wake up before its to late REFUSE AND RESIST IF YOU CAN
The times of American and the underworld of but plain view of secrecy and evil empires who use greed as their forefront of instruction. Who would have ever thought that the same things that have been going on since 10.000 years ago is still going on today and yet is seems as the saying goes the more things change they stay the same. How could this be so well lets examine the factors that make this all possible. First those who have the power elite prey down on those who have and know not and this extends to all business endeavours in between cultures and in the end who is the winner of this battle. Is it greed evil the devil and unknown being with the face of one of the many GODs test that we cant see. It all starts with i dont have it so i have to take it and whatever cost or whose life may come in that way and you see it happening. The Great steal has always been going on and as we move into the future(which we are setting right now in your present moment by our actions) its all a numbers game and who ever can get the most numbers credit, socials, people, money, land, whatever assest you can attian then you win the game. The game of life that is so to speak. People are so quick to take the old and put it in with the new and point a finger without really ever examining if a person or group of people simply just want to stick to themselve and care less of the greedy ways of the world or its simplistic philosophy. If you had health issues and this was a primevil prehistoric time what would you do in order to survive their is no cars no buses, diesals, business tall and small private or public just simple trade and barter favor for a favor but yet add the allusions of greed and mislead ones mind which the busier person of all does to tempt you in all ways possible the devil then you have never ending situations that just reaccur and keep happening while change seems as if it is the only person that is really changing.People are misinformed that is why some deny the truth the rest dont know and those who do simply dont care because they are using that against a certain peoples and selected ones or they know where the truth can lead them and simply choose not to speak. America look what you have done to people turn them against each other withn cultures and without humans against humans and diseases and so many forms of life that exist we all have to fight for a place to stay and while the expoliters continue their practice of infiltrating and shunning and trying to diminish the truth what will happen once all this falsifying takes over.
Well then you have people who no longer support each other within their own culture because they have been brainwashed by their own views or perceptions they pick up from the world. Then you have people who disown or have been simply because they chose not to follow the ways of the norm they stuck to the truth in their own right. The underworld whom does it consist of and if you speak the truth about them what will happen to your life will your culture get stolen from you and rewritten in textbooks in generations to come. Can you simply go out on a regular day and speak the truth without your life being tampered with because if you ain't raw you aint real. If you ain't hard you not cool. Adults can become so ignorant and opinion oriented at times that they forget to cherish the simple things in life. Like teaching children right from wrong and not posing their fears upon their children. While we all have to do the things that we don't want to do in order to succeed. Yet what will happen if you don't succeed and high expectation was expected of you. And then you get disowned by those who loved you most. Then you were framed by those who claimed that they loved you(family & friends) could this be the reason so many innocent men and woman are incarcerated. Because they had true talent and those who saw that ran them away from their calling. Trying everything in their will power to break their spirit. What can we say for those who are just human and accept all people of color and have no hate in their heart and know the truth. Even if they do not accept you. Live day to day without ever having to be subjected like a black man, native Indian, or person of color in a culture who wants a better way for himself and tries to find out of an evil inner or outer circle.
Find the comfort zone many seek and strive for and never really seem to attain it. Because it was not meant to be attained unless you are on the inside. The inside of what racism or prejudice or blind faith in some religion or faction of life. Those who look at all pov's and say damn all this hysteria and misconception but no one is really taking the time to get to know anyone anymore or help nurture someone The militarization of society has simply took all minds into a shoot first ask questions later(POLICE LEGAL STATE BRANDING OF THINKING). Instead of seeking the life you want even if that means shaking all the people who are in your life that really are there for their leisure and not to really any help to you. Used you and go on about their way make big dollars serve you the crumbs then when they gone. What are you still left with crumbs because you never decided to do anything for yourself or maybe you were not allowed to. Someone or some people somewhere were watching your every move and really believed in you. Yet some hater or dislike of your kind did'nt want to see you go through with anything you were pursuing why? Business is business and we all handle it in our own(THUG) way. For those who are into it and sometimes we love the ones we hate and hate the ones we love and cant believe it was that person and it could never be you your heart is not of a tru1.
The great steal has many ways it goes about and tries to conquer( What is the need for so much division)Really putting the whole world in a secret war where people show how they feel and choose sides live by that(what they feel) and some times. I stop to ask myself who is on my side GOD well he has blessed me with deep spiritual intelligence. That if I did have kids in this world they would go out into this world and be very productive citizens. No matter what they chose to do no need to talk about. Any product of mine will always experience the worst because the worst has only been presented with a smiling face. Telling of the grime truth day in and day out but not to actually rise up and start fighting people over that just use it to live according to your own law and that is the law of GOD the one that is in you naturally. How does whole cultures steal from one another by the public eye service men tag your home your it now your name goes into a registry. (Secret Slavery must come to an end and human trafficking=drug/human smuggling=finance private wars=destruction of civlization anywhere when will it STOP) that before their was computers and sophisticated tracking systems. People plotted hard long and well and that was all you need to over come anyone and bribe them with simple tools. What they don't have persuade them that they will gain. Also you know the inside of trade 70/30/ 60/40/ never 50/50 or trade/barter commodity for commodity unlike the U>S>A dumb ass free trade policy. Know way one life to live I have to gain all I can yes the great steal began. African sold each other from the gold coast as servants from the great empires to the euro and other cultures. Never Noticing the great lies that lay behind this simple trickery and yet we still have people who deny that things were the way they were. I have to succeed yes things were that way then but, now is a different time how different. Show me the difference the kings and queens were on top one day then one simple mistake actions or thought brought down such a big empire such as today. You know who the kings and queens are worldwide in the slums, ghetto, suburbs, big cities wherever they exist watch them closely and I guarantee you will see large numbers of people flocking to their every need. But out of what need do those people come along greed, evil, destruction a chance to be the next king or queen. How will the human race survive if gain is the objective instead of love and compassion and kind caring without judging and using a clear conscience to appreciate the simple idea of life( human living experience). Some people live with no means @ all make $ and then they care less. If you are rich or poor half dead or alive with no name. Because the system has no love for those that expose its truths that is simple human nature now add a group to that and you have an institution that if you don't side with them you get erased. Your friends and family put you in a corner and then try as many ways as they can to disown you. Because of your beliefs how ignorant can we so called Adults be. The idea of being a human is not in the picture anymore and when you speak of such care and concern people automatically assume you are the soft or sensitive type or better yet gay, bisexual, homoseuxal even when your a man and very masculine. Oh the great steal will have you believing that if you show concern for someone and fix their flat, help them succeed your a chump a pussy or soft damn. Is their anybody left on earth who really cares deep in there heart and not just to gain something in return. This has nothing to do with love but the genuine side of love to see another human succeed in their personal not financial life. If you improve your personal life everything else will fall into place. Who are you to tell me I am wrong for thinking how I think.
