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After you see the relative ease with which VBS was able to meet a real, in the flesh, black market arms dealer, you'll be stocking up on gas masks and radiation sickness pills. We know we are. [Read More]
After you see the relative ease with which VBS was able to meet a real, in the flesh, black market arms dealer, you'll be stocking up on gas masks and radiation sickness pills. We know we are.
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OMG on Aug 27, 2008:
If you`re scared you`re dumb cuz you dont realise that all video materials from that guy are being a lie
OMG on Aug 27, 2008:
If you`re scared you`re dumb cuz you dont realise that all video materials from that guy are being a lie
Brit on Aug 27, 2008:
Firstly, who gives a shit, what can you do to stop it? secondly it will be media like this truth or lie that will spark the end of man,
so enjoy life and stop the bitching, coz when it goes down, this site and your words mean shit.
OMG on Aug 26, 2008:
Vice, youre one dumb man trying to make "exclusive" but FALSE stories. You`re a liar! OK dudes just try to imagine - i live in varna (where is the bomb ahahah) its city with 800 000 population and its not like afghanistan or pakistan as you tried to describe Bulgaria - like a country from the third world or something. YOU FAGG LIAR!!!!!
chjad on Aug 19, 2008:
if its just a big bomb and not an actual nuclear warhead i don’t see exactly what the big deal is...anyway im sure people could make dirty bombs anywhere in the world out of a bunch of explosives and radioactive waste...dont need to go to Bulgaria for that.
idontthinkso on Aug 17, 2008:
Vice, you really stuck your foot in your mouth on this one. You were shown a completely inert practice warhead which is about as dangerous as a box of copier paper. You paid some guy on the street to show you a story, he made one up and took your money.
dude on Aug 13, 2008:
Well... go fcuk yourselfs, yankees.
the saint on Aug 7, 2008:
see all of us so called "americans" are not diffrent from yall we are as poor as yall are... think about it how much dose our so called goverment owe other countrys millions on top of millions of US dollers.................................. it is ower goverments fuilt not ours we are the same WE ARE THE SAME i Just wish that everyone would stop killing everyone and just be friends...i know i sound like a bitch but shit how many have to die for this shit i DO NOT WANT WAR OR YOUR FUCKING OIL......
mAdAfAkA on Aug 1, 2008:
All this shit is not just BULLshit, it is ELEPHANTshit! In Bulgaria we call this PROPAGANDA, ask your "bulgarian" nuke seller what this is! You are FUNNY!!!
mAdAfAkA on Aug 1, 2008:
poor americans!!! :)
mAdAfAkA on Aug 1, 2008:
Sha ma skysate ot smqh, Ne 4e me razbirate americanos ama ste sme6ki, skoro ne se bqh smql tolkova. blagodarq
balkanian on Jul 31, 2008:
Bullshit of slander. Just wonder when the procecutor will wake up and sue the libellers? And by the way, the equivalent of Ivanov is not Smith but Jonh. The equivalent of Smith is Kovachev, brainy. Better learn the basic before trying to look smart ... And this is more likely to be Servia than Bulgaria.
bonerdreamz69 on Jul 31, 2008:
OK, so your wife’s father-in-law, aka YOUR DAD, used to be in the Bulgarian military but somehow you’re not Bulgarian. That makes about as much sense as the rest of your argument.
bobdabuilder on Jul 31, 2008:
Guys, guys. My wife is Bulgarian and her father in law is ex-officer. This is not Bulgarian Military uniform. Secondly, allow me know pretty well difference between Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian accents - the interviewed guy is definitely not Bulgarian. Bulgarians, unlike us, the Europens, hate deeply all muslim people to an extent one can hardly understand. There is no single pakistani in Bulgaria and most locals have not got a clue where Pakistan is. My personal belief is that the journalist has tried to enter one of the former Russian republics, however he has been declined visa or entrance. It seems that the interview has been prepared to meet real estate market requirements and it is a cheap mixture of a few separate interviews...Anyway, crap...However I may recognise I believe such sales may take place in Russia or Servia...
John82 on Jul 31, 2008:
Is this a practical joke, or what? A guy who sells dirty bombs will give an interview?
Ivan from Bulgaria on Jul 31, 2008:
Hello, I am an ex-KGB/DS agent. I have a team of Russian/Bulgarian scientists in a secret lab below Sofia’s commieblocks. I sell nukes. We have kiloton ones and megaton ones (Russian fussion tech). We have the lowest prices ever and will deliver the device in a complete secrecy to a location you point to us, one way or another. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, even paypal transactions.
Together with the nukes we also offer Kalashnikov guns made in China, the exact location of Osama Bin Laden (he’s hiding in a Bulgarian seaside resort right now). We also offer all the socialist members of Parliament FOR FREE. You can use them as sex slaves or some organ transplantation.
