down with a chick for like 4 months and she already talkin kids marrige movin and all that shit, wtf is a nigga to do? i feel shorty in all aspects but she throwin life on a nigga like murda. some one holla at me man
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ricco hollister Permalink Reply by ricco hollister 14 minutes ago
real rap dont do it its a trap
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 12 minutes ago
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Bounce212 Permalink Reply by Bounce212 9 minutes ago
if u have the tiniest dick in america go for it!!!
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 7 minutes ago
Have a talk with her and tell her how you feel...if your not ready let her know your not ready to take it to that level yet,and she might understand..
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 6 minutes ago
LMFAO @ what bounce212 said LMAO!!!
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shawnlegend16 Permalink Reply by shawnlegend16 5 minutes ago
Naw end it.
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BLACKNOLLIE Permalink Reply by BLACKNOLLIE 4 minutes ago
i know it to much for you right now but how do you feel about her? do u want to settle down with her do do u wnat to settle down period some time in your life
if u feel the same way got for but if she movin to fast for you then u need to talk to her about it tell her that she movin to fast for you if she cares about your feelin then she will take it slow and respect your wishes but if not then you got to move on not tellin you to do so just sit down and talk to her about it see were u boy stand in life what ya want what level ya both on
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P Trilla Permalink Reply by P Trilla 1 second ago
just talk to her make sure yall on the same page and your ready for what she wnats out of life.
because what you want might not be what she needs and what you need might not be what she
wants life is to short to make mistakes then regret them later put everything out in the clear
trust me you dont want to be ten years down the line then your woman flip on you and flip the
script and you all of sudden stuck with kids,house,no health care lots of money and bad attitudes
from her and nothing will be able to soother your pain not cheating,gambling,sex,weed,drinking,
clubbing,hanging witg the boys not even god can save you at that point take it from a real o.g. homie
a real man who been there done that talk with her take my advice put it to good use i hope you make
the right decision cuz we as adults dont always make the right decision long story short
a pond is ankle high a lake is hundred feet deep but marriage is like the ocean never know
what you getttin into feel me.
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Reply by grindstaff1 on August 17, 2008 at 1:44pm
I quit.
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grindstaff1 Permalink Reply by grindstaff1 on August 17, 2008 at 1:54pm
I'm not a quitter by nature...which makes it kinda hard to know when I've lost.
The one time I was deeply glad I did quit was the saturday before hurricane katrina.
I had a sweet gig bartending common's after party. But the bar was a complete mess. The plumbing was fucked. One sink worked and there was an inch of water on the floor.
That night I quit. I told the manager I wouldn't work under those conditions. Good thing cause me and my son and cousin were on the road to shreveport two hrs later.
I bartended jiggas afterparty too. But that's neither here nor there.
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:11pm
i had to tell a chick that i had tape worms in my stomach and i was gonna have to store stool samples in the fridge for five days. while i watched the gradual decline in worm borrowing through my shit before i took it back to the hospital for futher analysis...... i wrote that shit like i was educated....
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Leebo Permalink Reply by Leebo on August 18, 2008 at 8:17pm
What this songs about lol
* 11 I Fucked Your Bitch.mp3, 6.4 MB
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:18pm
oh i got another one. i had a tell a bitch that had my kid, that i got another bitch pregnant. i guess thats bad huh.....
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 18, 2008 at 9:58pm
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:25pm
i was a manager at a resturant and someone where i worked. we had just smoked some good bud.....he thought we were friends. while smoking he told me a great story on what he was planning on doing with his life, and how the job saved him.....all sorts of heart felt shit. then i fired him. thank you Lone star steakhouse and saloon in Raleigh North Carolina....
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:26pm
i once had to tell a girl ....the sore ness you feel. it wasn't me
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* (LOG IN)!!! Permalink Reply by (LOG IN)!!! on August 18, 2008 at 8:32pm
te hardest thing i ever had to do is prolly tell someone sorry.. i just dont do that
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 18, 2008 at 9:58pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 24, 2008 at 11:30am
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187akayounghomiside Permalink Reply by 187akayounghomiside 1 hour ago
DIZ reaL ShyT THe hardst THing I EVER HAD TO TELLL SUm BODIE wAZ ....................''DaD I kiLLed HiM''
Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:32pm
OKAY !!!!!!
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:33pm
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:33pm
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Jason Permalink Reply by Jason on August 17, 2008 at 12:44pm
You a fuckin faggot nigga find sumthin 2 do
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:00pm
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Gawd Permalink Reply by Gawd on August 17, 2008 at 11:31am
I had to tell my homegirl that her breath was horrible. That shit smellt like like a homelees dudes ass on the regular. I gave that chick gum, mints, mouthwash all kind of shit and that shit didnt help at all. I had to cut her ass off cause i couldnt take that shit no more.
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:52am
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:32pm
Produced By Choo Biggz
The streets were flooded with urban philosophers, covered with black ski masks, heavy wool scarves and fatigue down jackets, packed with feathers that kept them warm. Their eyes moved slowly around the street corners, while the sounds of Shyheim’s 1993 rugged hip-hop track “On and On,” inspired the Staten Island locals to be creative- until they couldn’t think anymore. Their hands froze, their phones chirped, their eyes glistened in the New York silhouette, while their heads bobbed, back and forth as a symbol of empathy. Faces with smiles, smirks and sounds of laughter overshadowed the reality of struggle, as the music lovers’ reminisced of the “Rugged Child” and his sharp, poised approach to hip-hip. Years and years of snatching mics, writing rhymes and promoting “love, loyalty, respect, trust and honor,” the edgy looking, brown-skinned, slim emcee that used passion as a tool, truth as a guide and conviction as motivation, was being thought of as a sub-culture legend. After sharing the stage with legendary emcees, Christopher “Biggie” Wallace, Tupac Shakur and Big Daddy Kane at Madison Square Garden, the then 14-year-old Shyheim the “Manchild” was being embraced as one of the youngest, yet illest emcees to ever touch the mic. His prestige and dedication also landed him an appearance on Big Daddy Kane’s “Show & Prove,” which featured Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Sauce Money, Scoob Lover and Grammy Award winning emcee, Jay-Z. After being the youngest member of the prestigious Wu-Tang Clan, Shyheim landed a video appearance in TLC’s “Waterfalls,” roles in films: Original Gangstas, In Too Deep, and The Preacher’s Wife and also starred in the television show, The Parent Hood. Shyheim also released four albums including: AKA the Rugged Child (1994), The Lost Generation (1996), Manchild (1999), and The Greatest Story Never Told (2004). For the last 14 years, the extraordinary emcee has succeeded and survived both his in and out industry struggles. After being arrested in 2001, the young emcee served a prison sentence that led to a 2-year time-out. The Staten Island emcee eager and ready to express his story, weighed his options, evaluated his past and placed his option to win, as his only way back into hip-hop culture. In 2007, Shyheim Franklin started Bottom Up Records as an opportunity for emerging artists to receive a complete opportunity to record music, learn about the behind the scenes aspects of the industry and to also prep them in company ownership. With his new vision, an upcoming book and his fifth project on Bottom Up set for release in late 2008, Shyheim plans to once again bring those hip-hop lovers to their speakers to nod their heads, in homage of quality music. -Dominque “A.H.L.O.T.” Howse, “Altering Popular Perception est. 1985.”
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Anthony Permalink Reply by Anthony on August 17, 2008 at 12:34pm
I had 2 tell my current girl and baby moms they boath pregnet at the same time.My kids iz 2 weeks apart
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:02pm
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Tokka Permalink Reply by Tokka on August 17, 2008 at 12:54pm
I guess that both of my grandmoms died, one in 2004 and the other in 2005. I had to tell my sister, my mom and stephdad twice. I picked up the phone when they called. I guess that was the hardest thing to say..
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:03pm
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Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:14am
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 11:18am
hey dumout whats good babe
yeah anyway i had to fire some one yesturday it wasnt cool i was standing in for the boss an he sent me an e-mail to do his durrty work for him an i felt like shit after it
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" Ladies don't CHEAT ya self, TREAT ya self" Permalink Reply by " Ladies don't CHEAT ya self, TREAT ya self" on August 17, 2008 at 11:26am
I had to tell an ex girlfriend that her sister was a slut, her reaction was too funny.