This has been my current life so far. I have struggled to make a honest living applying for jobs, trying to make music, learning different crafts to possible help others but in the end. Big business that has constantly and consistently threatened my personal life for there profit and gain even with excessive use of possible violence and peer pressure. I have tried to contact authorities and write to government offices. Did I get a response back no not even a call or letter in the mail. I feel that since I have tried to change my life for the better its has become a comfortable living hell where everyone that I thought I could depend on or sources such as a college education, read world experience and applying these skills looking for jobs and in real life. Has left me in a web of deceit in which the real reasons are still not clear to me. I wanted to complete my success to effect change in regions of the world that I could relate to. I could go on about how I feel the U>S legal system and united states government has failed me and many like me. But the story its just to long to write. I have been in a constant scandal for years and every time I try to contact government office through some form of communication I get no response. Maybe if I take my case to the United nations council I might get help in fightinf for rights to live free of restrictions as a us citizen and to understand why so many nations abuse the us. Maybe beause of so many racist and stupid policies that are threating to any u.s. citizen. Its all out war and if the u.s don't help its own people then whats the need for going overseaa and depending on nation that simple want the u.s busineses or soliders there. Why depend on nations that know the u.s trouble yet the white house and all its agendas since the first day I understood them til now don't make any sense at all. Why spy on your own people MR. President and screw the people that make up the fabric of a nation. Is your term in the house that important I doubt the president MR. Bush didn't learn anything from school yet alone the real world. I am writing this because the government should not spy on its own citizen and also let big business from within and other country ruin those who try to compete on a larger level which I have tried to do independant for years and never go mainstream.
Meaning to become a slave to some dummy corporation(s) or industry that does not respect the rights of people pertaining to me as an individual or my products. Lets foreigners invade the lives and streets of a land illegally and violate basic rights of most Americans. Spying and make life hell trying to stop bootleg rings of all kinds. Piracy, invasions of privacy and trade secrets that hurts the American economy. If the big Business can't survive what good is the small business or self employed people going to do. The people is the government and the people need to over rule and run the government and put an end to all racist, bias and silly policies that invade its own and give rights to foreigners that will do what Americans wont. Especially those that steal and don't pay the artists or individuals such as myself who try hard to become independent business men. If illegal aliens of all kinds can invade America then what good is having a job and trying to survive in a system when every time I think I have learned the truth it takes another twist in which the facts are not very clear to me. Of course many cultures have lots of investments in America so they cant just pull their money out and hurt the American economy. I write this because the government if it thinks it will get away with leaving its own people stranded and running to accept foreign policies. Where will those who cut and run go when people know who they are. Those in the government who quit and leave with large sums. Answer me this would you like to have your life cloned and duplicated to appeal to the masses or have your personal life invaded even before you conduct business. I have always had a motto to wait for a finished product or invention from an idea. Then go purchase what I believe to be a good product. But if big business and spies steadily tamper and sabatoge your business practices and patents before your can even trademake your ideas and products. Also being conspirators to violence sending messages of threat what's the use of being a honest business man. Then whats the use of business, a college education yet alone getting a high school diploma if your just going to be flushed out onto the street with no means of making money years later. Culture clashes are happening and its really sad because people die out of hate for no clear reasons. Except to uphold the value of one to down the other culture. At time I feel sad to be a part of the human experience period. Creating music which gets pirated by mass bootleggars that don't respect a persons privacy. Then once a bootleg ring knows where you operate how do you stop it if you are alone. The constitution says you can bare arms in the event your life is threatened. What happens when your stripped of your rights then left to fend without help such as a firearm or help from law enforcement or joining vigilante groups. Let alone a person will say if you live with some one don't try to live off them but what if your have tried to get away from this person and more you try. They make your life a living hell and keep you down calling law enforcement on you and putting in you a never ending cycle of lies, deceit, threats to your life and theft of your identity(What has life come to. Meaning won't agree or help in what your trying to accomplish. The whole globalization idea is really what I'm refereeing to it's a really bad idea. The U.S government should not grant rights to citizens that want to exterminate its own people what is the government thinking? Gentrification in other words ethnic cleansing should come to an end. Of course people will be quiet for only so long then upheavals of all kind and culture clashed like what is going on and going to get worst as natural resources and basic rights to gaining monetary gains cease. Government should not approve of big business involved in making the world so small through technology. Or doing work with nations that don't respect the individuals of its nation and helping nations for which its motives are unclear. Because technology can be used to fix or destroy lives and when I look at certain industries like music and banking. The internet is a very bad tool and I don't see the use if hackers and do anything with any piece of machinery and use it to suit there greedy needs. Business is good if done honesty in a unfair world. Would you like your ideas or products sold around the world without your knowing and don't know who's doing it or involved. Better worse yet your identity stolen and criminals committing atrocities of unknown kind in your name. I am writing these facts based off what I have experienced in my personal life and what I view in the world from what the government refuses to stand up to or deal with and deny its very own people who were born here not migrated here.
