Thursday, November 13, 2008

2012 MOVIE Trailer!!!!!!! [HD/WS]The AmeRican Kid.... Flash Of Genius,,,,,,,,.......????????

d the planet there were giants and huge people who were using dinosaurs as pets and were from the planet nibauri which was in another galaxy but in those times the giants had power enough to transcend and pray and meditate and move themselves physically from other planets when comets or big asteroids where coming they would leave to another planet but simple prayer and if you need proof of other planets crashing into others or the galatic magnetic gravity pull just take a look at the moon at night look at venus look at mars look at all our planets in our solar system which is the exact result of the galatic alignment which caused our planets to becoem gasous and dust balls due to all the comets and asteroids that ruined all the planets in our galaxy but earth never burned through out all those years now they are saying that the magnetic pull and asteroids for some reason are being pulled into our galaxy and will be so strong when they pass earth that it might actually skim our surface this hugh planet x followed with asteroids the size of texas will cause with one skim the scientific make up of ten nuclear bombs which would mean if that happens where ever it hits on earth will trigger off all missles and bombs around the world and bring about total annihilation on earth because the heat will cause all bombs to go off causing a major blast which will destory our planet and galaxy and turn earth into a dustball like many planets in our solar system. so be prepared get right with god yall this is it. aliens have alreayd been spotted around the globe even president bush and clinton have leaked tapes of aliens and this planet x coming which is why they were trying to start a fake war in iraq to cover up the truth and say terrorist did the nine eleven wtc collapse when they payed terrorist to do that so they could stage the war so people would be blind to the truth and not even care and when the government found out other countries were sending troops into space to make a space station and out live the crisis they blew up space shuttles of foreign countries which is why the fema camps are in place and why they are trying to start martial law so people can act a fool and be blind to the real reason of whats about to happen the world is about to end due to this planet and return of they say of this twelth planet entering into our solar system which is the real reason why people are going green but the real reason why the hurricaines ice sheets melting weather out of control and the reason why the rich are spending more money on stuff they dont need and trying to live more flawless lives and this is the truth and i hope all people on earth can come together in these last four years on earth because this is real. the last time this happened was in the biblical days when the dinosaurs were wiped out but some survived now they are saying that once the planet returns again the magnetic pull will be so strong it will set off a major explosing and half the planet will look like the moon at a quater till when its and there wont be much left of the planet. and life will spring back up again after millions of years just like we humans came about from one species that designed us all. dont believe me do the reaseach and you all will wake up and see the truth war is not the answer neither racism but global peace and only bring about real love in our last years on earth one love peace to all p trilla keeping it trill.

here is video proof

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