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:51am
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:51am
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 12:04pm
yeah i lost all respect i had for him now he a coward
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 12:04pm
yeah i lost all respect i had for him now he a coward
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 12:12pm
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 12:24pm
nah it was a woman thats why i feel like shit about it i just know she prolly got kids
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:00pm
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Jason Permalink Reply by Jason on August 17, 2008 at 11:27am
Askin my girl why she cant do it like this::
Gifs at
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:32pm
OKAY !!!!!!
Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:11am
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:12am
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Don Mega Permalink Reply by Don Mega on August 17, 2008 at 1:02am
Telling one of my buddys that our other friend just died in a car accident.
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Devin Permalink Reply by Devin on August 17, 2008 at 1:09am
i had to tell jay2k that he the most ugly person i have ever seen
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Don Mega Permalink Reply by Don Mega on August 17, 2008 at 1:14am
smh lol
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:13am
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 17, 2008 at 12:25pm
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 on August 17, 2008 at 1:25am telling people on thisis50 that Jesus is factually challenged...
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DanTanna Permalink Reply by DanTanna on August 17, 2008 at 1:31am
tell one of my friend his girl is a ripper!
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FEVER, Chairman of Aces Video/Film Production Inc. Permalink Reply by FEVER, Chairman of Aces Video/Film Production Inc. on August 17, 2008 at 1:35am
You gotta let a hoe be a hoe.
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Louie Cordero Permalink Reply by Louie Cordero on August 17, 2008 at 1:37am
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Reckless aka Pro Reck Permalink Reply by Reckless aka Pro Reck on August 17, 2008 at 2:33am
i cummed on her stilleto's...
Reply by Bpayne on August 16, 2008 at 8:08pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:09pm
damn keep ya head fam
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:12pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:20pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:20pm
lol u messed up
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:38pm
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Carmen Permalink Reply by Carmen on August 16, 2008 at 8:25pm
I had to tell my dad, my brother (his son) died, and he was in jail which made it worser, and 2 months before that my dad's father died and he was in jail then too
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:38pm
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Carmen Permalink Reply by Carmen on August 16, 2008 at 8:42pm
i didn't even really cry like that about my brother dying until i got off the phone with my dad, and hearing him about to cry just kinda broke me down, both of us was really trying not to cry when we were on the phone
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T. Permalink Reply by T. on August 17, 2008 at 1:22am
worst thing..that gayme was a fake ass gang banger and nobody on the west coast supports his wack ass shit..also that he will never be like 50 cent...
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:39pm
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G-UNit Gang Permalink Reply by G-UNit Gang on August 16, 2008 at 9:04pm
shout out to Dumout.. best discussioner ever.. front on her, u gotta meet the gang gang.. bang bang... 2 g's up...
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Reply by malik on August 16, 2008 at 7:51pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:55pm
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malik Permalink Reply by malik on August 16, 2008 at 7:59pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 7:56pm
lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she dont add no one
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:02pm
lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats fucked up
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:13pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:20pm
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DanTanna Permalink Reply by DanTanna on August 17, 2008 at 1:29am
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Shonta Permalink Reply by Shonta on August 16, 2008 at 7:59pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:00pm
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Shonta Permalink Reply by Shonta on August 16, 2008 at 8:11pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:13pm
Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 5:01pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:56pm
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::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: Permalink Reply by ::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: on August 16, 2008 at 4:57pm
Tellin my sister my cousin and grandpa died..on seperate occassions...she kept wantin me to say it again....
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:00pm
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::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: Permalink Reply by ::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: on August 16, 2008 at 5:07pm
thanx....and yea it was very hard...
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:10pm
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Rodriques aka The Retrospect™ Permalink Reply by Rodriques aka The Retrospect™ on August 16, 2008 at 7:31pm
I had to tell my mom that her father died.
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:44pm
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JJG Permalink Reply by JJG on August 16, 2008 at 7:43pm
I forgot to put the rubber on
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:43pm
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Xx Miss Claire xX Permalink Reply by Xx Miss Claire xX on August 16, 2008 at 7:48pm
Hardest thing i had to tell someone....
Was to my dad, he was seriously ill in hospital, he was on all sorts pain killers etc that made him hallucinate and stuff... and he asked me for a ciggerette,
but giving him one would of killed him he couldnt breathe as it was and he wanted to sit in the hospital and smoke this ciggerette....
So i told him NO i wouldnt give him one... he told me to fuck off out the hospital... ( That was hard thing to do... left in tears)
Then a day later he died and i never got to make it up to him....
When we buried him i popped a ciggerette in his top pocket...
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:54pm
Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 4:41pm
Gifs at
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JR Permalink Reply by JR on August 16, 2008 at 4:48pm
ahhh dayuummmmm....its not hard 4 me to say....i just start clownin'
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The Truth Permalink Reply by The Truth on August 16, 2008 at 4:48pm
thats what i said
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:49pm
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The Truth Permalink Reply by The Truth on August 16, 2008 at 4:48pm
hard to tell a girl her pussy stink if u wanna beat? bitch act like its ur fault
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johnson Permalink Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 4:50pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:53pm
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johnson Permalink Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 4:56pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:59pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:05pm
LOL ED......
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::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: Permalink Reply by ::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: on August 16, 2008 at 5:08pm
lmao ed kills it wit his
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:07pm
to This Discussion
deathangel666 Permalink Reply by deathangel666 on August 16, 2008 at 4:35pm
i had to tell a chick i was burning but fuck it im good now but that shit was hard to tell somebody
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:50pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:51pm
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JR Permalink Reply by JR on August 16, 2008 at 4:37pm
I fucked your cousin and best friend
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JR Permalink Reply by JR on August 16, 2008 at 4:41pm
my ex that is
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fiftystyles Permalink Reply by fiftystyles on August 16, 2008 at 4:38pm
ive been wanting to fire someone for the longest time. i imagine that should be pretty hard. also, i had to tell ED u want him to call u DUMOUT!!!!! in the sack.
actually, that last one wasnt hard at all.
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:39pm
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fiftystyles Permalink Reply by fiftystyles on August 16, 2008 at 4:49pm
whaaaaaaaat?? lol
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:52pm
watchu mean wat?
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:49pm
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SoWuT! Permalink Reply by SoWuT! on August 18, 2008 at 8:19pm
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G-unit Baby Girl Permalink Reply by G-unit Baby Girl 1 hour ago
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How Can We Stop The Racism Going On In Our Country
* Posted by MURDA300 on October 16, 2008 at 9:00pm in News
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It Really Needs To Stop..We're Killing Each Other
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 1 hour ago
@ Ron B.. Through experience comes knowledge and with knowledge u gain wisdom =P
thats all i gotta say lol
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 1 hour ago
lol thats whats up ... look up supreme mathamatics you will understand..
lol the funny thing is theres a white guy beating his keys down to find out what the fuck Im talking about right now lol
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 55 minutes ago
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
Its gonna take something major... but its already started
[Theres a war going on outside no man is safe from... ] Yall act like yall dont hear the signs
I know I know they didnt listen to noah either well I know what your thinking "I dont want to be running scared" and
thats the answer right there Fear is what is holding you down it is the means which you are being controled. you dont want to look at yourself for fear of being held responsible for what you see.
WEll Im here to tell you that the more you find you also find the answers you need to go with it and it gets easier
But putting your head in the sand (computer, video game, movie, tv) is not going to make it not come the time for you to act and GET UP!!!
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John Permalink Reply by John 52 minutes ago
Just educate yourself with finer knowledge, stay away from people who say they (only) know the truth and stay away from bullshit ass conspiracy theories or internotknowledge.
Nothing less, nothing more.
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show nalej allah Permalink Reply by show nalej allah 23 minutes ago
teach your kids to respect those who respect you and not by their race. racism is not in anybody dna...its is something that is taught from the home. mold the seed to make a rose. simple.
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John Permalink Reply by John 20 minutes ago
Ohh, before I forget..
Stay away from any extremist group and you could also come out well.
Basicly stay away from every far-right, far-left, pro-white, pro-black, cult, religion or atheist doctrine and teach yourself by gathering knowledge based on your experiences and combining it with reading as much books as you can .
Stay sceptic towards everything untill you did an empiric research of it..
That could do the job..