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Current mood: adventurous
wake up before its to late REFUSE AND RESIST IF YOU CAN
The times of American and the underworld of but plain view of secrecy and evil empires who use greed as their forefront of instruction. Who would have ever thought that the same things that have been going on since 10.000 years ago is still going on today and yet is seems as the saying goes the more things change they stay the same. How could this be so well lets examine the factors that make this all possible. First those who have the power elite prey down on those who have and know not and this extends to all business endeavours in between cultures and in the end who is the winner of this battle. Is it greed evil the devil and unknown being with the face of one of the many GODs test that we cant see. It all starts with i dont have it so i have to take it and whatever cost or whose life may come in that way and you see it happening. The Great steal has always been going on and as we move into the future(which we are setting right now in your present moment by our actions) its all a numbers game and who ever can get the most numbers credit, socials, people, money, land, whatever assest you can attian then you win the game. The game of life that is so to speak. People are so quick to take the old and put it in with the new and point a finger without really ever examining if a person or group of people simply just want to stick to themselve and care less of the greedy ways of the world or its simplistic philosophy. If you had health issues and this was a primevil prehistoric time what would you do in order to survive their is no cars no buses, diesals, business tall and small private or public just simple trade and barter favor for a favor but yet add the allusions of greed and mislead ones mind which the busier person of all does to tempt you in all ways possible the devil then you have never ending situations that just reaccur and keep happening while change seems as if it is the only person that is really changing.People are misinformed that is why some deny the truth the rest dont know and those who do simply dont care because they are using that against a certain peoples and selected ones or they know where the truth can lead them and simply choose not to speak. America look what you have done to people turn them against each other withn cultures and without humans against humans and diseases and so many forms of life that exist we all have to fight for a place to stay and while the expoliters continue their practice of infiltrating and shunning and trying to diminish the truth what will happen once all this falsifying takes over.
Well then you have people who no longer support each other within their own culture because they have been brainwashed by their own views or perceptions they pick up from the world. Then you have people who disown or have been simply because they chose not to follow the ways of the norm they stuck to the truth in their own right. The underworld whom does it consist of and if you speak the truth about them what will happen to your life will your culture get stolen from you and rewritten in textbooks in generations to come. Can you simply go out on a regular day and speak the truth without your life being tampered with because if you ain't raw you aint real. If you ain't hard you not cool. Adults can become so ignorant and opinion oriented at times that they forget to cherish the simple things in life. Like teaching children right from wrong and not posing their fears upon their children. While we all have to do the things that we don't want to do in order to succeed. Yet what will happen if you don't succeed and high expectation was expected of you. And then you get disowned by those who loved you most. Then you were framed by those who claimed that they loved you(family & friends) could this be the reason so many innocent men and woman are incarcerated. Because they had true talent and those who saw that ran them away from their calling. Trying everything in their will power to break their spirit. What can we say for those who are just human and accept all people of color and have no hate in their heart and know the truth. Even if they do not accept you. Live day to day without ever having to be subjected like a black man, native Indian, or person of color in a culture who wants a better way for himself and tries to find out of an evil inner or outer circle.
Find the comfort zone many seek and strive for and never really seem to attain it. Because it was not meant to be attained unless you are on the inside. The inside of what racism or prejudice or blind faith in some religion or faction of life. Those who look at all pov's and say damn all this hysteria and misconception but no one is really taking the time to get to know anyone anymore or help nurture someone The militarization of society has simply took all minds into a shoot first ask questions later(POLICE LEGAL STATE BRANDING OF THINKING). Instead of seeking the life you want even if that means shaking all the people who are in your life that really are there for their leisure and not to really any help to you. Used you and go on about their way make big dollars serve you the crumbs then when they gone. What are you still left with crumbs because you never decided to do anything for yourself or maybe you were not allowed to. Someone or some people somewhere were watching your every move and really believed in you. Yet some hater or dislike of your kind did'nt want to see you go through with anything you were pursuing why? Business is business and we all handle it in our own(THUG) way. For those who are into it and sometimes we love the ones we hate and hate the ones we love and cant believe it was that person and it could never be you your heart is not of a tru1.
The great steal has many ways it goes about and tries to conquer( What is the need for so much division)Really putting the whole world in a secret war where people show how they feel and choose sides live by that(what they feel) and some times. I stop to ask myself who is on my side GOD well he has blessed me with deep spiritual intelligence. That if I did have kids in this world they would go out into this world and be very productive citizens. No matter what they chose to do no need to talk about. Any product of mine will always experience the worst because the worst has only been presented with a smiling face. Telling of the grime truth day in and day out but not to actually rise up and start fighting people over that just use it to live according to your own law and that is the law of GOD the one that is in you naturally. How does whole cultures steal from one another by the public eye service men tag your home your it now your name goes into a registry. (Secret Slavery must come to an end and human trafficking=drug/human smuggling=finance private wars=destruction of civlization anywhere when will it STOP) that before their was computers and sophisticated tracking systems. People plotted hard long and well and that was all you need to over come anyone and bribe them with simple tools. What they don't have persuade them that they will gain. Also you know the inside of trade 70/30/ 60/40/ never 50/50 or trade/barter commodity for commodity unlike the U>S>A dumb ass free trade policy. Know way one life to live I have to gain all I can yes the great steal began. African sold each other from the gold coast as servants from the great empires to the euro and other cultures. Never Noticing the great lies that lay behind this simple trickery and yet we still have people who deny that things were the way they were. I have to succeed yes things were that way then but, now is a different time how different. Show me the difference the kings and queens were on top one day then one simple mistake actions or thought brought down such a big empire such as today. You know who the kings and queens are worldwide in the slums, ghetto, suburbs, big cities wherever they exist watch them closely and I guarantee you will see large numbers of people flocking to their every need. But out of what need do those people come along greed, evil, destruction a chance to be the next king or queen. How will the human race survive if gain is the objective instead of love and compassion and kind caring without judging and using a clear conscience to appreciate the simple idea of life( human living experience). Some people live with no means @ all make $ and then they care less. If you are rich or poor half dead or alive with no name. Because the system has no love for those that expose its truths that is simple human nature now add a group to that and you have an institution that if you don't side with them you get erased. Your friends and family put you in a corner and then try as many ways as they can to disown you. Because of your beliefs how ignorant can we so called Adults be. The idea of being a human is not in the picture anymore and when you speak of such care and concern people automatically assume you are the soft or sensitive type or better yet gay, bisexual, homoseuxal even when your a man and very masculine. Oh the great steal will have you believing that if you show concern for someone and fix their flat, help them succeed your a chump a pussy or soft damn. Is their anybody left on earth who really cares deep in there heart and not just to gain something in return. This has nothing to do with love but the genuine side of love to see another human succeed in their personal not financial life. If you improve your personal life everything else will fall into place. Who are you to tell me I am wrong for thinking how I think.
