Saturday, May 18, 2013


Pyrotechnics Getting high on thoughts of all kinds Minds black sees no view Accepts all never keen to few Multi faceted multi cultural Multi lyrical 50 cal on safe Got game tied millions years in making emcees can't see unity They see wealth war leads all to defeat Purpose for existence save all through ancient wisdom Can't convince atheist believe in invisible Can't convince world seek preach peace adversity in ages maturity evolution Lost by misguided spirits ain't advanced enough Solve issues of my rhymes Vaporize ' n thoughts of eternity Do I even need tree rainforest tropical sense if I can live natural Then what's the purpose Of blowing natural Don't need vices of feeble minds Bent on destroying every kind live and let be Looks ain't what decieve Thoughts lost in dark minds like anti matter Dark energy takes light years For humanity realize their spirits ain't maturing universalizing Eternalizing universal energy Stuck in cycles of time Don't need watch world events Blind it's already written Waterfalls clear blue water Planets made mist Floating centuries in Existance Hardened protect itself from danger of humans & aliens powers past human intelligence can you adapt to struggle But world can't adapt to peace Look at downside wealth Wrath of humanity pyrotechnics Figure how achieve world peace through speech manifest these realities Sent from my @PHATBEATZENT Join the convo let's network song writing,public festivals, party hosting, Webinars, revenue retrieval accounting services. @PHATBEATZENT has many services to supplement your Artistry, Record label, Corporation, Small Business, Sole Propeitorship.Tweet me at

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