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P Trilla Permalink Reply by P Trilla 1 second ago
I agree on all replies 100% especially Ezau you made a good point you have the good and the bad and the ugly those who do and those who dont and racism is the barrier between all these factors. Money controls our attitudes towards people if there was no money i dont think there would be any hate period because then people would not be judged by there skin or bank account but by the goodness of there heart and there good deeds. You see some people are tough in other cultures in families of wealth and crime families and gangs all over the world to hate and be racist its not there fault they dont understand its to late for them they preach and teach it to there children and there are the regular folks who are subject to the stupidity and racism of those wealthy families and crime families and gangs who use money and there pure hatred to subject us poor folks to there will only when poor people unit people of color who share the same circumstance and learn to co exist and bring down and learn about the civil rights movements and history and learn to protest against this blatant racism in our country and to live with one another and stop supporting systems which keep us seperated and divided by status money or culture then we will never see a change until then its very simple no money no problems if we stop working stop caring and start loving all people from homeless to middle class to rich and learn to break all barriers and invite people into our homes who truly need help and show real love if the people you invite in are really ready for change,peace,love equality i mean why cant we have a drug free crime free society, why cant we have open borders for all illegals were money is not the means for coming to america not just mexicans but all illegals of all ethnicities who come here illegally because its clear most of them dont make enough money to care or understand that the people they hate might be just like them so we all need to keep talking to each other and learn to be more social why cant we have a socialist society where everything is free because in a few years if technology crash like it did in new york and peoples asseets get stolen and sent to private bank accounts of hackers then brought back up as a financial bailout and mortgage crisis is because those who commited those crimes did not think about the lives they were wrecking as long as they were living the high life. So you see racism is very d eep rooted in society and its never exposed and that should be our main focus as people of color who are subjected to it the most. all people of color should stick together because were all one big family anyway if you really studied your history historians know scholars know but its only because diversity is not preached on public platforms and regular tv and so much racism is built into society that most people dont realize everyday things they do make the racism stand stronger by just buying gas going to grocery store buying clothes cars and household products plan and simple if its not made here and its bought in america and those people who made all what we buy dont like us then guess what we financed out our own destruction so how can we change this stop depending on foreign anything and learn to cultivate our own foods, clothes, stores which support real change in america and not just to send money back to countries which dont help the average everyday america or people who suffer die and are enslaved ourseas to put these products in our homes and cars and offices so you see racism is deeper than skin color it can be a financial game as well step ya game up people wake up. it can and will be stopped once people realize were all the same and need the same things why not. but one person cant do it alone it everybody is repsonsible for there own actions and every other human if you dont believe me just stop observe and fall out of society never work never live for money or sex and never want for anything sounds bogus but then you will have the real mindset on how to combat racism on all levels like obama said change can come but i cant do it alone i need your help. we are the people we should stand up for one another its not a race thing its a financial thing beacuse what happens to blacks happens to all cultures its just not talked about digg. p trilla peace if you need more insight visit my my blog peace and love p trilla.
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Reply by YOUNG FACE 17 hours ago
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 1 hour ago
you aRE NOT a minority
Your the majority
the only minority in the world are the 1% with all the money
ie the ones who get the 400 Billion when 50 got 400 million...
and we are not just what ever you said ... thats all you get to see ... if you got to see all the good thats being done you just might believe that that was cool and there goes the fear that keeps you locked the fuck up mentally!
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YOUNG FACE Permalink Reply by YOUNG FACE 17 hours ago
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ILL Madic.™ Permalink Reply by ILL Madic.™ 16 hours ago
It's never going to stop...
Not until everybody learns how to love themselves and each other.
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Joice Heth Permalink Reply by Joice Heth 3 hours ago
IT WONT STOP....I do think its very natural, basically like self preservation...
RACISM imao is natural..HATE is sick, without reason. and even then @ some point you must move on and let go of if...cause it hurts ur dam self 2 hate more than the person u actually hate.
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 22 minutes ago
joice aint lie!
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
stop supporting it... the businesses, the systems that keep it in place learn who you are and it really fades to black.
When we stop lending our energy to it it disappears like Kiser Sosay...
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Bakim Gibbs Permalink Reply by Bakim Gibbs 2 hours ago
IT WONT STOP!!!!! this country was built on racism they invented it!!!
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
see thats where your wrong ... they didnt invent anything (doesnt it seem that they just copy and steal?) Its ok cause we all have our role like super man can fly and flash can run fast. But back to what I was saying ... they actually ... (sad to say this shit) got it from watching us... the moors were fucking them up for a long time going into towns and raiding they shit... thats where the term Blackmail comes from. If you look in the shield of english royalty you will see the moors in there. White people are like the Cinderella that was shitted on for a long time but they are part of the family. They just came into power and that phrase "never again" seems too be their motto. That deep seated hate is engrained in some of them.
Some others realize we are all one but there is another who wants to keep things the way they are and go through great pains to keep us off balance and asleep.
With some its easier than others... and the rest you just kill and keep them in fear...
but we are waking up "Left the drugs along took the thugs along wit me ... "
what 50 say? "We commin nicka..."
so Bakim sittin on a pile of money is only gonna be able to warm your ass in a min cause shit gone change belidat or not it dont matter cause its gone happen if you believe it or not
and how you get off saying it wont stop ... lol what you think this is a puffy remix?
Its gone stop cause I said its gonna stop ......what?
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(973) J Permalink Reply by (973) J 2 hours ago
lol yu can try but dat shit aint gunna stop i guess maybe if every race starting mixin wit each other non stop but ppl always gunna hate or b jealous real tlk
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 2 hours ago
listen everybody wants racism to stop but the fact it wont stop for alot of reasons... but the main point is that as long as we have a diversity in race we will have hate..
whites hate on every race that is not there own who do u think developed racial slurs and descrimination?? we as a ppl and as a country will never see racism end until God comes bacc for this wicced world. its like this the crips and da blxxds had a truce way bacc in 1992 but some gang members didnt want a truce and even tho it was carried out it ended up getting fucced up bkuz u can force it on them but some members wont accept it and its the same with racism white ppl will never see eye to with minorities especially blaccs but luccily alot of white women been diccriding blaccs so hopefully we piss off they pops and grandfathers and they will respect the fact that they grandchild is a wigger lol.
sqad out
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 1 hour ago
Two things...
I feel what you saying on that 92 truce shit and did you know that there are people who look like you who go to jail and are approached by people who want them to do things for them so they can get off in most cases scott free?
These same people are the ones who make the block hot lickin off shots, selling what they want, killing who they want. Those "certain gang members" to me is suspect and even if they wasn't the whole mantality is not surprising me we all have been severely studied.
It is known that if you stress your mother in any 1/3 of her pregnancy with you, where your going to lack in development. If your going to be needy, agressive, gay, nurturing can all be played with by fucking wit ya moms while she is carring you.
waiting for God huh, well Im here fuck waiting around your here you are the God that your waiting for. THats the greatest trick the devil ever played to me that you had to wait for some God to come out of the sky and save your candy a--- you feel me? You have in your skin the same material that is found in space, that makes up the black hole melanin everybody has it but you have it in the highest amounts found on the planet. Dark matter yes its the same that found in every nucleus of every cell in your body the reason Jordan doesnt have to think to do what he does... what Curtis has mastered and uses to be who he is. The God molecule that they are looking for is in us and it is up to us to wake it the fuck up feel me?
Oh and lastly, on the pissing on pops comment. Yea sure beccy does over achieve and have great credit and really goes out her way to please her man (take alot of shit for the fault of slavery, not to mention swollows and over all be a down ass bitch unless they are calling the cops on you and crying rape)not that they all do this and if your good in yours do you be happy but running from the challenges we face doesnt help them to be solved. One of the ways out of this mess is acknowledging our role and position in all of this. How we allow it to go on the portion we are responsible for our duty to ourselves.
you say you have it but did you know that you also need wisdom (women Ima say black women)and Understanding (child) in order to find your culture and that will give you power for equality and the bridge for you to step into your Godhood so then you can build and be born (again) into your cipher (the universe that is all yours).
lol if that went over your head just change your name and go study your mathamatics and come at me when you can tell me todays math B boy...
Setting shit up to look a certain way is like a national pasttime in this country
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We're sorry, but this discussion has just been closed to further replies.