This has been my current life so far. I have struggled to make a honest living applying for jobs, trying to make music, learning different crafts to possible help others but in the end. Big business that has constantly and consistently threatened my personal life for there profit and gain even with excessive use of possible violence and peer pressure. I have tried to contact authorities and write to government offices. Did I get a response back no not even a call or letter in the mail. I feel that since I have tried to change my life for the better its has become a comfortable living hell where everyone that I thought I could depend on or sources such as a college education, read world experience and applying these skills looking for jobs and in real life. Has left me in a web of deceit in which the real reasons are still not clear to me. I wanted to complete my success to effect change in regions of the world that I could relate to. I could go on about how I feel the U>S legal system and united states government has failed me and many like me. But the story its just to long to write. I have been in a constant scandal for years and every time I try to contact government office through some form of communication I get no response. Maybe if I take my case to the United nations council I might get help in fightinf for rights to live free of restrictions as a us citizen and to understand why so many nations abuse the us. Maybe beause of so many racist and stupid policies that are threating to any u.s. citizen. Its all out war and if the u.s don't help its own people then whats the need for going overseaa and depending on nation that simple want the u.s busineses or soliders there. Why depend on nations that know the u.s trouble yet the white house and all its agendas since the first day I understood them til now don't make any sense at all. Why spy on your own people MR. President and screw the people that make up the fabric of a nation. Is your term in the house that important I doubt the president MR. Bush didn't learn anything from school yet alone the real world. I am writing this because the government should not spy on its own citizen and also let big business from within and other country ruin those who try to compete on a larger level which I have tried to do independant for years and never go mainstream.
Meaning to become a slave to some dummy corporation(s) or industry that does not respect the rights of people pertaining to me as an individual or my products. Lets foreigners invade the lives and streets of a land illegally and violate basic rights of most Americans. Spying and make life hell trying to stop bootleg rings of all kinds. Piracy, invasions of privacy and trade secrets that hurts the American economy. If the big Business can't survive what good is the small business or self employed people going to do. The people is the government and the people need to over rule and run the government and put an end to all racist, bias and silly policies that invade its own and give rights to foreigners that will do what Americans wont. Especially those that steal and don't pay the artists or individuals such as myself who try hard to become independent business men. If illegal aliens of all kinds can invade America then what good is having a job and trying to survive in a system when every time I think I have learned the truth it takes another twist in which the facts are not very clear to me. Of course many cultures have lots of investments in America so they cant just pull their money out and hurt the American economy. I write this because the government if it thinks it will get away with leaving its own people stranded and running to accept foreign policies. Where will those who cut and run go when people know who they are. Those in the government who quit and leave with large sums. Answer me this would you like to have your life cloned and duplicated to appeal to the masses or have your personal life invaded even before you conduct business. I have always had a motto to wait for a finished product or invention from an idea. Then go purchase what I believe to be a good product. But if big business and spies steadily tamper and sabatoge your business practices and patents before your can even trademake your ideas and products. Also being conspirators to violence sending messages of threat what's the use of being a honest business man. Then whats the use of business, a college education yet alone getting a high school diploma if your just going to be flushed out onto the street with no means of making money years later. Culture clashes are happening and its really sad because people die out of hate for no clear reasons. Except to uphold the value of one to down the other culture. At time I feel sad to be a part of the human experience period. Creating music which gets pirated by mass bootleggars that don't respect a persons privacy. Then once a bootleg ring knows where you operate how do you stop it if you are alone. The constitution says you can bare arms in the event your life is threatened. What happens when your stripped of your rights then left to fend without help such as a firearm or help from law enforcement or joining vigilante groups. Let alone a person will say if you live with some one don't try to live off them but what if your have tried to get away from this person and more you try. They make your life a living hell and keep you down calling law enforcement on you and putting in you a never ending cycle of lies, deceit, threats to your life and theft of your identity(What has life come to. Meaning won't agree or help in what your trying to accomplish. The whole globalization idea is really what I'm refereeing to it's a really bad idea. The U.S government should not grant rights to citizens that want to exterminate its own people what is the government thinking? Gentrification in other words ethnic cleansing should come to an end. Of course people will be quiet for only so long then upheavals of all kind and culture clashed like what is going on and going to get worst as natural resources and basic rights to gaining monetary gains cease. Government should not approve of big business involved in making the world so small through technology. Or doing work with nations that don't respect the individuals of its nation and helping nations for which its motives are unclear. Because technology can be used to fix or destroy lives and when I look at certain industries like music and banking. The internet is a very bad tool and I don't see the use if hackers and do anything with any piece of machinery and use it to suit there greedy needs. Business is good if done honesty in a unfair world. Would you like your ideas or products sold around the world without your knowing and don't know who's doing it or involved. Better worse yet your identity stolen and criminals committing atrocities of unknown kind in your name. I am writing these facts based off what I have experienced in my personal life and what I view in the world from what the government refuses to stand up to or deal with and deny its very own people who were born here not migrated here.
wake up before its to late REFUSE AND RESIST IF YOU CAN
Current mood: aggravated
This was too long to be posted as a comment, so I am posting it here:
Meat Is a Global Warming Issue
By Dan Brook, E Magazine
Posted on August 24, 2006, Printed on May 21, 2007
There are many human activities that contribute to global warming. Among the biggest contributors are electrical generation, the use of passenger and other vehicles, over-consumption, international shipping, deforestation, smoking and militarism. (The U.S. military, for example, is the world's biggest consumer of oil and the world's biggest polluter.)
What many people do not know, however, is that the production of meat also significantly increases global warming. Cow farms produce millions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane per year, the two major greenhouse gases that together account for more than 90 percent of U.S. greenhouse emissions, substantially contributing to "global scorching."
According to the United Nations Environment Program's Unit on Climate Change, "There is a strong link between human diet and methane emissions from livestock." The 2004 State of the World is more specific regarding the link between animals raised for meat and global warming: "Belching, flatulent livestock emit 16 percent of the world's annual production of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas."