P.S. We also offer Rakia, cheap Macedonian workers, Turkish heroin, Bulgarian amphetamines and Serbian organs we buy from your Albanian friends.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
stalking crow on Jul 26, 2008:
military intel colonel running a private business for 80mil, paying $10 tax per year, hiding a nuke in his mothers garden, and yeah, explaining himself like a schoolgirl to a second class journalist ....
just another tasteless hoax - but hey .. its mission complete!! - generated a good deal of unique hits and joke maillist exposure
the misspelt, naively nationalistic comments are somewhat saddening though ..
andro on Jul 25, 2008:
this is bullshit fake video!
This guy has a shirt for 5$ and they are trying to convince me that he is very rich "businessman" who is also dealing with arms! HAHAHAHAHA bullshits!
Magdalena on Jul 20, 2008:
do we Bulgarians always need some foreign people pointing out our piles of shit...YEP!
justin on Jul 19, 2008:
haha i was in bulgaria, sunny beach to be precise 1 liter of beet 0.50 euro cents. cheap beer and nuclear bombs, I love that country
No EU 4 BG on Jul 16, 2008:
The guy who puts messages under several names annoyes me...... it is true because he or she works in a supermarket somewhere in Sofia and never heard about this doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Everything is for sale in Bulgaria even the guy who wrote all those messages under different names
only me on Jul 12, 2008:
that’s bullshit most of this is not true!!!!
there is no russian military base in Sliven why are you lieing? Why you’re ling about Bulgaria,Why you’re not telling the tryth about America and all the things that is doing Bush?
Vocie of Reason on Jul 3, 2008:
I don’t remember anybody putting down Bulgaria as a country or its people. Guilty conscience Deathwish and others? Trust me we know our country is fuct up too. Watch some more VBS shows sillies.
Rick Cain on Jun 27, 2008:
The USA is the #1 arms trafficker to the world. Americans don’t know this or prefer to deny it, but its true. Russia is a distant 2nd...
jennifer on Jun 18, 2008:
Great job guys! It is a shame America keeps us in the dark on all the possiblities that could happen to our land. Whether the bomb could or could not hurt us people need to be made aware tat anyone can buy one, and the threat the threat it can cause.
did on Jun 3, 2008:
Bulgarians are a bunch of silk shirt wearing haters.
Davros on May 29, 2008:
Hmmm. Thats just a small component, Thats like owning a horse badge and saying you have a ferrari. Meh. Nuclear bombs are slightly more involved.
I was here. on May 24, 2008:
French journalist bought a warhead from what looks like an SA-3 GOA missile and Vice also has been shown a practice inert warhead from some AA missile.
Bulgaria never had any kind of atomic weapons. Neither "dirty" or "clean". It doesn’t mean though that it’s impossible to make one shitty "dirty" device out of some radioactive material and explosive. But you don’t need to go across the Atlantic Ocean to get this components...
And Vice, unfuck yourself please and stop using "Russians" when you you refer to Soviets.
a on May 18, 2008:
this is sci fi
Style on May 17, 2008:
Sorry I have to post this comment but I feel like I must stop the traffic to this site. Don’t you see that the main purpose here is to promote the VBS site!? Since they can’t get a popularity in the SE with this image made template, the only option they’ve got is to post sth "interesting" to bring traffic to the site. So if we stop distributing this URL none will ever hear about these guys. That is called market strategy but obvoiusly, someone picked the wrong one... Or maybe they have paid to the wrong guy who sold them this valueable information about "how to make your site popular in the SE". Well, I won’t be surprised if that guy was a bulgarian... ;)
P.S.: I hope you don’t submit your real emails when filling up the Comment Form! Keep your private data in safe.
Evan on May 17, 2008:
My name is obviously not Evan, because there’s just no such Bulgarian name, but still. I’m an employee of an American Web-Design Company. About those postings and the video shown here:
You know what. You’re all wrong!
We’re pretty much civilized as you are. The shots that you see in this video are altered in a way that they are now a matter of US National Security.
First of all.... let me ask you this: What about the rest of the world? Is it only US important? I think that the other people around the world deserve to live the same life as you guys do.
And second of all, Bulgaria might have a bad history in the past, but this is only because we were forced to be in that Soviet Union. But now we’re one of the first friend-countries that US has. We support you on everything, even with a war which can be questioned a lot.
So please don’t make us look like someone that we’re not. Yes, there maybe criminals that are hiding in Bulgaria, but there are a lot of criminals all over the world... a lot in each and every country. This doesn’t mean that Bulgaria is the most dangerous.. blah, blah, blah...
I live in Bulgaria, and it’s my choice to stay here. And after I’ve had the experience in the USA, I can pretty much say this: How come after I saw everything great that America had to offer me, I’m still in Bulgaria? The answer here is: It’s not as bad as they say it is.