* Posted by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:30pm in Lifestyle
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Thug Misses Permalink Reply by Thug Misses 1 hour ago
Nigga bein on lockdown is a bitch--I had ta tell my husband when his granma passed away, and when his dad passed away! Shit and a couple other people too.
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 55 minutes ago
Two things...
I feel what you saying on that 92 truce shit and did you know that there are people who look like you who go to jail and are approached by people who want them to do things for them so they can get off in most cases scott free?
These same people are the ones who make the block hot lickin off shots, selling what they want, killing who they want. Those "certain gang members" to me is suspect and even if they wasn't the whole mantality is not surprising me we all have been severely studied.
It is known that if you stress your mother in any 1/3 of her pregnancy with you, where your going to lack in development. If your going to be needy, agressive, gay, nurturing can all be played with by fucking wit ya moms while she is carring you.
waiting for God huh, well Im here fuck waiting around your here you are the God that your waiting for. THats the greatest trick the devil ever played to me that you had to wait for some God to come out of the sky and save your candy a--- you feel me? You have in your skin the same material that is found in space, that makes up the black hole melanin everybody has it but you have it in the highest amounts found on the planet. Dark matter yes its the same that found in every nucleus of every cell in your body the reason Jordan doesnt have to think to do what he does... what Curtis has mastered and uses to be who he is. The God molecule that they are looking for is in us and it is up to us to wake it the fuck up feel me?
Oh and lastly, on the pissing on pops comment. Yea sure beccy does over achieve and have great credit and really goes out her way to please her man (take alot of shit for the fault of slavery, not to mention swollows and over all be a down ass bitch unless they are calling the cops on you and crying rape)not that they all do this and if your good in yours do you be happy but running from the challenges we face doesnt help them to be solved. One of the ways out of this mess is acknowledging our role and position in all of this. How we allow it to go on the portion we are responsible for our duty to ourselves.
you say you have it but did you know that you also need wisdom (women Ima say black women)and Understanding (child) in order to find your culture and that will give you power for equality and the bridge for you to step into your Godhood so then you can build and be born (again) into your cipher (the universe that is all yours).
lol if that went over your head just change your name and go study your mathamatics and come at me when you can tell me todays math B boy...
Set up
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 48 minutes ago
Probably cause they would look at there screens dumbfounded when I told them that there is no such thing as aids, cancer is curable in less than 30 days, so is diabetes, and all other dis eases of the body and that our air water and food is polluting our bodies to the point where we feel we are supposed to get sick and doctors get paid lovely by supporting these myths...
see... close your mouth and act like I didnt tell you ... damn lol
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 39 minutes ago
see... I gotcha bank stopped lol
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show nalej allah Permalink Reply by show nalej allah 35 minutes ago
my ex...had to tell her i just wasn't into us, her anymore....but was fucked up, she still was and i knew it. took me like a couple of months to finally let her know shit just wasnt there....i still feel bad about that. crazy huh?
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 3 minutes ago
I had to tell someone that they was funky...that was hard cause i dont like to hurt no one feelings, but mane that person had to be
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Reply by Affi 19 hours ago
Rcaism is everywhere not just in the US. I am African and trust me when i say its in Africa too between blacks. Its called Tribalism.
I really dont understand why People are racist.At the end of the day God created us all. You have 2 destinations.....HEAVEN or HELLL.
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thegod99 Permalink Reply by thegod99 19 hours ago
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אני הצל - Ani Hatzhell Permalink Reply by אני הצל - Ani Hatzhell 19 hours ago
Racism is present because humans have a brain that is so developed that they have different beliefs and opinions. It cant be stopped, not ever.
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April Permalink Reply by April 18 hours ago
there's always going to be racism....and it comes from being different. as long as people aren't clones and there's a difference in skin color, nationality, etnicity, people are going to find a reason to hate. racism exists EVERYWHERE! in the grand scheme of it all, racism may not be the same as it was back during the jim crow days here in the US but it's still bad and it's not getting better. it's just well hidden.
unfortunately, it's going to change. people are always not going to like another group of people for one reason or another. it's sad but that's the reality of it all
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 27 minutes ago
I think it comes from the unknown and is used by the few to control the masses into giving their energy to them. Face it you work 40 hours dont see your children and get paid debt (debt notes a promise to pay = not paid) as money when the US went broke back 1870's and in 1933 redid the bankruptcy to include every citizen giving up all the gold they had and outlawing having it at all.
Oops not interesting I know so I know how to holla G-UNIT!!!
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anna hun Permalink Reply by anna hun 18 hours ago
if they assasine obama it will lead to street wars
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
and the well prepared for declaration of martial law... lol they waiting for ya every move covered... chess wit real life pawns ... but you dont have to be a pawn you can be come a Queen but first you have to know your in the damn game and its you thats being moved lol I said GET UP!!!!!!!
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young moola baby Permalink Reply by young moola baby 18 hours ago
AM SORRY but it aint never gonna go anywhere and we will never stop it cause ppl smile in your face and talk shit behind your back even if they pretend to b ok there really not ... i rather a person call me a nigger to my face then behind closed doors
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
ahh but it is ... it is crumbling as we speak thats when the hate will get the loudest but it will take for some people to wake up and realize what is going on and not play along n shit study theyselves really know they are way more special then they are being lead to believe...
Let me ask you a question ... just for shits n giggles ... I know yall dont like to write too much but ...
If you fuck it if someone was willing to kill off a whole population of people because they didnt work well enough as slaves do you really think they would take your children (ie you!) and teach them what they really needed to know in their schools?
Ever wonder y you dont really like to read? Can not pay attention to one thing for too long? (except videos games and movies) Conditioned its ok there is an answer but you have to realize that you have to ask the questions for them to appear before your eyes B word up...
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Invy Me Permalink Reply by Invy Me 18 hours ago
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Jpizal Permalink Reply by Jpizal 17 hours ago
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Jpizal Permalink Reply by Jpizal 17 hours ago
I think the biggest key is education. Minorities need to work on getting educated and putting themselves in postitions that are different from the generalzations put on them by the public. I think we need more black and hispanic managers in the workforce. Racism is taught in alot of families and commuities. It is taught with certain definition of races, if minorities can go out and show people they are not just gangbangers and drug dealer but are people just like everyone else. But I think another thing is to kill it with kindness, it may sound stupid but it works. Now this isnt always possible, if violence comes on you or a family member because of your race then that person deserve some shit. But in just everyday taunts and such, don't resort to their level. just understand they are confused and someone probably guided them in that direction. Therefore be as nice as the situation will allow you to be. Freaking out and doing something dumb over words is not the answer.
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Reply by G-unit Baby Girl 1 day ago
thats true
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I Am Legend Permalink Reply by I Am Legend 1 day ago
Stop paying attention to it....
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Lord Parkin Permalink Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
Obama is alive and leading in every pole believe me it's getting better.........I watch a little white girl at a Redsox - Orioles game cry when Big Poppi struck out I remember in the 80's listening to whites bash Eddie Murray (Black HOF O's Outfielder) now you go to a game and half the white dudes have on Adam Jones t shirts.the world will never be free of racism but it is getting better ............. but those who resist a new world (black president) aren't going to go quietly I wouldn't expect then too hell I'd rather them be open and honest then hide thier racist beliefs ........ it's only going to get uglier perception wise but say Obama wins convincily how can you come to the conclusion that we aren't getting better hell VA has voted REP since the beggining of time newest pole.......Obama leading big in VA
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BLACKGUNN Permalink Reply by BLACKGUNN 18 hours ago
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 39 minutes ago
sounds like your your own problem and lookin at it that way you certainly will only get more of the same. YOu did say one good thing education and more of it should be gotten before you say another word your not helping...
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 41 minutes ago
yea it is hidden most of the time but they work for your favorite companies and tell you to your face that they dont want your business and that your sheep and we keep going back.
Walmart sucks the money out of communities for it never to return and go back to china and in their vaults, Timberland puts a tree on their lable and makes public statements that they are not marketing to the urban communities (meaning you) and we still wear them, nike and rebok have children working long hours for like 7 dollars a day making sneakers, shirts etc and we keep buying hard core
so yea we still slaves and its ok these things happen...
did you know Emancipation means transfer of ownership and not free
the government found a way to transfer ownership from the slave owning states to the government. Oh and everyone is an economic slave the difference they house themselves and buy their own food...