The July 2005 issue of Physics World states: "The animals we eat emit 21 percent of all the CO2 that can be attributed to human activity." Eating meat directly contributes to this environmentally irresponsible industry and the dire threat of global warming.
Additionally, rainforests are being cut down at an extremely rapid rate to both pasture cows and grow soybeans to feed cows. The clear-cutting of trees in the rainforest -- an incredibly bio-diverse area with 90 percent of all species on Earth -- not only creates more greenhouse gases through the process of destruction, but also reduces the amazing benefits that those trees provide. Rainforests have been called the "lungs of the Earth," because they filter our air by absorbing CO2, while emitting life-supporting oxygen.
"In a nutshell," according to the Center for International Forestry Research, "cattle ranchers are making mincemeat out of Brazil's Amazon rainforests."
Of course, the U.S. should join the other 163 countries in ratifying the Kyoto Protocol. Of course, we should sharply reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and shift towards renewable sources of energy. Of course, we need to stop destroying the rainforests. Of course, we need to stop the war in Iraq and drastically reduce the U.S. military budget (presently at half of the entire world's total military spending), which would increase, not decrease, national and global security. But as we're struggling and waiting for these and other structural changes, we need to make personal changes.
Geophysicists Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin from the University of Chicago concluded that changing one's eating habits from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a vegetarian diet does more to fight global warming than switching from a gas-guzzling SUV to a fuel-efficient hybrid car. Of course, you can do both. Where the environment is concerned, eating meat is like driving a huge SUV. According to Eshel, eating a vegetarian diet is like driving a mid-sized car or a reasonable sedan, and eating a vegan diet (no dairy, no eggs) is like riding a bicycle or walking. Shifting away from SUVs and SUV-style diets, to much more energy-efficient alternatives, is key to fighting the warming trend.
Global warming is already having grave effects on our planet. Vegetarians help keep the planet cool in more ways than one. Paul McCartney says, "If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do." Andrea Gordon, in her article "If You Recycle, Why Are You Eating Meat?" agrees: "There is a direct relationship between eating meat and the environment. Quite simply, you can't be a meat-eating environmentalist. Sorry folks."
Vegetarianism is literally about life and death -- for each of us individually and for all of us together. Eating animals simultaneously contributes to a multitude of tragedies: the animals' suffering and death; the ill-health and early death of people; the unsustainable overuse of oil, water, land, topsoil, grain, labor and other vital resources; environmental destruction, including deforestation, species extinction, mono-cropping and global warming; the legitimacy of force and violence; the mis-allocation of capital, skills, land and other assets; vast inefficiencies in the economy; tremendous waste; massive inequalities in the world; the continuation of world hunger and mass starvation; the transmission and spread of dangerous diseases; and moral failure in so-called civilized societies. Vegetarianism is an antidote to all of these unnecessary tragedies.
The editors of World Watch concluded in the July/August 2004 edition that "the human appetite for animal flesh is a driving force behind virtually every major category of environmental damage now threatening the human future -- deforestation, erosion, fresh water scarcity, air and water pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss, social injustice, the destabilization of communities and the spread of disease." Lee Hall, the legal director for Friends of Animals, is more succinct: "Behind virtually every great environmental complaint there's milk and meat."
Global warming may be the most serious global social problem threatening life on Earth. We need to fight global warming on the governmental and corporate levels, and we also need to fight global warming on the everyday and personal levels. Now we need to fight global warming -- with our forks.
Dan Brook is an instructor of sociology at San Jose State University and author of "Modern Revolution" (University Press of America, 2005).
© 2007 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
View this story online at: http://www.alternet.org/story/40639/
Paul the Dromedary wrote:
We do not have a "capitalist government" we have a democratic republic (well, special interest whores aside), but I digress. It isn't the fault of capitalism that the environment is the way it is. Honestly, how naive do you have to be to think that a system of government that has no checks or balances on power or economy will be superior to a system that does? You want a "socialist" government to come in and clean up the Earth? You think that some saint is going to come in and clean up the environment because its the right thing to do? NO! "Socialst" leaders have a pretty strong track record of running their countries into the ground. I put "Socialist" in quotation marks because we haven't even seen a true socialist state. Its all varying degrees of communism. You know why? Because human ambition and ego make it impossible. You will never get an entire country to cast off their personal identities to become a part of a hive, and you will never get a working government to truly work towards this goal. Power corrupts, read your history books. Hugo Chavez wants to socialize Venezuela. What better way to make everyone equal than by clamping down on all dissenting opinion? You are free only so long as you agree with the powers that be, otherwise you are nothing more than an obstacle to their power, someone to be dragged off to a work camp or vanish all together. Some equality eh? All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. Isn't that how the saying goes? Go ahead, read your Marx, after that go pick up lord of the rings, fiction can be fun to read sometimes.
Human corruption is a given, everything done with good intentions turns sour. Hence the headline on my page- "All thats benign corrupts in time". For a band, 'Bad Religion' certainly has some literate and meaningful points.
I have to agree with all of your arguments as to why population control, or any sort of control will not work. Humans do not have ability to be entirely selfless.
Really, any sort of statement for positive change is an ideal that will be impossible to maintain. I argue with myself (Sometimes I wonder if they make pills for this?) often that there is no point to even work towards improvement- we will always destroy it. But some stubborn idealistic part of me still has faith in human life. *laughs*
Side note: Animal farm hit the nail on the head with that one.
Paul the Dromedary wrote:
We do not have a "capitalist government" we have a democratic republic (well, special interest whores aside), but I digress. It isn't the fault of capitalism that the environment is the way it is. Honestly, how naive do you have to be to think that a system of government that has no checks or balances on power or economy will be superior to a system that does? You want a "socialist" government to come in and clean up the Earth? You think that some saint is going to come in and clean up the environment because its the right thing to do? NO! "Socialst" leaders have a pretty strong track record of running their countries into the ground. I put "Socialist" in quotation marks because we haven't even seen a true socialist state. Its all varying degrees of communism. You know why? Because human ambition and ego make it impossible. You will never get an entire country to cast off their personal identities to become a part of a hive, and you will never get a working government to truly work towards this goal. Power corrupts, read your history books. Hugo Chavez wants to socialize Venezuela. What better way to make everyone equal than by clamping down on all dissenting opinion? You are free only so long as you agree with the powers that be, otherwise you are nothing more than an obstacle to their power, someone to be dragged off to a work camp or vanish all together. Some equality eh? All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. Isn't that how the saying goes? Go ahead, read your Marx, after that go pick up lord of the rings, fiction can be fun to read sometimes.
