Sunday, September 14, 2008


i think it is sad to know that a relationship which has lasted for so many years
had to come to an end. I think if two people have been together for so long that they
would work out there differences and youd know a person but these days it seems like
financial as wel as temptation and not knowing a person fully can leave a good thing
going bad and i cant stand it when love turns to hate. Although i know not what caused your relationship
to fail i do hope that we can become good friends and experence a natural life together whether it be
clean talk to parks,beaches, and enjoy nature i dont really get into the regular scheme of what
adults like to call entertainment because activities that are about money and not really preserving
the quality of the soul dont really grab my attention. I am a freak by nature so i love the outdoors.
I love the arts but as an artist i can say that some art is not worth my time and sacrifice because
look at the state of the world what art has changed the world same as entertainment so im a natural person
and the more you get to know me you soon see i am living modern times in ancient ways of our forefathers,
ancestors and the indigeonous spirits of the native indians whom souls call my spirit and those whom look
down upon us from heaven to guide me in this crazy world from negative and to live a life which has meant to
be natural. I dont like drama and games and im a person you can trust. I believe that a relationship is not made
just from chemistry but from past lifes and the people you meet in this life are people whom you have had previous
relationships with before in past lives until the cycle is perfected and fixed and all souls are aligned til infiniti and all
spiritual battles are won and conquered for the greater of human kind and all species and to forn a bond of unity on all
levels of life forms until all human suffering stops. All what we say and do is spiritual so i live in the outer realm of life
and naturality. I hope i did not say to much but only to allow a glimpse into my soul and what i believe a relationship should
exist of. souls mate but fate is determind catch my drift until all human kind can become on eternally there will always be
breakup,disease,famine,poverty,control,suffering,lie,wrongful death,so on and so on til the cycle of the garden of eden
is fixed and all life is restored to blind faith and belief and GOD and not wordly ways on all human kind and ignorance of
unintentional or intentional hate and ignorance. I believe that in a relationship honesty is key to everything for good relations
and in a world where the external is more important than the internal and eternal the immortal spiritual battel to save all souls
and create true spiritual connections will continue. I enjoy all foods and try to eat healthy but i feel if its meant for me to die due
to the food i eat or bad thoughts then GOD has decided that i am to good for this world so shall the good die young and evil live
forever until the errors are fixed on all levels of spirituality. I dont enjoy so much as to be secluded from the world but to give my
spirit unwilingly to transcend to those who accept it to know it and love it and learn from it what i can learn from yours and others.
I feel that i am the atmosphere of life i create and i am the art i wish to compel so i live within because to accept which what is not
true to your spirit and know it ans out right sin yet nobody is perfect for i push for the day when all life is living in harmony and to
not harm either one physically,emotionally,spirtually. If you can see yourself having relations with a natural man than i accept you words
to your soul. For me a relationship is not to change a person but to under and over stand them so two people can see past what this world
is made of what it tries to make us yet more what two people can become together despite the rough odds in troubling times and rich or poor.
knowing or un knowing.

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