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88 Block Permalink Reply by 88 Block 1 day ago
Kill em. Bottom line if you disrespected by the other race than kill em. I hate racism and it's even worst when you get hate pushed on you by a higher power. my boy was harrassed when the cops stopped us i was driving they made him get out the car first and searched him he had nothing on him i had a knife and they didn't even ask me to get out they said he looked like someone who robbed the store a month ago. so he was tight another time was when we were looking suspitious he had a oz of purp and i had 2 oz's of crack for sale they took mine and made me dump it out said he tried to resist arrest and got him with resisting,posession and attempt to sell. I got him out on bail as soon as the paper work done but the point is they just fucked up.
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Lord Parkin Permalink Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
Wow animal cub put the AK away homie I've been stopped 14 times the last two years and yet not one arrest or happens once I was doing 85 in a 45 they pulled me over illegally searched my trunk found nothing went on thier way didn't even give me the speeding ticket........the officers were hispanic so should I be like kill hispanics or hispanics are racist's just life hell cops just rode by my house I'm drinking outside and I know they smell the combination of my and my (white dude ) neighbors green they looked and keep on going say they had stopped hell were both in the wrong but I wouldn;t have cried it's cause I'm black
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Ezau Permalink Reply by Ezau 1 day ago
Race Plays An Everyday Role In Society Weather We Like It Or Not. When I Mean Race i Mean Culture. There Is Just Certain Things That Mexicans Do That Makes Them MExicans, Certain Things Blacks Do That Makes Them Black, Certain Things Whites Do That make Them White, Certain Things Arabs Do That Make Them Arabs, Certain Things, Asians Do That Make Them Asian. Some People In There Own Culture Dislike some Of The Things Going On While Others Embrace Them. Others Outside There Culture Hate Other Cultures Because They Dont Understand Them....for example why do mexicans eat beans? why do asians eat rice? why do blacks eat chicken? I Dont Mean To Be Fucked Up But The First THing I Notice In People Is There Skin Color, i know you do to. It Boils Down To The Culture People. Depepnding On What OUr Biases And Preferences Determinds How We Treat Others. you guys should just love everybody like me.
What THis Boils Down To If Is The People Of America Know Enough Good Black Woman And Men To Not Be Racially Blinded By The Bullshit Tv Propaganda. IF You Really Want A Black President You Better Start Doing Good Deeds For People That Dislike Black People And Crush This On Going Culture Beef. At The End Of The day We Are ALL Americans.
-Ezau From The Westcoast
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Naslaya Permalink Reply by Naslaya 1 day ago
No one can stop racism but the racists themselves......... I love every race but I dislike not hate (thats a strong word) some people in other races but I'm not going to hold every race responsible for what that 1 person did to me........ Things are getting better because of segregration which went in effect in the 1960s which wasn't too long ago..... Real Talk........ Things are not the same as they were back then but if things keep happening (racially) it is going to be a riot.... I'm not promoting it just stating an opinon..........
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 35 minutes ago
and thats whats supposed to happen... part of the plan
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Niguhdeyluv2hate Permalink Reply by Niguhdeyluv2hate 1 day ago
grow up being exposed to co-exsistance without racism,sexism,or fossism!don't justify your wrong by the time!for example:it's 2008 and i'm doin my thing!i'm grown and i can do what i want to do!GOD is real and he ain't playin wit dem kids in the street,or in the office or white house!learn to live based off right and wrong instead of justifying your wrong with excuses!and racism and every other thing that's wrong with this country will eventually disappear!but it ain't gonna happen cuz ppl b like i'm gay,and i'll still go to heaven,or i can cheat on my wife and still expect GOD not to punish me.i'm a man and i got needs, gotta get some head and pussy!instead of living to please GOD we make ourselves believe he will bless us for going against GOD will bless us now for living a way that he cursed so long ago.
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Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
it'll never stop it's human nature to believe that those similar to you are better than others that aren;t like you but it's getting of my dad's friends got his ass kicked for being in federal hill (upper class white part of Baltimore) after dark back in the 60's my girl's from there I walk threw that neighborhood at night and people speak there friendly they love our son hell I bar hop thier when all my homeboys are stuck in the house
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MURDA300 Permalink Reply by MURDA300 1 day ago
no disrespect but i have to disagree on that...its not human nature and its only getting worst.
just the other day a white man purposly ran over a black girl with his car and called her a nigger..then you have the whole situation at the pailin rally...and shit is really going to get fucked up if obama is elected...i wish him the best and im not trying to be negetive but i dont think he'll last that long
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Lord Parkin Permalink Reply by Lord Parkin 1 day ago
Brother before my girl brought me home to "meet the parents" no black person had ever set foot in her parents house, any of her aunts, ect, they've treated me with the upmost respect, invite me to every family event, me and her dad watch FB together hell I have keys to her parents house and I've crashed thier (on drunken nights) before......her fathers aunt (90 something years old very racist) was left in her room for two weeks while we were on vacation just so she wouldn;t say something around me......I even thought that was extreme..........I lived on MD eastern shore for three years in the late 80's and no black radio stations, I've was called every kind of nigger now you go to those same towns kids listening to Wayne and station plays more hip hop than 106 and park, white dudes wearing sean john..that typw of thing would have never happened just 20 years ago.
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Paul Permalink Reply by Paul 1 day ago
Racism is human nature.
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Demitrious Permalink Reply by Demitrious 1 day ago
Racism is only human nature as a result of the construct of american society
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G-unit Baby Girl Permalink Reply by G-unit Baby Girl 1 day ago
not really
cus the first ppl 2 live on here werent racist
it just grew
from wat exactly or who
but its not meant 2 happen like that
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AA Permalink Reply by AA 17 hours ago
Demitrious made a good point - the construct of a society has alot to do with it - go to other parts of the world such as Egypt and the middle East or Saudi Arabia you will see alot less racial discrimination
u see Blacks and Arabs and Eastern people living together and praying in the same place - its been like that for centuries in the muslim world
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 52 minutes ago
AA I hear you but you also see light skin egyptian running shit and dismantling tombs while the dark skin egyptians have to get special permission to work in the city for certain hours. Yes they pray together something is way different than what was painted on the walls ...
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Demitrious Permalink Reply by Demitrious 13 hours ago
I'm not disagreeing with you i said a construct of society, meaning it was something that was built, originally it did not exist in America it was invented by white elites during the 17th century as a was to control the slave population, because before there was no such thing as white ppl the term did not exist nor did it bare any merit, african, irish, english etc all interbreed with no problem, all owned slaves, all became slave( expect the british i think but the irish were slaves tho), after they were finding it hard to keep track of who was and who was not a slave they just declare that all blacks would be slaves and that whites would just be white the rich whites would control all the power and resources, and the poor whites would act as a buffer between the slaves in return the poor white gain a sense of self worth and pride (however it was falsely based, and that why you still see some white ppl trying to hold on to it despite logic) then the rest was history jim crow segregation red lining job discrimination all that stuff which was constructed by American society.
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Jo Smith Permalink Reply by Jo Smith 1 day ago
Human nature. You don't see animals loving each species.
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 1 day ago
as long as there is diversity in race there will be hate
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Demitrious Permalink Reply by Demitrious 1 day ago
you really are on to something there I feel like if we all keep inter breeding things will calm down alot
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Ya Boi Got On More Gold Then A Fuckin Laker
This is i need some help yall no lie
* Posted by Ya Boi Got On More Gold Then A Fuckin Laker on October 18, 2008 at 4:06am in News
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straight up. if been down with a chick for like 4 months and she already talkin kids marrige movin and all that shit, wtf is a nigga to do? i feel shorty in all aspects but she throwin life on a nigga like murda. some one holla at me man
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ricco hollister Permalink Reply by ricco hollister 14 minutes ago
real rap dont do it its a trap
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 12 minutes ago
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Bounce212 Permalink Reply by Bounce212 9 minutes ago
if u have the tiniest dick in america go for it!!!
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 7 minutes ago
Have a talk with her and tell her how you feel...if your not ready let her know your not ready to take it to that level yet,and she might understand..
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Chri$tina Permalink Reply by Chri$tina 6 minutes ago
LMFAO @ what bounce212 said LMAO!!!