Human corruption is a given, everything done with good intentions turns sour. Hence the headline on my page- "All thats benign corrupts in time". For a band, 'Bad Religion' certainly has some literate and meaningful points.
I have to agree with all of your arguments as to why population control, or any sort of control will not work. Humans do not have ability to be entirely selfless.
Really, any sort of statement for positive change is an ideal that will be impossible to maintain. I argue with myself (Sometimes I wonder if they make pills for this?) often that there is no point to even work towards improvement- we will always destroy it. But some stubborn idealistic part of me still has faith in human life. *laughs*
Side note: Animal farm hit the nail on the head with that one.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I have a stubborn idealistic side too, it just has both feet planted on the ground. The most realistic utopia we could shoot for would be a progressive extension from the system we already have in place. Keep Capitalism, and keep Democracy, but ensure that the former does not corrupt the latter. The system we have in America, at its core, is the best suited to contend with Man's flaws. To scrap it out for some notion of fairness is to miss the entire point of life. Existence is not fair. Some of us are born more skilled, better looking, taller, shorter, thinner, fatter, etc than the person next to us. It is up to the individual to do what they can with the tools they have. These traits can't be negated by the laws of any government. People have to have the freedom to fail. If not, then everything becomes mediocre.
But on a side note, I think the glass is half full when it comes to humanity. The spread of information and education has held world leaders much more accountible for their actions than in the past. Could you just imagine what George W. would have tried to get away with if he had total control over our media? Yikes.
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
its all goes back to over population!!!!! STOP BREEDING!!!!
It's really tough to respect someone who can't seem to draw boundaries between work and personal life.
Omg....I am having the SAME issues with my boss. He's not toxic, but I have almost zero respect for him! First of all, he really pisses me off, because he discusses religion and politics in the lounge where people eat. And he was really ignorant views! But thats beside the point, its just inappropiate, period! Luckily, we dont have any muslim employees here, but I doubt he'd shoot off his trap about them to their face. but he's said some "subliminal" things about black people, that #### me off. And he's always making remarks (not so much anymore) about why so many people are unhappy, and he's just really preachy about life in-general. He thinks he knows so freaking much. Also, he doesnt know jack shyt about the jobs his employees have to do. He is useless half of the time, because when I have a problem, and get him for assistance--he asks me what to do, and I end up telling HIM what to do. And then I just want to shew him away, because he's making suggestions that we've already tried, or asking a bunch of dumba$$ questions. Im a rather quiet person, and for the first 2 or 3 years, everytime he was around me, he'd make little comments like "people should laugh more"...or "you guys are partying over here" (when its quiet, he'd say that).....or a host of other comments. That leads me to another point---he thinks he is the greatest storyteller of our time, and the funniest person. He'll take about any or everything just to hear the sound of his own voice. The problem with that is, he is about the UNfunniest person I have ever met in my life! lol So he makes lot of jokes and I dont laugh, therefore I was an "angry" person. It wasnt that I was angry, I just dont think he's funny! (of course, he would never consider that) and I refuse to fake-laugh simply because he's my boss. He's so corny, that he's been telling the same jokes for years. And of course, you have the handful of people who will laugh, and those are the people who get to do anything they want. Between his corny sense of humor, completely different outlooks on life (which he makes SURE you hear his opinions on every #### thing from politics, religion, family, life), his stupidity, and a mutual dislike for one another, my respect for him is practically nonexistent. Also, he's nonconfrontational, he has the "dont rock the boat" mentality which is also so annoying. If he has a problem with someone, he wont bring it to them, he just airs it out to other employees.
Edited May-16 by kjskills
Men as well as women are brain washed, living in this unbalanced society. Unbalanced, because since patriarchy came into existence by WAR between tribes and since then the oppression of women became a habit, particularly through the 'virgin' and 'good mother' myth (to control whether the child is the husband's child so his property is protected) and demonization (seduction, a threat), the once peaceful matriarchal societies (with positions of power to descendants from females) where women and men had equal status and thus power (women were considered wise and their positions were regarded as the basis of that society), became aggressive, competitive and unbalanced. These values have been long set and are maintained. Plenty of evidence for the insanity of our society as it is. Women did not 'agree', they were oppressed, excluded from power and were limited in their freedom. Now they are mainly excluded from higher up networks and still encounter hostility, prejudice and sexualised views of them.
With the historical exclusion from power in the public and domestic domain, women learn men's history in school, boys learn to distance themselves from girls and focus primarily on their career, while girls are not encouraged to do that. Women now have to look up information and learn about women's history themselves. It is an entire system of influences that obstructs the pursuit and to enter male dominated top positions of power everywhere in society. With equal positions of power, their status also becomes equal and there will be put an end to sexist and derogatory views.
Current mood: aggravated
Category: Jobs, Work, Careers
KJ I can't believe this but you just described my manager. He annoys me with his lame jokes and pompous attitude. I love my job though, it's just the boss that I would like to change. I finally figured out that he enables his boss (a female) along with 3 other males who enable her and feed her ego. That doesn't change anything but once i realized my workplace is pretty much like a bipolar environment feeding off a fear of an uprising by the 'pions' that helped me to put a label on it.
LInk To purchase Albums
Current mood: inspired
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
Good Advice from your UNCLE TOM AND WIFE SAM HA HA NVF!
Category: Goals, Plans, Hopes
The jobs I imagined for myself during the 7 years it took me to get my bachelors in communication just don't seem to be out there, at least not within 25 miles of my home. I'm not sure what to do. . . . I simply can't stand to work at my retail job for much longer, and I don't want to settle for something when I COULD find something a few months after taking a job. What's worse, I even feel intimidated by the jobs that I'm "overqualified" for! I feel so intimidated by this whole process. I spent all this time getting this degree and feel like I have nothing but a piece of paper. I know how to use a computer, but I don't feel like I know enough to put relevant programs (even Excel!) on my resume. I don't have a good GPA from college, and it has taken me so long to get the degree that I feel like my internship from 2 years ago seems irrelevant. I could use some actual training in Excel and other Microsoft Office applications, but every single employer seems to want knowledge of /proficiency in a different type of software.