God bless America! And for the first time, the rest of the world as well!
av on May 12, 2008:
The sorry truth (my dear American friends) is that your Government spends your money on wars and bloodshed; your country is broke; your market is so stagnated - you are loosing your homes, your jobs, opportunities shrink; your healthcare is a shame, your social care (can I call it "social", hahaha) is beyond any comments; you are the most obese an unhealthy nation........ shall I continue?!? -
By inventing a story, which is so ridiculous, only a stupid idiot and a retard would believe to (do you really think that a guy who makes millions by "selling bombs" would agree to an "interview" with the TV - and what about a proper financial compensation for such appearance?);
well, considering your education system (and the fact that most of the time we, the foreigners speak better English than you do) I am not surprised that you really took this "show" seriously.
Poor guys, I am not sure whether I shall laugh at you, or feel sorry for your ignorance and lack of any common sense.
Good Luck to you, Americans! You still have your artificial Hollywood to boost your ego! (Im sure you take all those movie productions to be real as well, haha)
sralnik on May 9, 2008:
this video is so full of shit lol. if this guy is really doing 80m Euro deals, why he’d be intersted in the journalists nickels and dimes. plus bulgaria never had nuclear weapons. and believe me bomb heads don’t look like that. ivanov is not like smith. kovachev = smith. the only foreign military bases in bulgaria are americans. don’t believe this crap. and finally do you really belive a blackmarket weaponry seller would meet unknown guys just by himself? with no guards and guns? and those idiots would be allowed to shoot the interview and they’ll be alive to tell ya?! aaahahah you’re full of shit.
peter birmingham on May 7, 2008:
actually this man was arrested for trafficking in nuclear materials and there was a french journalist from "Le Vrai Journal" who did buy and verify a detonator from him. they just went back and found that he was making condominiums i think they are very well informed. Did you know about the availability of nukes on the black market?
Shit happens on May 7, 2008:
I have some nuclear bombs in my garage. I made it myself. Tel.: +35988 01 01 02 ask for Bulgarian Sadaam!
Americans bullshits man! Most stupid nation on the world! Lick our cocks!
Music on May 6, 2008:
So. You find this arms dealer, who is willing to talk in front of a camera how he has hidden a bomb in his mom’s garden. Yeah.
And "they" find this BOX which SAYS "These bullets are made in Bulgaria."
Oh, the city is called Varna. BAPHA is in cyrilic, no such thing as "phonetic". Just shows how badly informed and confused these journalists are.
peter birmingham on May 6, 2008:
fantastic work guys. I was in bulgaria at this time and it was def wide open re: arms deals/. Terrifying actually. Kudos to Shane and the crew,
john houston on May 5, 2008:
wow! amazing! well done VBS! well done Shane!
bebo tripster on May 5, 2008:
F U C K I N G A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
daniel on May 2, 2008:
dirty bombs are way overrated.. it would surely suck, but it would in no way be the end of america or should leave that stuff to weazel news corp.
NextG on May 1, 2008:
Haha Bin Laden in Bulgaria. =))))))
You guys are funny! =))))
thefear on May 1, 2008:
loloololo > gj u stupid english fucks! go and look wtf is happening in ure own country u stupid fucks !
rook on May 1, 2008:
that’s kind of if a real arms dealer would meet these guys and talk like that in front of a microphone...and the strong Russian accent of the supposed arms dealer...that’s just lame
only a complete moron would believe this is true
Samo Ruka San on May 1, 2008:
prodavam mrasni bobmbi,kato gramnat si4ko stava v pli4eta i fasove IZGODNO!!!
Samo Ruka San :D:D:D
Ico on Apr 30, 2008:
This is bullshit. I live in Bulgaria, it’s just speculations
Mr. Kiro on Apr 30, 2008:
Every ugly shit in the world has an american connection. How do you like that? Stupid haters! The world is dieing because of you!
Deathwish on Apr 30, 2008:
Why the hell, the whole world is interesting only to show off the shits in Bulgaria:
1st they are not true, 2nd the whole bad influence is from America and other countries which using the cheap work hand, steal, force and sale our beautiful females, buying our land and building whatever they want at our winter or summer resorts and after that charging us for our land for amount of money which is impossible for a normal family to pay, not only this but the fact that our nation have a selfish and uneducated politics which make the Bulgarian families live and die penniless, sick and tired from the whole life!
No matter that but there is still people which fight to survive, there is still people which work hard to succeed, there is people which have talent like no others, there is still smart and ambitious young people knowing and feeling much more then any of you can!