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shawnlegend16 Permalink Reply by shawnlegend16 5 minutes ago
Naw end it.
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BLACKNOLLIE Permalink Reply by BLACKNOLLIE 4 minutes ago
i know it to much for you right now but how do you feel about her? do u want to settle down with her do do u wnat to settle down period some time in your life
if u feel the same way got for but if she movin to fast for you then u need to talk to her about it tell her that she movin to fast for you if she cares about your feelin then she will take it slow and respect your wishes but if not then you got to move on not tellin you to do so just sit down and talk to her about it see were u boy stand in life what ya want what level ya both on
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P Trilla Permalink Reply by P Trilla 1 second ago
just talk to her make sure yall on the same page and your ready for what she wnats out of life.
because what you want might not be what she needs and what you need might not be what she
wants life is to short to make mistakes then regret them later put everything out in the clear
trust me you dont want to be ten years down the line then your woman flip on you and flip the
script and you all of sudden stuck with kids,house,no health care lots of money and bad attitudes
from her and nothing will be able to soother your pain not cheating,gambling,sex,weed,drinking,
clubbing,hanging witg the boys not even god can save you at that point take it from a real o.g. homie
a real man who been there done that talk with her take my advice put it to good use i hope you make
the right decision cuz we as adults dont always make the right decision long story short
a pond is ankle high a lake is hundred feet deep but marriage is like the ocean never know
what you getttin into feel me.
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This is i need some help yall no lie 7 Replies
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Reply by grindstaff1 on August 17, 2008 at 1:44pm
I quit.
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grindstaff1 Permalink Reply by grindstaff1 on August 17, 2008 at 1:54pm
I'm not a quitter by nature...which makes it kinda hard to know when I've lost.
The one time I was deeply glad I did quit was the saturday before hurricane katrina.
I had a sweet gig bartending common's after party. But the bar was a complete mess. The plumbing was fucked. One sink worked and there was an inch of water on the floor.
That night I quit. I told the manager I wouldn't work under those conditions. Good thing cause me and my son and cousin were on the road to shreveport two hrs later.
I bartended jiggas afterparty too. But that's neither here nor there.
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:11pm
i had to tell a chick that i had tape worms in my stomach and i was gonna have to store stool samples in the fridge for five days. while i watched the gradual decline in worm borrowing through my shit before i took it back to the hospital for futher analysis...... i wrote that shit like i was educated....
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Leebo Permalink Reply by Leebo on August 18, 2008 at 8:17pm
What this songs about lol
* 11 I Fucked Your Bitch.mp3, 6.4 MB
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:18pm
oh i got another one. i had a tell a bitch that had my kid, that i got another bitch pregnant. i guess thats bad huh.....
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 18, 2008 at 9:58pm
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:25pm
i was a manager at a resturant and someone where i worked. we had just smoked some good bud.....he thought we were friends. while smoking he told me a great story on what he was planning on doing with his life, and how the job saved him.....all sorts of heart felt shit. then i fired him. thank you Lone star steakhouse and saloon in Raleigh North Carolina....
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B.Keith Permalink Reply by B.Keith on August 18, 2008 at 8:26pm
i once had to tell a girl ....the sore ness you feel. it wasn't me
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* (LOG IN)!!! Permalink Reply by (LOG IN)!!! on August 18, 2008 at 8:32pm
te hardest thing i ever had to do is prolly tell someone sorry.. i just dont do that
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 18, 2008 at 9:58pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 24, 2008 at 11:30am
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187akayounghomiside Permalink Reply by 187akayounghomiside 1 hour ago
DIZ reaL ShyT THe hardst THing I EVER HAD TO TELLL SUm BODIE wAZ ....................''DaD I kiLLed HiM''
Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:32pm
OKAY !!!!!!
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:33pm
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:33pm
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Jason Permalink Reply by Jason on August 17, 2008 at 12:44pm
You a fuckin faggot nigga find sumthin 2 do
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:00pm
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Gawd Permalink Reply by Gawd on August 17, 2008 at 11:31am
I had to tell my homegirl that her breath was horrible. That shit smellt like like a homelees dudes ass on the regular. I gave that chick gum, mints, mouthwash all kind of shit and that shit didnt help at all. I had to cut her ass off cause i couldnt take that shit no more.
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:52am
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:32pm
Produced By Choo Biggz
The streets were flooded with urban philosophers, covered with black ski masks, heavy wool scarves and fatigue down jackets, packed with feathers that kept them warm. Their eyes moved slowly around the street corners, while the sounds of Shyheim’s 1993 rugged hip-hop track “On and On,” inspired the Staten Island locals to be creative- until they couldn’t think anymore. Their hands froze, their phones chirped, their eyes glistened in the New York silhouette, while their heads bobbed, back and forth as a symbol of empathy. Faces with smiles, smirks and sounds of laughter overshadowed the reality of struggle, as the music lovers’ reminisced of the “Rugged Child” and his sharp, poised approach to hip-hip. Years and years of snatching mics, writing rhymes and promoting “love, loyalty, respect, trust and honor,” the edgy looking, brown-skinned, slim emcee that used passion as a tool, truth as a guide and conviction as motivation, was being thought of as a sub-culture legend. After sharing the stage with legendary emcees, Christopher “Biggie” Wallace, Tupac Shakur and Big Daddy Kane at Madison Square Garden, the then 14-year-old Shyheim the “Manchild” was being embraced as one of the youngest, yet illest emcees to ever touch the mic. His prestige and dedication also landed him an appearance on Big Daddy Kane’s “Show & Prove,” which featured Ol’ Dirty Bastard, Sauce Money, Scoob Lover and Grammy Award winning emcee, Jay-Z. After being the youngest member of the prestigious Wu-Tang Clan, Shyheim landed a video appearance in TLC’s “Waterfalls,” roles in films: Original Gangstas, In Too Deep, and The Preacher’s Wife and also starred in the television show, The Parent Hood. Shyheim also released four albums including: AKA the Rugged Child (1994), The Lost Generation (1996), Manchild (1999), and The Greatest Story Never Told (2004). For the last 14 years, the extraordinary emcee has succeeded and survived both his in and out industry struggles. After being arrested in 2001, the young emcee served a prison sentence that led to a 2-year time-out. The Staten Island emcee eager and ready to express his story, weighed his options, evaluated his past and placed his option to win, as his only way back into hip-hop culture. In 2007, Shyheim Franklin started Bottom Up Records as an opportunity for emerging artists to receive a complete opportunity to record music, learn about the behind the scenes aspects of the industry and to also prep them in company ownership. With his new vision, an upcoming book and his fifth project on Bottom Up set for release in late 2008, Shyheim plans to once again bring those hip-hop lovers to their speakers to nod their heads, in homage of quality music. -Dominque “A.H.L.O.T.” Howse, “Altering Popular Perception est. 1985.”
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Anthony Permalink Reply by Anthony on August 17, 2008 at 12:34pm
I had 2 tell my current girl and baby moms they boath pregnet at the same time.My kids iz 2 weeks apart
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:02pm
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Tokka Permalink Reply by Tokka on August 17, 2008 at 12:54pm
I guess that both of my grandmoms died, one in 2004 and the other in 2005. I had to tell my sister, my mom and stephdad twice. I picked up the phone when they called. I guess that was the hardest thing to say..
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:03pm
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Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:14am
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 11:18am
hey dumout whats good babe
yeah anyway i had to fire some one yesturday it wasnt cool i was standing in for the boss an he sent me an e-mail to do his durrty work for him an i felt like shit after it
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" Ladies don't CHEAT ya self, TREAT ya self" Permalink Reply by " Ladies don't CHEAT ya self, TREAT ya self" on August 17, 2008 at 11:26am
I had to tell an ex girlfriend that her sister was a slut, her reaction was too funny.
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:51am
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:51am
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 12:04pm
yeah i lost all respect i had for him now he a coward
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 12:04pm
yeah i lost all respect i had for him now he a coward
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 12:12pm
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jon Permalink Reply by jon on August 17, 2008 at 12:24pm
nah it was a woman thats why i feel like shit about it i just know she prolly got kids
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 1:00pm
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Jason Permalink Reply by Jason on August 17, 2008 at 11:27am
Askin my girl why she cant do it like this::
Gifs at
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Choo Biggz Permalink Reply by Choo Biggz on August 17, 2008 at 12:32pm
OKAY !!!!!!
Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:11am
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:12am
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Don Mega Permalink Reply by Don Mega on August 17, 2008 at 1:02am
Telling one of my buddys that our other friend just died in a car accident.
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Devin Permalink Reply by Devin on August 17, 2008 at 1:09am
i had to tell jay2k that he the most ugly person i have ever seen
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Don Mega Permalink Reply by Don Mega on August 17, 2008 at 1:14am
smh lol
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 17, 2008 at 11:13am
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 17, 2008 at 12:25pm
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 on August 17, 2008 at 1:25am telling people on thisis50 that Jesus is factually challenged...
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DanTanna Permalink Reply by DanTanna on August 17, 2008 at 1:31am
tell one of my friend his girl is a ripper!
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FEVER, Chairman of Aces Video/Film Production Inc. Permalink Reply by FEVER, Chairman of Aces Video/Film Production Inc. on August 17, 2008 at 1:35am
You gotta let a hoe be a hoe.
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Louie Cordero Permalink Reply by Louie Cordero on August 17, 2008 at 1:37am
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Reckless aka Pro Reck Permalink Reply by Reckless aka Pro Reck on August 17, 2008 at 2:33am
i cummed on her stilleto's...
Reply by Bpayne on August 16, 2008 at 8:08pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:09pm
damn keep ya head fam
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:12pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:20pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:20pm
lol u messed up
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:38pm
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Carmen Permalink Reply by Carmen on August 16, 2008 at 8:25pm
I had to tell my dad, my brother (his son) died, and he was in jail which made it worser, and 2 months before that my dad's father died and he was in jail then too
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:38pm
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Carmen Permalink Reply by Carmen on August 16, 2008 at 8:42pm
i didn't even really cry like that about my brother dying until i got off the phone with my dad, and hearing him about to cry just kinda broke me down, both of us was really trying not to cry when we were on the phone
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T. Permalink Reply by T. on August 17, 2008 at 1:22am
worst thing..that gayme was a fake ass gang banger and nobody on the west coast supports his wack ass shit..also that he will never be like 50 cent...
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:39pm
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G-UNit Gang Permalink Reply by G-UNit Gang on August 16, 2008 at 9:04pm
shout out to Dumout.. best discussioner ever.. front on her, u gotta meet the gang gang.. bang bang... 2 g's up...
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Reply by malik on August 16, 2008 at 7:51pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:55pm
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malik Permalink Reply by malik on August 16, 2008 at 7:59pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 7:56pm
lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she dont add no one
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:02pm
lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats fucked up
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:13pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:20pm
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DanTanna Permalink Reply by DanTanna on August 17, 2008 at 1:29am
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Shonta Permalink Reply by Shonta on August 16, 2008 at 7:59pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 8:00pm
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Shonta Permalink Reply by Shonta on August 16, 2008 at 8:11pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 8:13pm
Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 5:01pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:56pm
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::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: Permalink Reply by ::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: on August 16, 2008 at 4:57pm
Tellin my sister my cousin and grandpa died..on seperate occassions...she kept wantin me to say it again....
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:00pm
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::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: Permalink Reply by ::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: on August 16, 2008 at 5:07pm
thanx....and yea it was very hard...
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:10pm
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Rodriques aka The Retrospect™ Permalink Reply by Rodriques aka The Retrospect™ on August 16, 2008 at 7:31pm
I had to tell my mom that her father died.
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:44pm
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JJG Permalink Reply by JJG on August 16, 2008 at 7:43pm
I forgot to put the rubber on
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:43pm
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Xx Miss Claire xX Permalink Reply by Xx Miss Claire xX on August 16, 2008 at 7:48pm
Hardest thing i had to tell someone....
Was to my dad, he was seriously ill in hospital, he was on all sorts pain killers etc that made him hallucinate and stuff... and he asked me for a ciggerette,
but giving him one would of killed him he couldnt breathe as it was and he wanted to sit in the hospital and smoke this ciggerette....
So i told him NO i wouldnt give him one... he told me to fuck off out the hospital... ( That was hard thing to do... left in tears)
Then a day later he died and i never got to make it up to him....
When we buried him i popped a ciggerette in his top pocket...
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 7:54pm
Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 4:41pm
Gifs at
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JR Permalink Reply by JR on August 16, 2008 at 4:48pm
ahhh dayuummmmm....its not hard 4 me to say....i just start clownin'
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The Truth Permalink Reply by The Truth on August 16, 2008 at 4:48pm
thats what i said
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:49pm
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The Truth Permalink Reply by The Truth on August 16, 2008 at 4:48pm
hard to tell a girl her pussy stink if u wanna beat? bitch act like its ur fault
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johnson Permalink Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 4:50pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:53pm
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johnson Permalink Reply by johnson on August 16, 2008 at 4:56pm
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:59pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:05pm
LOL ED......
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::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: Permalink Reply by ::..~G-Unit Misses~..:: on August 16, 2008 at 5:08pm
lmao ed kills it wit his
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 5:07pm
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deathangel666 Permalink Reply by deathangel666 on August 16, 2008 at 4:35pm
i had to tell a chick i was burning but fuck it im good now but that shit was hard to tell somebody
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:50pm
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:51pm
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JR Permalink Reply by JR on August 16, 2008 at 4:37pm
I fucked your cousin and best friend
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JR Permalink Reply by JR on August 16, 2008 at 4:41pm
my ex that is
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fiftystyles Permalink Reply by fiftystyles on August 16, 2008 at 4:38pm
ive been wanting to fire someone for the longest time. i imagine that should be pretty hard. also, i had to tell ED u want him to call u DUMOUT!!!!! in the sack.
actually, that last one wasnt hard at all.
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:39pm
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fiftystyles Permalink Reply by fiftystyles on August 16, 2008 at 4:49pm
whaaaaaaaat?? lol
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Ed Permalink Reply by Ed on August 16, 2008 at 4:52pm
watchu mean wat?
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DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! Permalink Reply by DUMOUT AKA BABI PRO THE DON!!! on August 16, 2008 at 4:49pm
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SoWuT! Permalink Reply by SoWuT! on August 18, 2008 at 8:19pm
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G-unit Baby Girl Permalink Reply by G-unit Baby Girl 1 hour ago
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How Can We Stop The Racism Going On In Our Country
* Posted by MURDA300 on October 16, 2008 at 9:00pm in News
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It Really Needs To Stop..We're Killing Each Other
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 1 hour ago
@ Ron B.. Through experience comes knowledge and with knowledge u gain wisdom =P
thats all i gotta say lol
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 1 hour ago
lol thats whats up ... look up supreme mathamatics you will understand..
lol the funny thing is theres a white guy beating his keys down to find out what the fuck Im talking about right now lol
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 55 minutes ago
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
Its gonna take something major... but its already started
[Theres a war going on outside no man is safe from... ] Yall act like yall dont hear the signs
I know I know they didnt listen to noah either well I know what your thinking "I dont want to be running scared" and
thats the answer right there Fear is what is holding you down it is the means which you are being controled. you dont want to look at yourself for fear of being held responsible for what you see.
WEll Im here to tell you that the more you find you also find the answers you need to go with it and it gets easier
But putting your head in the sand (computer, video game, movie, tv) is not going to make it not come the time for you to act and GET UP!!!
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John Permalink Reply by John 52 minutes ago
Just educate yourself with finer knowledge, stay away from people who say they (only) know the truth and stay away from bullshit ass conspiracy theories or internotknowledge.
Nothing less, nothing more.
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show nalej allah Permalink Reply by show nalej allah 23 minutes ago
teach your kids to respect those who respect you and not by their race. racism is not in anybody dna...its is something that is taught from the home. mold the seed to make a rose. simple.
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John Permalink Reply by John 20 minutes ago
Ohh, before I forget..
Stay away from any extremist group and you could also come out well.
Basicly stay away from every far-right, far-left, pro-white, pro-black, cult, religion or atheist doctrine and teach yourself by gathering knowledge based on your experiences and combining it with reading as much books as you can .
Stay sceptic towards everything untill you did an empiric research of it..
That could do the job..