True entry level jobs just don't exist!! I feel like I'm expected to know everything and be able to just walk in there and start doing my job. I'm sure that isn't the case, but that's how it seems. Do I sacrifice my pay now (putting more pressure on my husband) to go back and take more classes at the local community college just so I can say "Look! I was trained in how to point and click the mouse!"
I welcome any advice!!!
Mentally iLL in the JOb Force & Big Brother did i forget siSteR
Current mood: angry
Category: Writing and Poetry
Please, THIS WHOLE SOCIETY'S MENTALLY ILL. Corporate recruiters are highly irrational. At interviews, not only do they judge people based on first impressions--but on largely superficial, petty ones: appearance, dialect, their capacity for feigned self-promotion, and responses to insipid, meaningless questions. The private sector commodifies people as if we're produce at a fruit stand. Interviewees are discarded like so much refuse if they're not the right "fit" for corporate Amerikkka's uptight asses--without even so much as notification, much less EXPLANATION, of the hiring decision. Denying those who lack experience any opportunity to gain experience. Disqualifying people on the basis of bad credit when they need a job and income to ameliorate their debts. Denying ex-cons equal opportunity on the basis of crimes for which they've already served their sentences when they are suppose to be reintegrating into society and securing lawful livelihoods. We allow private sector employers to haggle and negotiate salaries instead of demanding upfront transparency of set starting wages to prospective hires based on a standardized, quantifiable set of factors such as education, skills and experience. This only encourages the continued disparities b/t male/female and white/non-white wages for the same work. The fact that we accept norms so maladaptive to society and to the individual is clear evidence of insanity.
Then we must send human resource people and executives to psychiatrists.
I will gladly pay the few pennies.
First of all, this man didn't say anything that hasn't been muttered by hundreds of people. What about the 'Shock Jocks', they threaten him on a regular basis. This man doesn't sound like someone with a mental disability, he's simply frustrated with the current state of this country! Besides, I have worked for employers who were justifiable, but it was only arrogance and a "God Like' belief....many doctors suffer from this delusion, and some are justifed.
People can suffer from severe mental issues as a result of being physically ill. I don't think most of us would know a psychopath if we sat next to one at work. Bad example, a psychopath has a personality disorder. There are very few true mental illnesses that would cause a person to be a danger to another human being, and that's
a fact.
Just my 2¢, carry on!
He said he had $1 million worth of equipment in his mouth so that the government can hear his conversations and that he
controlled the price of gasoline.
Geezus! No wonder the majority of people suffering with depression are too afraid to seek help. It's sad (and disgusting) that with all we know about brain diseases that we still live in a world where people refer to those afflicted with these illness with such venomous, insulting name-calling. People with chronic illness deserve compassion, not contempt.
some things you just need to take in stride and not at face value. Some people just take things serious all of the time ~ unreal ~ I like to watch a good cat fight once in awhile, reminds me of why I stay middle road opioninated!
Tell me, what are people with mental illnesses supposed to do? Not all people with mental illnesses are life threatening. Yes, I suffer from these illnesses and I am working. It is not as easy to handle pressure but I try. I already got fired once because of my illness. I don't want it to happen again. I didn't ask to be this way I blame bad genetics and dysfunctional families.frown
I am truly sorry that this has happened to you but the person I worked with had very serious mental issues. She even accused me of harrassing her because I did not distribute her work to her fast enough. I was shocked that alegations as these were being brought against me as I always distributed the work to eveyone in the office as quickly as possible. Before this, she had asked me to go out with her one night after work and acted very friendly towards me. I was completely taken by surprise when I was called into the office and told this by the H.R. director. My boss told me she hated me so much that he wouldn't be suprised if she put a bomb under my car. The charges were dropped as they could not be substantiated and she was given a written formal reprimand for filing a false report, so you see my experience was not a very good one.
Shortly afterwards she quit and a supervisor came to me and made the comment, Boy, I bet your pretty happy she is gone. I looked at him and replied, Why would I be happy, this is a very sad situation. He looked at me shocked that I would actually feel that way, you see I did sympathize for her. I am not saying that all people who have a mental illness act in this manner, with medication and proper counseling most people are able to function and cope very well. But I still cannot forget what I went through and how it has affected me.
The mentally ill are supposed to SURVIVE!
They are struggling to survive businesses that are unwilling to hire them;They have to survive neigbors unwilling to tolerate them; they have to survive the intolerance of misconceptions and all types of stigma; they have to survive the mean,hurting name calling such as: "nutcase","crazy," "loco", "wacko" and etc. while tears flow down their faces; while the name callers just laugh as if they were watching a stand up comedian at a club.
Further, they have to survive the mental DEATH system itself!
28 stories 28 million people
Current mood: angry
Category: Life
28 stories, 28 million victims
Provided by Inter Press Service (IPS), civil society's leading news agency, is an independent voice from the South and for development, delving into globalisation for the stories underneath.
'Humans are predisposed to respond to individual suffering; they are overwhelmed by huge numbers,' Henry-Paul Normandin, Canada's ambassador to the United Nations, told diplomats, U.N. officials and journalists gathered at the Canadian Mission here Monday.
Normandin was introducing Stephanie Nolen, a journalist whose new book '28: Stories of AIDS in Africa' recounts the stories of 28 people in Africa suffering through the AIDS pandemic -- one story for every million Africans infected.
Nolen, the Canada-based Globe and Mail's Africa Correspondent who has lived in Johannesburg, South Africa since 2003, is one of few Canadian journalists living abroad.
She laments the poor media coverage of the epidemic. 'Twice, in four years of reporting in Africa, have I found myself with other Western journalists,' Nolen told IPS.
Nolen describes the story of AIDS in Africa as the 'biggest story in the world'.
An estimated 28 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the U.N. Some 5,500 of those people die from the disease each day. Fourteen million children are parentless because of AIDS, 700,000 children are born infected each year and 90 percent of the world's 2.6 million children with HIV/AIDS are African.