Yes there is things that are not right in our country, yes there is people who probably doing wrong things behind our nation back, and may be there is a lot of things which are wrong and disturbing but why do you think that it is a work of Bulgarian people,... why would you think that any of the poor normal tired families will do something like that??? everything is coming and destroying our country from outside our borders,.... just to make us look bad and filthy,.. because then all of you are hoping that our price and proud will fall down and it will be easy to buy our land use our woman for your lovers or wife, and use us as a cheap work hand but guess what all this time we were standing out believe in our self accepted the shit in our life and stupid politic and we are still standing up and we are still proud of our history and culture and land,(which you probably don’t even know where it is because all of you can see is only around your self, ignoring and not knowing the world around! at least we know where is america, what kind of culture, traditions and history you have because we are wise and open minded and we want to know who is out of our borders!) and this is something which will never change and if any of what this fucking reporter said is true then why 60% of the americans bought a land over here, 35% per a year is coming here for a holiday and 5% are married for a Bulgarian Human BEEN!???? Why you don’t write about the goods in our country, about the talented people here, about our music and our writers, why in our history book is writing everything about the other countries and in yours is only about america, why you don’t know bulgarian but we studied and trying to know American / English! WHY?
WELL MAY BE IS BECAUSE IF YOU DO, IN ONE POINT THIS SMALL COUNTRY WILL BE MORE IMPRESSIVE AND BEAUTIFUL THEN YOU AND THEN YOUR PROUD AND EGO WILL FALL DOWN IN YOUR FEET THATS WHY you choose to put a mud on Bulgaria so your America can shine but we will always know that all of that is a bullshit and if there is not something to make you feel better then others, you will be not even able to get an erection! FUCK OFF! P.S. if you will write or publicity something at least make better research and get better knowledge about what you writing fucking liars! I am so angry right now, that i still can’t believe how the hell somebody can say such a lies and staying behind them! !!!!! SHAME for you all?!!
vinse on Apr 30, 2008:
Abe tva hamerikancite sa si prost narod da mu se nevidi, obache ne moje da go stopliat.
And something that you would understand - fuck you americans :)
john smith on Apr 30, 2008:
This country fucking scares me man!
another_bg_guy on Apr 30, 2008:
thats the biggest lie i’ve ever heard. stupid americans, u can never b like us.never!
john johnson on Apr 30, 2008:
well well on Apr 30, 2008:
yeah you can actualy bye a nuclear warhead in the drug-store. How stupid can you get?
Rage on Apr 30, 2008:
You morons, how stupid can you get?
Stupid americans speaking about things they don’t understand, yet again! Such incompetence is but pitiful!
mindevent on Apr 30, 2008:
a moje li da vi go sloja v ustencata mrusni maikite vi da ymrat ot rak na gurdata do 3 dena v adski muki na si4kite lainarki dolni da vi izmrut decata
the ambassador of pain on Apr 30, 2008:
fuck america!fuck all this bullshit!fuck americans,the ugliest and the most stupid and cruel and evil peopple in the fuckin world!AMERICAN TERRORISTS YOU WILL GET IT SOMEDAY!DIE IN SHIT!
Roxxxy on Apr 30, 2008:
WTF? this is one big LIE! fuckers!
Bulgarian_guy on Apr 30, 2008:
hey yo ... what da FUCK man ... this is fuckin bullshit. if I find these guys i’ll sell them a nuclear bomb just for free and directly in their faces ... fuckin lierz
Fly on Apr 30, 2008:
hhahahahah funny guys !!! This is the most rediciluis thing ever !!! If some1 sold nucelear bomb never show in some idiots video !!! This is the biggest shit ever !
Alex on Apr 30, 2008:
kozei on Apr 30, 2008:
Ruth on Apr 30, 2008:
Lie Lie LIE, ONE BIG fucking lie, nothing absolutely nothing shown and said in this video is not true.
Bent over on Apr 24, 2008:
lost for words...... holy fuck... great job guys..... amazing job infact.
david on Apr 15, 2008:
I call bullshit. If he really is an arms dealer why whould he take the risk of talking to you guys? Every western intelligence agency would be looking for him. Maybe he would take the risk for money, but I am certain he would require more than Vice would be willing to pay for an 8 minute clip.
nate on Apr 11, 2008:
jesus man, scary shit
james on Mar 14, 2008:
i tried to use the video’s embeded video code to show this clip on videosift to try and spread the good word about this awesome site, and it came up as an invalid code. what gives? i mean if you want to keep this stuff exclusive i understand, is this the case?
niko on Mar 11, 2008:
Great job. The one issue I would raise is that radiation exposure from a dirty bomb would not be, in all likelihood, fatal. If a dirty bomb were detonated in Manhattan, people wouldn’t need to be evacuated. However, most people don’t know that the physical threat of a dirty bomb is insubstantial. So the real problem with dirty bomb is dealing with the mass panic that would ensue following a detonation.
Richard Owens on Mar 11, 2008:
Woah. Well... fuck.
joseph on Mar 7, 2008:
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