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P Trilla Permalink Reply by P Trilla 1 second ago
I agree on all replies 100% especially Ezau you made a good point you have the good and the bad and the ugly those who do and those who dont and racism is the barrier between all these factors. Money controls our attitudes towards people if there was no money i dont think there would be any hate period because then people would not be judged by there skin or bank account but by the goodness of there heart and there good deeds. You see some people are tough in other cultures in families of wealth and crime families and gangs all over the world to hate and be racist its not there fault they dont understand its to late for them they preach and teach it to there children and there are the regular folks who are subject to the stupidity and racism of those wealthy families and crime families and gangs who use money and there pure hatred to subject us poor folks to there will only when poor people unit people of color who share the same circumstance and learn to co exist and bring down and learn about the civil rights movements and history and learn to protest against this blatant racism in our country and to live with one another and stop supporting systems which keep us seperated and divided by status money or culture then we will never see a change until then its very simple no money no problems if we stop working stop caring and start loving all people from homeless to middle class to rich and learn to break all barriers and invite people into our homes who truly need help and show real love if the people you invite in are really ready for change,peace,love equality i mean why cant we have a drug free crime free society, why cant we have open borders for all illegals were money is not the means for coming to america not just mexicans but all illegals of all ethnicities who come here illegally because its clear most of them dont make enough money to care or understand that the people they hate might be just like them so we all need to keep talking to each other and learn to be more social why cant we have a socialist society where everything is free because in a few years if technology crash like it did in new york and peoples asseets get stolen and sent to private bank accounts of hackers then brought back up as a financial bailout and mortgage crisis is because those who commited those crimes did not think about the lives they were wrecking as long as they were living the high life. So you see racism is very d eep rooted in society and its never exposed and that should be our main focus as people of color who are subjected to it the most. all people of color should stick together because were all one big family anyway if you really studied your history historians know scholars know but its only because diversity is not preached on public platforms and regular tv and so much racism is built into society that most people dont realize everyday things they do make the racism stand stronger by just buying gas going to grocery store buying clothes cars and household products plan and simple if its not made here and its bought in america and those people who made all what we buy dont like us then guess what we financed out our own destruction so how can we change this stop depending on foreign anything and learn to cultivate our own foods, clothes, stores which support real change in america and not just to send money back to countries which dont help the average everyday america or people who suffer die and are enslaved ourseas to put these products in our homes and cars and offices so you see racism is deeper than skin color it can be a financial game as well step ya game up people wake up. it can and will be stopped once people realize were all the same and need the same things why not. but one person cant do it alone it everybody is repsonsible for there own actions and every other human if you dont believe me just stop observe and fall out of society never work never live for money or sex and never want for anything sounds bogus but then you will have the real mindset on how to combat racism on all levels like obama said change can come but i cant do it alone i need your help. we are the people we should stand up for one another its not a race thing its a financial thing beacuse what happens to blacks happens to all cultures its just not talked about digg. p trilla peace if you need more insight visit my my blog peace and love p trilla.
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Reply by YOUNG FACE 17 hours ago
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 1 hour ago
you aRE NOT a minority
Your the majority
the only minority in the world are the 1% with all the money
ie the ones who get the 400 Billion when 50 got 400 million...
and we are not just what ever you said ... thats all you get to see ... if you got to see all the good thats being done you just might believe that that was cool and there goes the fear that keeps you locked the fuck up mentally!
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YOUNG FACE Permalink Reply by YOUNG FACE 17 hours ago
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ILL Madic.™ Permalink Reply by ILL Madic.™ 16 hours ago
It's never going to stop...
Not until everybody learns how to love themselves and each other.
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Joice Heth Permalink Reply by Joice Heth 3 hours ago
IT WONT STOP....I do think its very natural, basically like self preservation...
RACISM imao is natural..HATE is sick, without reason. and even then @ some point you must move on and let go of if...cause it hurts ur dam self 2 hate more than the person u actually hate.
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 22 minutes ago
joice aint lie!
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
stop supporting it... the businesses, the systems that keep it in place learn who you are and it really fades to black.
When we stop lending our energy to it it disappears like Kiser Sosay...
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Bakim Gibbs Permalink Reply by Bakim Gibbs 2 hours ago
IT WONT STOP!!!!! this country was built on racism they invented it!!!
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 2 hours ago
see thats where your wrong ... they didnt invent anything (doesnt it seem that they just copy and steal?) Its ok cause we all have our role like super man can fly and flash can run fast. But back to what I was saying ... they actually ... (sad to say this shit) got it from watching us... the moors were fucking them up for a long time going into towns and raiding they shit... thats where the term Blackmail comes from. If you look in the shield of english royalty you will see the moors in there. White people are like the Cinderella that was shitted on for a long time but they are part of the family. They just came into power and that phrase "never again" seems too be their motto. That deep seated hate is engrained in some of them.
Some others realize we are all one but there is another who wants to keep things the way they are and go through great pains to keep us off balance and asleep.
With some its easier than others... and the rest you just kill and keep them in fear...
but we are waking up "Left the drugs along took the thugs along wit me ... "
what 50 say? "We commin nicka..."
so Bakim sittin on a pile of money is only gonna be able to warm your ass in a min cause shit gone change belidat or not it dont matter cause its gone happen if you believe it or not
and how you get off saying it wont stop ... lol what you think this is a puffy remix?
Its gone stop cause I said its gonna stop ......what?
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(973) J Permalink Reply by (973) J 2 hours ago
lol yu can try but dat shit aint gunna stop i guess maybe if every race starting mixin wit each other non stop but ppl always gunna hate or b jealous real tlk
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knowledge Permalink Reply by knowledge 2 hours ago
listen everybody wants racism to stop but the fact it wont stop for alot of reasons... but the main point is that as long as we have a diversity in race we will have hate..
whites hate on every race that is not there own who do u think developed racial slurs and descrimination?? we as a ppl and as a country will never see racism end until God comes bacc for this wicced world. its like this the crips and da blxxds had a truce way bacc in 1992 but some gang members didnt want a truce and even tho it was carried out it ended up getting fucced up bkuz u can force it on them but some members wont accept it and its the same with racism white ppl will never see eye to with minorities especially blaccs but luccily alot of white women been diccriding blaccs so hopefully we piss off they pops and grandfathers and they will respect the fact that they grandchild is a wigger lol.
sqad out
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Ron B Discovery121 Permalink Reply by Ron B Discovery121 1 hour ago
Two things...
I feel what you saying on that 92 truce shit and did you know that there are people who look like you who go to jail and are approached by people who want them to do things for them so they can get off in most cases scott free?
These same people are the ones who make the block hot lickin off shots, selling what they want, killing who they want. Those "certain gang members" to me is suspect and even if they wasn't the whole mantality is not surprising me we all have been severely studied.
It is known that if you stress your mother in any 1/3 of her pregnancy with you, where your going to lack in development. If your going to be needy, agressive, gay, nurturing can all be played with by fucking wit ya moms while she is carring you.
waiting for God huh, well Im here fuck waiting around your here you are the God that your waiting for. THats the greatest trick the devil ever played to me that you had to wait for some God to come out of the sky and save your candy a--- you feel me? You have in your skin the same material that is found in space, that makes up the black hole melanin everybody has it but you have it in the highest amounts found on the planet. Dark matter yes its the same that found in every nucleus of every cell in your body the reason Jordan doesnt have to think to do what he does... what Curtis has mastered and uses to be who he is. The God molecule that they are looking for is in us and it is up to us to wake it the fuck up feel me?
Oh and lastly, on the pissing on pops comment. Yea sure beccy does over achieve and have great credit and really goes out her way to please her man (take alot of shit for the fault of slavery, not to mention swollows and over all be a down ass bitch unless they are calling the cops on you and crying rape)not that they all do this and if your good in yours do you be happy but running from the challenges we face doesnt help them to be solved. One of the ways out of this mess is acknowledging our role and position in all of this. How we allow it to go on the portion we are responsible for our duty to ourselves.
you say you have it but did you know that you also need wisdom (women Ima say black women)and Understanding (child) in order to find your culture and that will give you power for equality and the bridge for you to step into your Godhood so then you can build and be born (again) into your cipher (the universe that is all yours).
lol if that went over your head just change your name and go study your mathamatics and come at me when you can tell me todays math B boy...
Setting shit up to look a certain way is like a national pasttime in this country
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