'Eleven million orphans live in Africa -- this is 80 percent of orphans worldwide,' said Victor Mari Ortega, deputy director of the Joint U.N. Programme on HIV/AIDS.
Why are the victims being ignored? IPS asked Nolen. 'To a large degree it is because they are black, and they are from countries that are economically and politically marginal,' she responded.
'I wanted there to be a record of some of these lives,' Nolen said. 'They fight such incredible battles and especially these people who never do get treatment, they die and they're gone.'
'Nobody stops to ask how these people feel,' Nolen said, describing how many observers have told her how victims seem to be happy in spite of their incredible losses. 'They smile and welcome guests, but nobody actually asks how they feel.' There is widespread psychological trauma in Africa that is going unnoticed, Nolen said.
Nolen's stories reveal how the disease has managed to spread, how treatment works, and how people can't get treatment fight to stay alive with 'courage and dignity against huge odds'.
The reader meets Cynthia Leshomo, Botswana's Miss HIV Stigma-Free; Andualem Ayalew, an Ethiopian soldier ostracised from the army after revealing he was HIV-positive; Lefa Khoele, a 12-year-old Lesotho boy with the disease desperately trying to pass Grade 3; and others fighting for better access to drug treatments and trying to raise awareness of the disease.
Costs of drugs have fallen dramatically, but they still cost too much for many Africans to access.
'When I started in Africa, treatment cost 10 thousand dollars per year, now it costs just 120 per year,' Nolen said.
Nolen tells the story of Tigist Haile Michael, an Ethiopian orphan fending for herself and her little brother Yohannes on the streets of Addis Ababa.
'Tigist is a 14-year-old with a profound sense that if she and her brother are going to survive it is up to her,' Nolen explained.
Noe Sebisaba fled his home in Burundi to a Tanzanian refugee camp following his wife Agrippine's rape amid Tutsi-Hutu violence. Noe discovered he had AIDS while attempting to donate blood in the camp. Having seen young girls having sex with U.N. workers and NGO workers, he decided to reveal his condition and to teach about it and ways to prevent its spread.
'You in the West see long lines of faceless people with baggage and bundles on their heads, you don't realise these people once had lives,' Noe told Nolen.
The story of Mohammed Ali, a 48-year-old truck driver in Kenya who routinely breaks up the arduous journey by paying prostitutes for sex -- usually unprotected sex -- to a large extent encapsulates the lifestyle of his profession in East Africa, where U.N. studies show between 19 and 51 percent of truck drivers suffer from AIDS.
Ali claims that he has had sex with 100,000 women, a claim which Nolen understands means that Ali 'has had sex with so many women in so many roadside brothels over the years that they were beyond counting.'
Another chapter focuses on well-known South African AIDS activist Zackie Achmat, in his leading role to change President Thabo Mbeki's controversial AIDS stance.
Under immense international and public pressure in recent years, President Mbeki, once criticised for questioning the link between HIV and AIDS, has rolled out a national anti-retroviral programme and placed greater emphasis on combating AIDS.
UNAIDS has predicted that without increased international action, there could be 90 million AIDS cases in Africa by 2025.
And yet, says Nolen, the response from the developed world to a continent that could have 18 million AIDS orphans by 2010 has been achingly slow.
There are, however, a few reasons for optimism. Almost two million people were on life-sustaining anti-retroviral drugs in 2006, according to Ortega, although he added that, 'this is only one quarter of those in need.'
Just 100,000 people received the drugs in 2003, according to UNAIDS.
International health care groups are spending generously and coordinating their efforts better than ever before.
New research, such as trials that found male circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV infection, are encouraging breakthroughs. And in some places, attitudes have begun to change and people are no longer hiding the disease, but rather talking about how to protect themselves.
Nolen's closing words in 28 are a rallying call. 'Each day in Africa, 5,500 people die of HIV/AIDS-a treatable, preventable illness. We have 28 million reasons to act,' she writes.
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Tru Life Evidence
Category: Writing and Poetry
* Introduction
* First Impressions
o The Africa of Bamako
o What the Director Says
o Africa – a 'victim of its wealth'
* Legal Process and Justice
o Evidence
o Closing Arguments
* Performance and Process
o Trade Rules
o Life beyond the Courtyard
* Selling the Film
o Audience
o Poster
* Construction - Sound
o Wider Issues
o The Western Sequence
o Cowboys and Africans
* Glossary
* Links to useful sites
Still from the movie Bamako
How does the court in the film present evidence?
How does this compare with other representations of courtroom justice/procedure that you may be familiar with? Think in particular about how tension is generated in examples you may have seen and how it compares to Bamako? What is the typical function of this kind of scene? Is this the same in Bamako?
[Teachers may find it helpful to contrast the closing arguments in Bamako with courtroom sequences from the following: 12 Angry Men (Lumet, 1957), Philadelphia (Demme, 1993), Legal Eagles (Reitman, 1986), Moonlight Mile (Silberling, 2002)]
Evidence in context
Below, look at the views of many development organisations.
No voice at the table:
Developing countries almost never have the opportunity to have their voices heard – and acted upon. Therefore the metaphor of a trial enables this 'voice' to be heard on an equal footing with its adversaries.
Debt relief:
Many argue that Africa has more than repaid its debts and that if you look back in history, the rich world owes far more to the poor world. They also believe that it is immoral to take money for debt repayments while poor nations cannot afford to provide basic healthcare or education for its people.
The IMF and World Bank clam that their aim is to assist poor countries to develop. The past 25 years have seen their policies reduce growth in Africa – poverty has grown, not lessened. Debt relief agreements are also often tied to certain economic conditions (for a definition of economic conditions, please see the Glossary).
Democracy for the rich, not the poor:
In arenas like the IMF, World BANK and WTO there should be open and democratic debate, one vote one voice. Instead, poor countries are penalised as the voting systems and decision-making processes marginalise their voices and therefore they are left to deal with the consequences, not able to influence the very decisions that affect their lives and livelihoods.
Therefore, as well as serving as a metaphor in other ways, this court trial could also be seen as offering a fictional attempt to redress this kind of imbalance at these major global institutions.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
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